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No.124 Initial budget for FY2020

Updated: April 12, 2022

When formulating the budget for 2021, there was concern that the economy would be as sluggish as the Lehman Shock and city tax revenues would drop due to the effects of the new corona. The city has declared a "financial crisis alert state" and implemented a tighter budget, taking steps to reduce the salaries of the mayor, deputy mayor and superintendent of education for one year.
However, as a result, the income level of citizens did not fall as much as expected, and fortunately the impact was minor. Under these circumstances, the financial crisis alert has been lifted, but the novel coronavirus infection has not ended, so we will continue to manage our finances with a sense of urgency.

In FY2022, we forgoed the 5% minus ceiling for discretionary expenses that we implemented last year, and formulated the budget based on the following three points.
The first is to protect the lives and livelihoods of citizens from the new coronavirus, and to tackle administrative issues in anticipation of with and after corona. The third is to work on disaster prevention and mitigation measures with the safety of citizens as the top priority.

The budget was passed at the 1st regular assembly of the city council held in March, so I will tell you the outline.
The fiscal 2022 general account budget amounted to 36,067 million yen, the third largest budget in the past, an increase of 458 million yen, or 1.3%, compared to the previous fiscal year.
The city tax, which accounts for 44.6% of the revenue, increased by 7.4% due to the increase in the number of taxpayers and the number of new and expanded houses, and the total amount exceeded 16 billion yen. By becoming a numerical value, it was an increase of 17%, about 127 million yen, and an increase of 7.3%, about 1,362 million yen for the total general revenue.
In terms of expenditures, assistance expenses such as handicapped child commuting school benefits, private nursery school management fees, welfare expenses, disability nursing care benefits, private after-school club management fees, property costs such as COVID-19 vaccination related expenses, reappointment Increases in personnel expenses such as staff and fiscal year appointment staff exceeded the amount paid to special accounts for land readjustment projects, various subsidies, and the decrease in ordinary construction costs, resulting in an overall increase.
Major construction work this fiscal year included the improvement of the Yomiuri Land Line No. 3, 4, and 12, the replacement of discharge valves at the Oshidatebori pumping station, and the repair of the Shiroyama Cultural Center air conditioning equipment. However, since there were no large-scale construction projects, there were few investment expenses following last year, and municipal bonds (debts) as a financial resource were also significantly reduced.

Next, we will introduce distinctive budgets for each policy issue.
Digitalization promotion related <br id="4"/>We will hold smartphone classes for citizens to learn basic smartphone operations and administrative procedures. We aim to automate and streamline the administrative processing of applications from citizens by introducing AI, OCR, and RPA technologies. Tablet devices will be lent to members of the Board of Education and Agriculture Committee in preparation for paperless operations and the implementation of web conferences.
Childcare support related <br id="8"/>As an emergency measure to cope with the increased demand for after-school clubs, we expanded the capacity of seven locations to accommodate after-school clubs, privatized the Koyodai Elementary School after-school clubs to meet the diverse needs of users, and We will begin designing an extension to expand the capacity of the elementary school after-school club. Regarding daycare centers, we will improve the childcare system so that childcare fees can be calculated on a daily basis in the event that the school is closed due to an infectious disease, etc., and we will subsidize the cost of deploying nurses, etc. to daycare centers that accept infants and toddlers who require medical care. To do.
Support for the elderly <br id="12"/>We will pilot a loan project of IoT light bulbs that use motion sensors to notify whether lights are on or off, and monitoring sensors that use internet connections to supplement the monitoring of elderly people at home. . The Inagi City Elderly Welfare Plan and the Inagi City Long-Term Care Insurance Business Plan (9th period), which have a planning period from 2020 6 to 8, will be integrally formulated in 2020 4 to 5.
Support for people with disabilities <br id="16"/>In response to the increase in consultation cases, a branch office of the Developmental Support Center Respo Inagi will be established, and the former facility will be expanded to serve as a child development support center that provides therapeutic activities. We will design the renovation work for Daishi Nursery School. We will also consider inviting a day-care facility for children with severe mental and physical disabilities into the empty space of this facility.
Welfare consultation/financial support related <br id="20"/>We will maintain a system to increase the number of counselors at the welfare living consultation counter, and implement work preparation support projects and household finance improvement support projects in conjunction with independence counseling support projects. .
Education-related <br id="24"/>While maintaining the framework of the local education council, which is a pioneering initiative unique to the city, we will establish a new school management council and transition all elementary and junior high schools to community schools. . We utilize external human resources with advanced expertise in elementary school physical education and foreign language activities. Due to the increase in the number of students, Daishi Elementary School, Hirao Elementary School, and Nanzan Elementary School will undergo renovation work to convert multi-purpose rooms and other facilities into regular classrooms, and Nanzan Elementary School will also carry out design for expansion work. As for the second junior high school, due to the aging of the school building, we will be designing roof waterproofing and exterior wall renovation work. Regarding the school lunch communal kitchen, we will acquire land for the second phase of construction of the new kitchen, and also organize the land for effective use of the site of the old kitchen.
Disaster prevention/mitigation related <br id="28"/>In order to prevent road collapse, we conducted a cavity survey under the road and replaced the discharge valves of the Oshidatebori drainage pump station to prevent inland water flooding. Flood control vehicles (trucks with cranes) will be deployed.
New Corona Countermeasures Related <br id="32"/>In order to support restaurants in the city that use agricultural products produced in the city, we will subsidize the cost of purchasing ingredients. Digital gift certificates will be issued in conjunction with paper gift certificates to revitalize the city's economy. Business continuity support funds (4th round) will be provided to businesses in the city whose sales are decreasing. Antigen test kits for the new coronavirus will be distributed at kindergartens, nursery schools, elementary and junior high schools, after-school clubs, after-school classrooms, etc. Two i-Bus vehicles will be replaced to support local public transportation operators whose business environment is deteriorating due to a decrease in the number of users.
Creating liveliness <br id="36"/>We will install tourist information signs at the official starting point of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic cycling road race, create a cycling map, and create original character costumes. We will subsidize a portion of the expenses for visiting Foster City, which is an overseas sister city, and will install a signpost to the sister city/friendship city on the premises of City Hall.

This year marks the third year we have responded to the novel coronavirus, and we will continue to implement measures such as the third vaccination for those aged 12 and over, and the pediatric vaccination for children aged 5 to 11. . Let's work together to overcome the infectious disease.

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Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
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