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No.66 Policy formulation through citizen collaboration

Updated: May 10, 2017

Newsletter Inagi published on May 15, 2017

This fiscal year, not only the Kamihirao Fire Department Branch, but also public works closely related to citizen's life were changed and public facilities began operation. This time, we will provide an overview of the progress of these projects.
i-bus review
Based on the fact that the previous 1st phase review work was not sufficient both in terms of period and content, the 2nd phase review was carried out in June 2014, prior to the start of route operation in October 2014. We began preparations and began considering the matter in January 2015. The Inagi City Regional Public Transportation Review Council, which is based on the city's guidelines, has been elevated to the Inagi City Regional Public Transportation Council, which is a legal council based on the Road Transport Act, and its members include representatives from each region in the city and user representatives. increased from 14 to 26 people.
In about two years, we held 9 plenary sessions of the regional public transportation council, 10 joint citizen representative review meetings, 5 resident association representative review meetings, and 8 bus operator review meetings, and engaged in thorough discussion. I received it. In addition, we held 20 public information sessions in 11 locations during the draft stage before the route was finalized, and received a variety of opinions. We have published a total of 5 times on Public Relations Inagi, including the progress of the review, to inform everyone.
Central community center hall renovation
The hall, which opened in 1972, was aging and had issues with its usability, so it was scheduled to be renovated in the third long-term comprehensive plan for the period from 2001 to 2010, but it was postponed due to financial and other reasons. It has been re-included in the Fourth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan for the period from 2011 to 2020, and a large-scale renovation will now be carried out.
Before carrying out the renovation work, I consulted with the Community Center Management Council in FY 2013 regarding the ideal state of the Central Community Center Hall. The council conducted a user survey, considered basic policies, and decided on five points: complete renovation of the toilets, renovation of the air conditioning equipment, renovation of seats, implementation of barrier-free facilities, and functional renovation of the hall.
After deciding on this basic policy, we held six user information sessions. During this process, there were various requests, expectations that seemed excessive, and differences of opinion, but in the end we were able to conclude the project amicably despite limited financial resources and facility conditions.

 The reason why we were able to collect the opinions of the citizens in the above two cases is that the forums for discussion and discussion, such as the regional public transportation council and the community center management council, are functioning practically rather than formally. is the proof of This was the result of deepening mutual understanding through sincere exchanges of opinions between the members of the council, users and citizens, and the staff of the secretariat. It's up to you to show respect.
We are proud that both of these projects have become model cases in which citizens directly participate in the city's policy formulation process and the government operates cooperatively.
Although the i-bus is a community bus, it is a form of route bus, and it is impossible to meet the needs of everyone. We were able to promote the main purpose of the review policy.
Although there were some things that could not be achieved by renovating the community center hall, we were able to reborn as a compact hall that is unique to Inagi, incorporating the ideas of users everywhere.
We hope that you will continue to patronize the i-bus and the Community Center Hall for many years to come.

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