Response to Proposals for City Administration in February 2024

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Page ID 1008799 Update DateDecember 16, 2024

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1. Matters Related to City Administration

0 items

2. Health, Medical Care, Welfare, and Parenting

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 2 days Application for Mental Disability Health and Welfare Handbook and Independence Support Medical Care Each time, it is necessary to submit the household income statement and consent form, but since the individual is applying, it may not be required. The "Household and Income Statement Consent Form" serves as a consent form for staff to verify information instead of submitting proof of income, etc. Regardless of whether you have a My Number Card, staff will confirm your income based on your consent, and this form will be used to calculate your income category. This is a necessary document to ensure that the application process proceeds smoothly and accurately, so we appreciate your cooperation.
We will continuously review unnecessary procedures and forms, taking into account the situation in other cities.
Disability Welfare Division Disability Welfare Section
2 2 days Notification Method for Independence Support Renewal Although notifications are received via the city's email, it has become a source of stress. How about allowing the Application Form to be downloaded from the Inagi City Website and sending a mass email via BCC to the relevant individuals in the Disability Welfare Division each month? Regarding the proposal to make the Application Form available for download on the Inagi City Website, it is currently difficult to implement due to the fact that the format specified by Tokyo Metropolis is a carbon copy type. The city is also promoting the online processing of administrative procedures, and we will take the opportunity to request improvements to the format from Tokyo Metropolis.
Additionally, regarding the mass email sending, in order to prevent misdelivery, the city's internal regulations prohibit mass email sending. Currently, Tokyo Metropolis is considering using LINE for update notifications, and we will examine the content and consider switching to that method.
The city will continue to consider ways to deliver necessary information to those who wish to receive it.
Disability Welfare Division Disability Welfare Section
3 13 days About School Lunch Fees for Elementary and Junior High Schools Will Inagi City also have free school lunch fees like the 23 wards? The costs for providing school lunch are borne by parents as food expenses based on the School Lunch Act, but all other costs such as personnel expenses for cooks, utility costs for the kitchen, maintenance costs for equipment, and operational expenses are covered by public funds. The school lunch fees are a valuable financial resource for the city in conducting the school lunch program, and we believe that it is currently difficult to make it completely free in order to maintain the quality and quantity of the provided meals. Additionally, for low-income households, the school lunch fees are fully supported by public assistance and school enrollment support, effectively achieving the free provision of school lunches.
In the future, if subsidies or other support are offered by the national government or Tokyo Metropolitan Government, we will appropriately utilize those for assistance.
Academic Affairs Division, Academic Affairs Section
4 28 days Request for Consideration of Employment in Tokyo's Babysitter Utilization Support Project The city's provided family support and helper services have challenges such as "not immediately available," "short available hours," and "not available on weekends." However, the Tokyo Babysitter Utilization Support Project does not have these issues, so I hope you will consider adopting it. We recognize the issues raised regarding the Parenting Support Helper Program and are working to expand the number of Business Operators for the Parenting Support Helper Program and provide training for activity members of the Family Support Center. We will continue to strive to make these services more accessible.
Regarding the Tokyo Baby-Sitter Utilization Support Program, more than half of the certified Business Operators in Tokyo are facing significant difficulties in dispatching baby-sitters to Inagi City due to a shortage of baby-sitters, making it challenging to meet the needs of Inagi City residents. Additionally, there are few examples of implementation in other cities, so there are still many research issues to address, and at this time, there are no plans for adoption consideration.
Furthermore, as one of Inagi City's initiatives, we have developed a Parenting Support Program centered on certified Childcare Centers, which also includes temporary childcare services, so please make use of them.
In the future, we will continue to work comprehensively on Parenting Support Programs, including reducing the burden on parenting households.
Parent and Child Comprehensive Support Center Koyodai Play Space Division
5 28 days About the initial consultation fee at the City Hospital I usually see a local clinic, but this time it was an emergency, so I visited the City Hospital, and the initial consultation fee was 7,700 yen. Why is it so expensive? Regarding the initial consultation selection medical expenses of 7,700 yen that you inquired about, this amount includes the minimum fee set by the national medical remuneration system plus consumption tax. At our hospital, which has been designated as a key medical institution for referral by Tokyo, it is necessary for patients who visit without a referral letter to bear the initial consultation selection medical expenses.
Since October of last year, we have been informing the public about the division of roles between clinics and hospitals through in-hospital notices, our website, and public relations materials. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in first confirming whether a visit to the City Hospital is necessary by consulting a clinic. Additionally, while we have been responding to inquiries made directly to the hospital regarding symptoms, we continue to ask for your understanding and cooperation in bringing a referral letter when visiting the hospital, so that those in need can receive care.
City Hospital Medical Affairs Department Outpatient Section

3. Community Development and Living Environment

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 2 days About Illegal Dumping

There have been instances of illegal dumping along the outer roads of Hirao Housing Complex and the roadside and plantings of Yato Street. We are mindful to clean up ourselves when we notice it, but is there any way to crack down on this?

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for the daily cleaning activities.
The city is working together with citizens, business operators, and the city itself to beautify the environment through initiatives such as the "Environmental Beautification Citizen Movement," which conducts citywide cleaning activities in June, and the "Practical Activities" of the citizen council aimed at keeping the town clean.
Regarding the illegally dumped waste you mentioned, we confirm the site based on patrols by the city's road management officials and reports to the city from discoverers. We collaborate with the Living Environment Division and the management division, which is the road manager, to affix warning stickers and issue warnings before removal. We will respond similarly to the illegally dumped waste this time.
As for enforcement, since the police are conducting enforcement as a criminal act, we will continue to request the Tama Central Police Station, which is under the city's jurisdiction, to carry out patrols and other responses. 

2 28 days About the Address

The Minamiyama area has not been mapped on Zenrin maps or Google Maps even three years after the land readjustment. It may be a matter that citizens should apply to various companies, but I would like you to be aware of this situation.

In the Nanzan East District, with the progress of the Land Readjustment Project, the streets are changing daily. In response to requests for information from some companies, such as Zenrin Co., Ltd. and navigation system companies, we are providing information on road conditions through the city and the land readjustment association.
On the other hand, there is a lot of map information managed by other companies that have not requested information, and the city and the land readjustment association do not provide this information themselves. However, when inquiries are made, we will continue to provide information as we have in the past.
Additionally, regarding addresses in the Nanzan East District, we are using provisional addresses until the project is completed. The land readjustment association's website includes a map of the addresses, and we regularly update the information. Therefore, for inquiries regarding addresses, please check the land readjustment association's website.
The city will continue to provide necessary information based on requests from everyone.
Section Management Division
3 28 days

Road Conditions of the Old Kawasaki Highway

Despite the progress in undergrounding utility poles, why have utility poles recently increased along the old Kawasaki Highway? Regarding the utility pole installed on the old Kawasaki Highway (Subsidy City Road No. 6) that you inquired about, a temporary utility pole has been set up on the road due to the replacement of the aging utility pole located on private land, and it will be removed after the replacement of the utility pole on private land is completed.
We have instructed the Business Operators to clearly display that it is a "temporary utility pole" and the "expected installation period."
Please note that new utility poles are generally not permitted to be installed on the road; however, due to the aging of utility poles, temporary utility poles may be set up on the road in the future.
Management Division Management Section

4. Education (Schools and Lifelong Learning)

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5. Other Matters

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 2 days Disaster Prevention Equipment, etc. I remember that there was a plan to establish a disaster prevention center with facilities such as portable toilets near the old Sakahama area in Hirao, Inagi City (Nihon University). However, during the Noto Peninsula earthquake, I received the impression that there were many opinions expressing that the lack of toilets and living water was very troublesome, so I would like to see the establishment of a disaster prevention center. In preparation for potential disasters affecting sewer facilities, the city has stocked portable toilets at designated evacuation centers and established emergency manhole toilets.
Additionally, to secure drinking water and water for daily use, we provide drinking water from 19 fire hydrants located near designated evacuation centers such as the disaster water supply stations established by Tokyo (Koyodai Water Supply Station 2,000 cubic meters, Sakahama Distribution Station 1,510 cubic meters, Wakabadai Water Supply Station 2,160 cubic meters, which is approximately 20 days' worth of drinking water per person). We have also established emergency water wells for daily use at 19 designated evacuation centers, including Elementary and Junior High Schools, to ensure the availability of drinking water and water for daily use.
Therefore, there are no plans to establish a disaster prevention center equipped with toilets and water for daily use near the Hirao Old Sakahama area in Inagi City as suggested.
The locations of designated water supply points and facilities capable of providing emergency water supply can be confirmed on the Inagi City official website's "Web Version Inagi Hazard Map" and the "Inagi Disaster Prevention Map" distributed to all households in 2020.
The city will continue to work on disaster prevention and mitigation measures based on the lessons learned from large-scale earthquakes occurring across the country.
Disaster Prevention Division Disaster Prevention Section
2 7 days

About the Eltax Leaflet

The URL listed on the Eltax leaflet that was dropped in the mailbox was different, and the staff of the Taxation Division were not aware of it. Why is it different? The city has set up leaflets regarding taxes that have been requested from various locations at the service counter. For details on documents not created by the city, please contact the issuing source. Taxation Division Municipal Resident Tax Section
3 7 days About the City Website The main text of the "Mayor's Room" page states, 'We accept proposals for City Administration at Based on the opinions you have submitted, we have added a link to access the "Proposals to the City Administration" content within the "Mayor's Room" section.
We will continue to strive to create a website that is easy for everyone to view and use.
Public Relations and Listening Section of the Secretarial and Public Relations Division
4 7 days Lack of awareness among city employees There may be a lack of awareness among the staff, which could be why the education of the staff is not being properly conducted. Inagi City has established the 'Inagi City Staff Service Manual' and is systematically working to improve service skills so that each staff member can be trusted and liked by the citizens.
Going forward, we will continue to provide training and guidance in the workplace to ensure that staff members empathize with others' feelings and perform their duties with an appropriate attitude and service as city employees.
Personnel Division Training and Welfare Section
5 8 days Issuance of Various Certificates at Convenience Stores Using My Number Card I would like to request that the issuance of family register certificates and other documents be made available for convenience store delivery. Regarding the convenience store issuance service for family register copies, it has been determined not to be implemented due to reasons such as the low usage rate outside of window services in other cities when initially considering its introduction, and the extremely high initial implementation costs (system modification costs other than outsourcing fees).
Additionally, with the revision of the Family Register Act in 2019, starting from March 1, 2024, it will be possible to obtain family register copies at municipal offices nationwide, regardless of the registered domicile. Furthermore, the attachment of family register copies, which was previously required when submitting family register notifications, will generally no longer be necessary.
Moreover, it is also planned that in the future, the attachment of family register copies, which was required for various social security procedures, will be omitted, and the opportunities to obtain family register copies are expected to decrease compared to the present.
For these reasons, there are currently no plans to introduce the convenience store issuance service for family register copies.
Please note that family register copies for residents of Inagi City can also be requested by mail. We encourage you to use this service.
Citizen Affairs Division - Family Register Section
6 13 days About Tourism Promotion and More Hirao has beautiful places such as Jomon ruins, so how about promoting them on the website or posting posters with QR codes for tourist information on-site? Regarding the tourist information with QR codes that you inquired about, there is the "Audio Guide Map Inagi Field Museum" created in April 2023 in collaboration with students from Komazawa Women's University and public-private partnerships. This is currently available at City Hall, the Central Library, and other public facilities, as well as at the Inagi City Tourism Information Center "Inagi Hasshin Base Pair Terrace" and inside Inagi-Naganuma Station on the JR Nambu Line.
Additionally, regarding the region-specific goods by Kunio Okawara, we are selling Gundam tumblers, tote bags, Bottoms keychains, manhole medals, and more at the "Inagi Hasshin Base Pair Terrace."
Tourism Division Tourism Section
7 28 days Usage fees for Inagi City tennis courts, lighting fees, and rain date rescheduling, etc. Until now, if the tennis courts could not be used due to rain or other reasons, it was possible to transfer the court fees during the next payment. However, starting in April, due to the change of designated administrator, it was explained that the court usage fees that could not be transferred must be applied for at City Hall for a refund. Is it not possible to continue to handle this as before, even with the change of designated administrator? Also, could applications be made at the Comprehensive Gymnasium counter as well? There is insufficient awareness, so I would like users to be properly informed. Due to changes in the system associated with the renewal of designated managers for public sports facilities in city parks, including tennis courts, the usage fees that have previously gone to the city will be redirected to the designated managers' income starting from the usage in April 2024. Therefore, as it will not be possible to make up for the usage that could not be utilized due to rain or other reasons after April, we will respond by issuing refunds.
For the usage fees that cannot be compensated, it will be necessary to follow the procedure to request a refund from the city, but as you suggested, we will also be able to accept the documents at the Comprehensive Gymnasium counter.
Additionally, details regarding the refund of usage fees will be provided sequentially on the Inagi City Website and other platforms.
Sports Promotion Section Sports Promotion Division
8 28 days About the Inagi City Song When the city song flows from the disaster prevention radio, my heart becomes calm, and feelings of nostalgia for my hometown overflow. I hope that the Inagi City song will continue to be loved by the citizens for a long time to come. Thank you for the wonderful city song. Thank you for your wonderful feedback regarding the Inagi City Song.
Inagi City is promoting the use of the Inagi City Song through the official website and other means, aiming for it to take root among many citizens.
We would like to continue our efforts to further spread the Inagi City Song, contributing to the cultivation of civic pride among citizens.
Policy and Planning Division, Planning Section, General Affairs and Contracts Division, General Affairs Section

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Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division