Response to Proposals for City Administration in August 2023

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Page ID 1008802 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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1. Matters Related to City Administration

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2. Health, Medical Care, Welfare, and Parenting

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3. Community Development and Living Environment

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 8 days Current Status of Minamiyama Since moving, I have endured the situation where urban development has been delayed for several years. There are few places for children to play, and the square next to Yaoko is next to a retention basin, which raises concerns due to the swirling fine sand and the fact that it is not a safe area. Additionally, the sheet covering the fence creates blind spots from the street, raising security concerns.
While the number of residents is increasing, the town names are scattered, and there are no parks, Community Center, or Children's Center. Buses do not yet run, and there are no police boxes, post offices, or convenience stores, and the clinic (pediatrics) is far away. There are no traffic signals on the main street, and when trying to cross, cars come speeding by. Is there anything that can be done about this?
The Nanzan Eastern District has already passed 17 years since the start of the project in 2006, and with the increase in residents, we have received many requests for the development of public facilities, including parks.
The park on the west side of Yaoko, which is temporarily open, had clover sown around April this year as a dust control measure, but due to the poor growth of the clover, we will consider alternative measures with the association.
The sheet covering the fence for fall prevention in the adjustment area has been temporarily installed to prevent balls and other items from falling into the adjustment pond. We will proceed with the proper development of Okubatan-yato Park in the future, and the opinions received will be used as a reference for park design.
Regarding the town name, we plan to organize addresses upon the completion of the Nanzan Eastern Land Readjustment Project, and currently, we are discussing this in a district citizens' study group involving local residents. In August, we will conduct a survey to confirm the intentions of the local community.
As for the Community Center and Children's Center, there are currently no plans to establish them in the Nanzan Eastern District, but there are five Children's Centers and the Children's and Youth Area at i Plaza in the city, where various projects including creative activities are being implemented. Although it may be a bit far from your residence, please make use of these facilities.
Regarding the police box, we will continue to request the establishment of a new police box and the strengthening of police officer systems to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.
As for the post office, it will be determined by Japan Post Co., Ltd., but we have not heard of any plans for establishment.
Regarding buses, we are in discussions with bus operators, and the bus routes are expected to change according to the road development situation.
For facilities such as convenience stores and clinics, the intentions of business operators and landowners, as well as the association's land sale plans, play a significant role. However, we have established land use plans that allow for the establishment of commercial facilities along the road leading from Inagi Station and around Giants Town.
Regarding traffic signals, we are in discussions with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Tamachi Central Police Station, and we plan to install traffic lights at necessary locations in accordance with road development.
The city will work with the association to ensure that public facilities are developed as quickly as possible to create a good living environment.
Section Management Division
2 8 days About the Installation of Electric Vehicle EV Stands I was surprised to find that there are no charging stations at all for EV cars in the public facilities in the city. Please actively install charging stations. In February 2023, the city declared its aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by actively promoting decarbonization measures in both the public and welfare sectors.
We believe that installing publicly available EV chargers in public facilities within the city is an effective measure for the spread of environmentally friendly EVs. However, considering the renewable energy use for charging and the duration of stay at the facilities, while rapid charging equipment is desirable, there are challenges such as high installation costs. Therefore, we will continue to research effective methods while monitoring market trends and referencing examples from other cities.
Furthermore, regarding the adequacy of charging facilities for the spread of EVs, we believe that the primary responsibility lies with the efforts of automobile sales companies.
Greenery and Environment Division Environmental Policy Section
3 8 days About the Installation of Road Mirrors There is a crosswalk on Tateidai Kobushi Street without a traffic signal, and no matter how much one stops and checks left and right, it feels like one could be hit by cars coming at high speed. The causes for this may include many blind spots and the absence of signage. We request the installation of a road mirror. Upon checking the site, regarding the installation of a curve mirror, the road is wide and clear of any obstructions, providing good visibility. Additionally, since it is an intersection with a stop sign, the city does not consider installing a curve mirror due to environmental factors. For the requirements for installing a curve mirror, please refer to the Inagi City Website "Living & Procedures → Traffic Safety & Bicycles → Traffic Safety → Curve Mirrors".
As for traffic accident measures at intersections, the city has previously installed post cones to reduce vehicle speed and ensure pedestrian safety. However, if vehicles do not stop despite the presence of pedestrians at the crosswalk, it constitutes a traffic violation, and we will request the Tama Central Police Station to enforce traffic violations.
Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
4 16 days About the Grass Cutting at Misawa River Waterfront Park Misawa River Water Park is bustling with many nursery school children and families when the grass is cut, but for some time now, the grass has not been cut, so this heartwarming scene cannot be seen. Please cut the grass so that it can be used as a place for citizens to relax. Mowing of Misawa River Waterside Park is conducted twice a year. For this fiscal year, the first mowing was carried out on June 5 (Monday), and the second was conducted over three days: August 7 (Monday), August 8 (Tuesday), and August 11 (Friday). We will continue to strive for proper park management. Greenery and Environment Division Green and Park Section
5 16 days About Sidewalk Resurfacing Please repave the sidewalk along the Misawa River. In particular, the area from Kamio Bridge to Inagi Chuo Bridge has become a gravel path and is uneven. In Inagi City, we are systematically implementing road pavement repairs throughout the city while prioritizing them. We are also assessing the current condition of the sidewalks along the Misawa River and will continue to consider improvements based on the deterioration of the pavement.
In the meantime, we will conduct regular inspections and carry out partial repairs as necessary.
Civil Engineering Department, Road and Waterway Construction Section, Management Department, Maintenance and Repair Section

4. Education (Schools and Lifelong Learning)

0 items

5. Other Matters

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 3 days About Restaurants The cafe "Hidamari" in the Shiroyama Cultural Center, the restaurant "Park Hill" in the Comprehensive Gymnasium, and the "Café Schlossberg" in the Central Library are all too plain, so I hope they can be made into more wonderful and inviting places. 【About Cafe "Hidamari"】
Cafe "Hidamari" is operated by the Inagi City Social Welfare Council as a place for activities for people with disabilities. Regarding the opinions we received, we conveyed them to the Social Welfare Council, and they responded, "We will strive to make it a place where everyone can gather easily." The city is also supporting efforts to improve the wages of people with disabilities. We appreciate your continued use and support.
【About Restaurant "Park Hill"】
The restaurant "Park Hill" located in the Inagi Central Park Comprehensive Gymnasium is scheduled to become a new dining space based on the proposal of the designated manager in line with the renewal of the designated management for the fiscal year 2024. We will discuss with the designated manager about how to promote the restaurant's information in the future.
【About Cafe "Schlossberg"】
"Cafe Schlossberg" is a cafe attached to the library, so it is different from general dining establishments. However, taking your opinions into account, we will consider measures to make the cafe more noticeable to visitors, such as increasing signage at the library entrance and the SHIROYAMA EXPERIENCE STUDY INSTITUE entrance.
Additionally, we are providing various creative dining options, including seasonal menus and a special menu titled 'Flavors Favored by Literary Masters' unique to the library-attached cafe. We will continue to operate with the aim of making the cafe more attractive so that users can spend their time comfortably.
  • Cafe "Hidamari" = Disability Welfare Division Disability Welfare Section
  • Restaurant 'Park Hill' = Sports Promotion Section Sports Promotion Division
  • Schlossberg Cafe = Library Service Section
2 14 days About Citizen Use of the Comprehensive Gymnasium Recreation Room I wanted to take my grandchild to the recreation room of the Comprehensive Gymnasium to play ping pong and other activities, but it was fully booked for group reservations and not available for general citizens. I would like there to be some slots available for same-day visitors from Inagi City. The individual opening of the Comprehensive Gymnasium at Inagi Central Park has designated opening days each month, and we also provide openings for time slots without group reservations as needed. Among these, the recreation room will be open for family ping pong for a total of 25 days in July (including 10 days on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays), and we will continue to establish opening days in the future.
Since the opening dates are irregular, please contact the Comprehensive Gymnasium or check the website of the designated management organization, the Inagi Green Wellness Foundation, for more information.
Sports Promotion Section Sports Promotion Division
3 23 days About the Use of the Comprehensive Gymnasium To use the Comprehensive Gymnasium, you must apply, and the user groups will be determined by lottery. However, recently, the groups affiliated with the Sports Association have reserved it for a year, and general groups cannot even participate in the lottery. Please consider the following to ensure that citizens can use the Comprehensive Gymnasium fairly.
  • Applications will be conducted fairly by each organization.
  • Organizations affiliated with the Sports Association will be given priority when participating in the city's sports festival and other events.
  • When the sports association holds competitions, they will be given priority.
  • When using half of the recreation room, consider the usage status of the kendo hall and other facilities.
Regarding the use of the Comprehensive Gymnasium, it is necessary to secure reservations in advance for events and competitions, not limited to organizations affiliated with the Sports Association. There may be cases where reservations are made before the lottery for general organizations due to the increasing number of prioritized events each year. Taking into account the opinions received, we will continue to consider reservation methods to ensure fairness for users.
Furthermore, regarding the consideration of using the kendo dojo and other facilities as alternatives to the recreation room, it is difficult for the city to make a unilateral decision as there are user preferences.
Sports Promotion Section Sports Promotion Division
4 24 days Application for the Tokyo Metropolitan National Health Insurance Limit Application Certification When applying, why is it necessary to have a stamp after confirming the driver's license, confirming the My Number Card, and filling in the number? Can't this be improved? To apply for the Certificate of Eligibility for Maximum Amount, we will confirm your identity and create an Application Form that includes the insured person's symbol and number, the head of household's name, date of birth, and address, as well as the name, date of birth, and relationship to the head of household of the person eligible for a reduction, printed on the Application Form. This aims to reduce the burden of filling out the Application Form at the counter, and the requirement for the applicant's seal can be waived by having the applicant sign their name.
To remove the seal section from the Application Form created in the National Health Insurance system, system modifications are necessary, which incur costs. Therefore, we are currently implementing the above measures, but we will remove the seal section from the Application Form when updating the system in the future.
If there was insufficient information provided at the counter regarding the non-requirement of a seal on the Application Form, we apologize and will ensure thorough guidance at the counter in the future.
Additionally, by registering the My Number Card for use as a Health Insurance Card, it will not be necessary to present the Certificate of Eligibility for Maximum Amount at medical institutions that support the use of the My Number Card as a Health Insurance Card.
Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

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