Response to Proposals for City Administration in August 2024

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Page ID 1010961 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 24

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1. Matters Related to City Administration

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2. Matters related to health, medical care, welfare, and Parenting


Response Date




Response Section

1 5 days Distribution of Free Parking Tickets for Parks We are distributing free parking tickets for parks to households raising preschool children, but we would like to expand the eligibility to include elementary school students as well.

The city has made the parking lots of public facilities in the city, including park parking lots, paid.

In this context, we are distributing "Free Parking Coupons for Parenting Households" to families raising preschool children who frequently use parks, with the expectation of maximizing the benefits of building stable relationships between parents and children and deepening their bonds.

We appreciate your understanding of the program aimed at supporting Parenting for households raising preschool children.

Child Care Support Division Nursery School and Kindergarten Section

3. Community Development and Living Environment


Response Date




Response Section

1 2 days About the Safety and Security of Children Why is the road in front of Nagamine Elementary School not designated as a school zone?

Regarding safety measures for children at the requested location, the Tama Central Police Station, as the traffic manager, has set the speed limit on the relevant road to 30 km/h, and the city has installed red pavement and warning signs. As for traffic regulations in the school zone, such as prohibiting vehicle passage during school commuting times, the decision is made by the Tama Central Police Station.

The city believes that a certain level of safety is ensured by existing traffic safety facilities as a safety measure for the requested areas. We will continue to work on traffic safety measures for children through traffic safety awareness activities and traffic safety classes.

Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
2 2 days Please install a sign warning of wildlife crossing the road. While driving at night on the Onekansen Road, a wild raccoon suddenly appeared, and it was dangerous. I would like to request the installation of a sign warning about wild animals crossing. The installation and management of animal crossing warning signs on the Minami-Tama Ridge Main Road is carried out by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which is the road administrator. As a city, we have requested the installation of animal crossing warning signs at the requested locations. Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
3 5 days Regarding the Neglect of Graffiti at Hirao Ijuuzuka Children's Park I would like measures for security, such as preventing graffiti at Hirao Iridōzuka Children's Park.

Regarding the response to graffiti at Hirao Iridōzuka Children's Park, we requested the removal of graffiti from the Inagi Green Wellness Foundation, which is the designated management organization for parks in the city, and it was carried out on July 30, 2024.

To ensure the safety of park users and others, we have introduced a smartphone app called "My City Report" that allows citizens to report any damage or issues in the park 24 hours a day. If you notice anything, please feel free to use "My City Report".

Greenery and Environment Division Green and Park Section
4 14 days About Inagi Station Inagi Station, while being the gateway to Inagi City, has a very shabby surrounding area, so I hope for redevelopment including the area around the station.

Regarding the area around Inagi Station, it is a zone that has been developed through the Land Readjustment Project. Among these, the square in front of the south exit of Inagi Station is being improved this fiscal year, taking into account the urban infrastructure development of the ongoing Nanzan Eastern Land Readjustment Project and the surrounding Community Development initiatives such as the "TOKYO GIANTS TOWN" concept. We will increase the boarding and waiting areas for buses and taxis to respond to the expansion of bus services, aiming to enhance the safety and convenience for station users and citizens.

For an overview of the improvement works, we have installed signs on the city website and in the square in front of the station, so please take a look.

Civil Engineering Department, Road and Waterway Construction Section
5 23 days About the Management of Public Facilities Wakabadai Park is always maintained with regular weeding and has a clean appearance, while Misawa River Riverside Park is overgrown with grass. I would like to know how the city of Inagi manages its parks.

Regarding the management of parks within the city, the designated management organization, the Inagi Green Wellness Foundation, is carrying out management in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Urban Park Law and the Inagi City Park Ordinance, maximizing the characteristics of each park to achieve efficient and effective management.

In addition, the growth of plants generally tends to flourish from August to early October due to the lingering heat and rain. However, in recent years, with the continuation of high temperatures, this tendency to flourish has become even stronger. Furthermore, the growth conditions vary depending on the type of weeds, so we carry out mowing 2 to 4 times a year, determining the timing based on the characteristics of each park.

Greenery and Environment Division Green and Park Section
6 23 days Request for Traffic Safety Measures Near Minamiyama Elementary School We request the urgent removal of weeds that have grown significantly into the roadway between the Minamiyama Elementary School commuting route and the T-junction of the kitchen, causing cars to protrude into the center to avoid them. Additionally, cars picking up students from the elementary school are parking on the street without keeping to the left. We also ask for the white lines, including the center line, to be drawn.

Regarding the grass cutting on the road in front of Minamiyama Elementary School, we have already taken action after confirming the site.

Next, regarding the parking in front of Minamiyama Elementary School, I have confirmed with the responsible department that it is due to the drop-off and pick-up of children for the After-School Childcare Program and gymnasium activities, and I have heard that they have been raising awareness through the "Parent or Guardian" newsletter.

Next, regarding the Chuo Line (white line), we will inform the union, which is the Business Operators, and it will be a subject for discussion with the Metropolitan Police Department.

Finally, regarding the safety measures at the T-junction in front of the school lunch kitchen, we have implemented grass cutting and installed a "Stop" sign facing the school lunch kitchen from the cemetery.

In addition, regarding the road in front of Minamiyama Elementary School, it is planned to connect to the Yomiuri Land Line by the end of fiscal year 2025. After the connection, the east-west direction will be prioritized in consultation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and vehicles and bicycles coming down from the cemetery will be required to stop temporarily.

The construction work by the Minamiyama East Land Readjustment Project Association aims to be completed around the first half of the 8th year of Reiwa.

Section Management Division
7 26 days About Road Safety Due to the high pedestrian traffic on the one-way road facing Kameyama Park, I would like you to consider expanding the road and ensuring the safety of the sidewalk.

The proposed road has been systematically developed with the understanding and cooperation of landowners through the Inagi Central Land Readjustment Project, and since land use such as residential lots has already been established along the road, there are currently no plans for road widening or sidewalk installation.

In the future, we will continue to ensure traffic safety on the roads within the city by checking the site and implementing appropriate safety measures based on the current road conditions.

Civil Engineering Department, Road and Waterway Construction Section, Management Department, Traffic Measures Section
8 26 days Regarding the motorcycle traffic regulations on Yomiuri V Street Yomiuri V Street is a restricted area for motorcycles from 9 PM to 6 AM. I often go to Hanakage no Yu by bike, but despite the business hours being until 11 PM, I have to leave before 9 PM, which is inconvenient. I would like you to consider measures such as changing the restricted hours to start at 11 PM or abolishing the restricted area.

Regarding the nighttime traffic restriction for motorcycles in the requested area, the decision on installation is made by the Tama Central Police Station, which is the traffic management authority. The city has conveyed the details of your request to the Tama Central Police Station.

Additionally, regarding the use of the facility by motorcycle users after 9 PM, it was confirmed that "if you arrive by motorcycle and wish to use the facility after 9 PM, please consider parking at the Keio Yomiuri Land Station parking lot and using the free shuttle bus."

Traffic Measures Section, Management Division

4. Education (Schools and Lifelong Learning)


Response Date




Response Section

1 7 days Installation of sanitary products in school girls' restrooms In a previous report from the city council, the city stated that the reason for not providing menstrual products was that "children should understand their own menstrual cycles and prepare their own menstrual products." However, it is difficult for adult women to fully grasp their menstrual cycles as well. I strongly hope that menstrual products will be provided in school girls' restrooms.

First, the Board of Education believes that it is important for families and schools to instruct students on understanding their own menstrual cycles and preparing menstrual products, but stating that these reasons are why menstrual products are not placed in restrooms is not accurate.

Currently, the Elementary and Junior High Schools in Inagi City keep menstrual products available in the health room so that they can be provided to students whenever needed, and to ensure that aftercare can be provided as necessary. This allows us to identify students who may be facing issues such as poverty or neglect, including those who are unable to purchase menstrual products at home.

We will continue to provide guidance to students on how to handle sanitary products, hygiene management, and emergency responses, as well as inform them that sanitary products are always available in the health room, ensuring that students can lead a safe school life. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Academic Affairs Division, Academic Affairs Section

5. Other Matters


Response Date




Response Section

1 2 days About My Number Card Security It was fine to present the My Number Card instead of the seal registration card for the issuance of the seal registration certificate, but it was only confirmed visually. From a security perspective, I hope that Inagi City will introduce a machine to check the password for My Number verification.

Regarding the application method for the issuance of the seal registration certificate at the reception desk, the principle is to present the seal registration certificate. However, starting from April of this year, a method using the "My Number Card" has also been added to improve convenience for users.

We recognize that the method of identity verification using the My Number Card includes not only visual confirmation but also requires the input of a PIN, as you suggested. In order to strengthen security measures to ensure that users can feel secure in the future, we are currently preparing to utilize card readers.

Citizen Affairs Division Citizen Service Section
2 5 days About the System Failure of the Wide Area Issuance of Family Register Certificates In July, the wide-area network for issuing family register documents experienced a system failure and was halted for several hours. What was the cause? On July 8, the issuance of family register certificates was not possible due to a malfunction in the Ministry of Justice's family register information linkage system. The cause of the issue is unknown as there has been no communication from the Ministry of Justice regarding it. Citizen Affairs Division - Family Register Section
3 5 days About the Town Hall Meeting

I received a notification about the Town Hall Meeting via the city's email distribution, but there is no mention of whether a reservation is required, so I am unsure about the need for a reservation.

Also, is it possible to participate not directly at the Neighborhood Association hall, but through live streaming or similar methods?

The email distribution service "Notifications from Inagi City," characterized by its timeliness, is designed to deliver information to users without any burden by keeping the character count low. If you require more detailed information, we encourage you to visit the relevant content on the city website through the links provided in the main text.

The Town Hall Meeting is an opportunity for the mayor to visit all 10 districts in the city, listen to participants about the current situation and issues in each district, and engage in direct exchanges of opinions. At this time, there are no plans for web-based events such as live streaming.

Public Relations and Listening Section of the Secretarial and Public Relations Division
4 5 days About the Neighborhood Association Website It may be good to distribute information about the Neighborhood Association along with the city's public relations. I would like the events of the Neighborhood Association to be clearly communicated on the website and other platforms.

Each Neighborhood Association is directly responsible for its own operations.

Therefore, since the situations and needs of each Neighborhood Association are different, the necessity and content of creating a website for each Neighborhood Association should be considered by each respective association.

Additionally, we kindly ask that you direct any opinions or requests regarding the creation of the website, etc., to your local Neighborhood Association.

In addition, the city provides support, such as introducing grants that can be utilized when each Neighborhood Association is considering the digitization of operations.

General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section

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Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division
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Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division