Response to Proposals for City Administration in June 2023

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Page ID 1008804 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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1. Matters Related to City Administration

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2. Health, Medical Care, Welfare, and Parenting

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3. Community Development and Living Environment

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 1 day About Garbage Collection Currently, Burnable Garbage is collected twice a week, but since there is overwhelmingly more plastic waste, I would like the collection of plastic waste to be increased to twice a week. Once a week collection for Burnable Garbage is sufficient. The city has been working on the separation and collection of plastic waste as part of its efforts to address global environmental issues such as global warming since April 2023.
In April, the amount of plastic waste collected reached 56.1 tons, thanks to the increased awareness of citizens regarding waste separation. Additionally, the collection amounts of Burnable Garbage and Non-burnable Garbage in April were reduced by 14.3% compared to April of the previous year.
Regarding the increase in plastic collection, we believe it is necessary to comprehensively consider the optimal waste collection routes and other factors once the collection amounts and costs for plastic waste, Burnable Garbage, and Non-burnable Garbage are assessed, as well as after the urban infrastructure development in the southeastern area of Nanyama, which is currently underway, reaches a certain stage.
Living Environment Division Waste and Recycling Section
2 12 days About the Installation of Crosswalks The intersection of Yanokuchi Southbound Line Street and Shiko Street has some crosswalks missing, making crossing very dangerous. Additionally, there is a sidewalk only on one side, and to cross the old Kawasaki Highway, one must check all vehicles coming from all directions and the old Kawasaki Highway. I believe that if there were crosswalks, cars would stop for pedestrians. Please consider patrols and initiatives for traffic safety so that everyone can live with peace of mind. Regarding the intersections and sidewalks you requested, the city has been working to ensure pedestrian safety by installing post cones to reduce vehicle speed.
As the installation and operation of crosswalks are managed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the city will also request further safety measures from the Tama Central Police Station.
Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
3 12 days About the Traffic Light in Front of City Hall First Parking Lot There are pedestrian traffic lights installed, but I would like them to be push-button operated not only at night but also during the day. When entering the City Hall parking lot, there are times when I want to enter without causing a backup, but I am blocked by a red light when no one is crossing. The management of traffic signals is handled by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, which is the traffic management authority. As a city, we will request improvements to the system from the Tama Central Police Station, which has jurisdiction over Inagi City. Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
4 22 days Citizen Ordinance for Keeping Inagi City Clean Please include not only dog and cat feces but also urine in the citizen ordinance for keeping Inagi City clean. Additionally, I request that you not only display the ordinance but also ensure proper announcements and enforcement of penalties.
In the future, as the number of pet owners may increase, I believe it is essential for owners to thoroughly understand the rules for coexistence.
In the fiscal year 2000, the city established the "Inagi City Ordinance for Keeping the City Clean," which requires dog owners to carry waste disposal tools when walking or exercising their dogs and to take home any waste their dogs produce. In cases of particularly malicious behavior, guidance, recommendations, orders, public announcements, and penalties (such as fines) may be applied. Regarding the mention of "urine" in your inquiry, we will take it into consideration for future operations.
Additionally, the Tokyo Metropolitan Manual for Dog Ownership states that it is necessary to ensure that dogs relieve themselves before going out and to wash away any urine with water if it occurs outside. The city will also promote awareness regarding manners related to urine.
We will continue to provide appropriate guidance while promoting awareness of the ordinance, ensuring that each dog owner responsibly manages their pet's waste. We will strive to improve the morals of dog owners through publications on the city website and in public relations materials, as well as the installation of educational materials.
Living Environment Division Environmental Conservation Section
5 28 days About the cavity under the Minamiyama stairs The stairs are not yet open, but due to heavy rain, a hole has formed in the surface of the adjacent vacant lot, creating a void under the stairs. During the heavy rain last September, a large amount of muddy water gushed out from the retaining wall. Could a landslide have occurred under the stairs?
I am very anxious about what has happened and how the hole will be filled and addressed. Is it possible that similar phenomena are occurring under the concrete in this southern mountain, which are not visible?
The Nanzan East District is undergoing overall construction work by the Nanzan East Land Readjustment Project Association, and investigations and restoration work regarding the impact of heavy rain from Typhoon No. 2 are being conducted by the association.
First, regarding the void under the stairs, it is believed that water collected around the stairs entered from the side and flowed out beneath the stairs, simultaneously washing away the soil under the stairs. Since the stairs are supported as a whole, the stairs themselves will not collapse, but restoration work was carried out to fill the void under the stairs with fluidized improved soil and to solidify the soil under the stairs by filling in the small gaps.
Next, concerning the adjacent slope, it is thought that the cause of the collapse was not due to water accumulating inside, but rather the large amount of water flowing in due to heavy rain, which washed away the surface soil. For this, we plan to restore the slope with improved soil mixed with cement. Additionally, since the slope was created not long ago, over time, as plants grow, roots will take hold in the slope, leading to greater stability.
Furthermore, as a common measure, it has been reported that in the future, to prevent large amounts of water from flowing under the stairs or down the slope during heavy rain, ditches will be created to drain water towards the road rather than the slope.
Next, regarding the issue of a large amount of water being discharged from the drainage holes in the retaining wall, normally, retaining walls are designed to withstand the earth pressure exerted on the back side. However, if the water pressure from groundwater or rain-soaked water acts on the retaining wall along with the earth pressure, it can cause displacement or overturning of the wall. Therefore, drainage holes are provided to prevent water pressure from building up and to facilitate drainage. (According to the Land Development and Regulation Act: it is mandatory to provide one drainage hole for every 3 square meters.)
In this case, the water that permeated due to heavy rain was discharged through the drainage holes, functioning normally, so there is no need for concern.
Section Management Division
6 28 days About Community Development in Minamiyama There are not enough supermarkets, shops, parks, etc. Since there are no parks, children are playing on the roads. I hope Minamiyama becomes like Koyodai, with plenty of greenery, many parks, and shops. In the Land Readjustment Project in the southeastern area of Nanzan, there are plans to develop seven parks within the district; however, the development of these parks by the association is currently delayed.
Therefore, the city is concerned about the lack of play areas within the district and, with the cooperation of landowners, is temporarily developing "Everyone's Square" so that children can play as soon as possible. Additionally, in February 2023, we temporarily opened Okubata Yato Park located west of Yaoko.
Regarding the establishment of commercial facilities such as supermarkets, it largely depends on the intentions of the business operators and landowners, as well as the association's land sale plans. However, the city has established land use plans that allow for the establishment of commercial facilities along the road leading from Inagi Station and around Giants Town to create a lively atmosphere.
As you mentioned, we will continue to collaborate with the association to form a better living environment, taking inspiration from vibrant community development in areas like Koyodai and other parts of Tama New Town that utilize the hilly terrain.
Section Management Division
7 28 days About Minamiyama Police Box I would like a police box to be built in Minamiyama. In our city, which does not have a police station, we believe that enhancing community-based police boxes is necessary for creating a safe and secure community. However, there is only the Momura police substation near Inagi Station, and no police box. Therefore, every year, when the Mayor of Inagi City directly visits the Chief of Tama Central Police Station, we submit a request for the establishment of a police box in front of Inagi Station to the police, who are the responsible party for installation. As the South Yamanashi East Land Readjustment Project is expected to increase the population and traffic volume in the future, we will continue to request the establishment of a police box in front of Inagi Station.
Additionally, with the cooperation of various local organizations such as the Crime Prevention Association and Neighborhood Associations, the city conducts citywide crime prevention patrols and patrols using blue rotating light patrol cars.
General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section
8 28 days About the Minamiyama Shuttle Bus I want a shuttle bus. The city has established the "Inagi City Regional Public Transport Council," composed of representatives from each Neighborhood Association, citizen groups, bus operators, and the police, to discuss matters necessary for improving the convenience of public bus transportation within the city and realizing transportation services that reflect local conditions.
In this meeting, regarding the public bus transportation in the Minamiyama Eastern District, we are requesting the bus operators to operate route buses in conjunction with the opening of the urban planning road currently under construction in the Minamiyama Eastern District, so we ask for your patience for a little while longer.
Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
9 28 days Measures to Prevent Bicycle Accidents Bicycles are speeding down the slope. There are times when pedestrians do not notice bicycles coming from behind and almost collide with them. Therefore, is it possible to establish regulations requiring the use of sound-emitting devices (such as bells) when riding bicycles? Bicycles are generally required to travel on the roadway, with exceptions made for riding on sidewalks. Since pedestrians are prioritized on sidewalks according to the Road Traffic Act, the city has installed warning signs and post cones on sidewalks to suppress bicycle parallel riding and speed, and has placed bicycle navigation marks on the roadway to indicate the areas and directions where bicycles should travel, striving to secure bicycle passage space.
In conjunction, we conduct street activities in cooperation with the Tama Central Police Station and the Tama Inagi Traffic Safety Association, and disseminate rules and manners for bicycle use through city newsletters, the city website, and the official city video channel. We also request the Tama Central Police Station to enforce regulations against dangerous bicycle riding, implementing various measures and public awareness campaigns to ensure bicycles are ridden correctly and to prevent dangerous riding.
Moving forward, we will continue our public awareness efforts to further promote understanding and strive to ensure pedestrian safety. Please note that sidewalks are primarily for pedestrians, and unnecessary ringing of bells is considered a violation of the rules, so we are not considering the establishment of ordinances as suggested.
Traffic Measures Section, Management Division

4. Education (Schools and Lifelong Learning)

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 28 days Regarding the Deterioration of Inagi Dai 2 Junior High School Inagi Dai 2 Junior High School has leaks in the gym and other areas, and the classroom floors are uneven, making it difficult to balance the desks and concentrate on learning. Additionally, there are severe drafts, and the restrooms are unsanitary due to lingering odors. Please install air conditioning in the special classrooms.
This year, exterior wall painting work will be carried out, but I would like the interior renovation of the school building to be done along with this work.
Regarding the renovation work of schools and the improvements within the school premises, it requires a significant amount of funding, and we are implementing it while considering the degree of aging of each school. For Fiscal Year 2023, we plan to carry out exterior wall renovations and roof waterproofing work at Inagi Dai 2 Junior High School, and we also plan to design the installation of air conditioning in special classrooms at elementary and junior high schools in the city (currently under Supplementary Budget proposal).
Additionally, for areas with leaks, we are addressing those where the cause can be identified through repairs and other means. As part of improving the school environment, we are conducting necessary repairs and special cleaning of restrooms as part of our maintenance management.
School Management Section, Education General Affairs Division

5. Other Matters

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 12 days Subsidy for Bicycle Helmet Purchase It seems that there are wards and cities in Tokyo that provide their own subsidies, so please consider implementing this in Inagi City as well. Wearing a bicycle helmet has traffic safety effects such as reducing injuries in bicycle accidents. As of April 1, 2023, the Road Traffic Act has been amended to enforce a duty of effort for wearing bicycle helmets for all ages, and we believe it is necessary for the city to promote this in collaboration with law enforcement agencies.
Regarding the bicycle helmet purchase subsidy program, we would like to comprehensively consider the content of the subsidy system from Tokyo to municipalities and the implementation status of each city in the future.
Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
2 13 days About the chime that encourages children to return home in the evening In the evening, the chime that prompts children to return home changed from "Yuyake Koyake" to a song I had never heard before. When I asked my elementary school grandchild, they said it was the "Song of Inagi City."
I think it is better to use familiar and easy-to-sing children's songs. Also, the performance is poor, and especially the high notes at the end are not well executed, making it unpleasant to hear. It is not a sound that should be played for children every day.
Since it is music played every day, please also consider the opinions of professional music teachers.
The evening disaster prevention radio broadcast has long used the melody of the Westminster chimes from the UK, but there were opinions that it should be changed to a more common sound. Therefore, to evoke the image of returning home, we have been broadcasting "Yuyake Koyake."
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the city system, we called for submissions for the "Inagi City Song," and after a review by the Inagi City Song Formulation Committee, which includes music experts, it was established on November 1, 2021. The Inagi City Song Formulation Committee also suggested that it should be utilized as the music for disaster prevention radio, and the city hopes that many citizens will develop a fondness for the "Inagi City Song," so we have changed the melody for broadcasting starting March 1, 2023.
We plan to showcase it on various occasions in the future, so we kindly ask for your understanding and support for the "Inagi City Song."
Please note that the sound source is not a performance, but is created using an electronic instrument that evokes the sound of a music box.
General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section
3 13 days About the melody played in the evening Playing the city song at dusk feels out of place, as if Inagi City is fading away. If you want to promote the city song, I think it should be played at noon instead of in the evening. The disaster prevention administrative radio is installed as a means of communication to citizens in emergencies. Therefore, to maintain a normal state at all times, we conduct operational checks by broadcasting a melody instead of a siren at a set time every day. General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section
4 20 days

About EV Subsidies

Why is Inagi City not responding to subsidies for CEV vehicles, EV vehicles, and home or corporate installations? Even though subsidies are being provided at the national, Tokyo, 23 wards, and municipal levels, why is there none in Inagi City? Inagi, where households own 2 to 3 cars, should be working on EVs. In February 2023, the city declared its aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by actively promoting decarbonization measures in both the public and private sectors.
To promote decarbonization in the private sector, the city is implementing subsidies for the introduction of carbon-neutral housing equipment, and while there are no subsidies for electric vehicles (EVs), there are subsidies for fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), which have the highest environmental performance among next-generation vehicles compared to EVs. Additionally, subsidies are provided for V2H (Vehicle-to-Home systems) that allow EVs to charge and discharge at home. For more details, please check the Inagi Newsletter published on June 15, 2023, or the Inagi City Website.
Greenery and Environment Division Environmental Policy Section
5 22 days About a Work Environment that is Easy for Fiscal Year Appointed Staff to Work in Long Term To the accounting year appointed staff who have been taking care of us on a daily basis, we would like to request workplace improvements that make it easier for staff to work long-term, as we are considering receiving support in the long term.
Also, if you know whether there is an opportunity to submit such opinions to Tokyo, please let us know.
In light of the increasingly complex and diverse administrative demands in recent years, the city is striving to appropriately allocate full-time staff and annual contract staff according to the quality and quantity of work. Particularly for positions requiring expertise, we are placing (Type 1) annual contract staff in positions that are less affected by regular transfers, so that they can fully utilize their specialized knowledge for the benefit of citizens in need of support. We hope they will engage in these duties for an extended period.
Therefore, while the city cannot refuse if an individual wishes to resign, we are working to create a workplace environment where all staff, including annual contract staff, can continue to work with pride, a sense of responsibility, and a sense of purpose.
In addition, in Tokyo, we have established the "Tokyo Citizens' Voice Comprehensive Contact Center" to listen to the voices of residents. We hope you will utilize it when submitting opinions to Tokyo.
On the other hand, we would like to note that the recruitment of staff in other municipalities, such as Inagi City, is beyond the authority of Tokyo.
Personnel Division, Personnel and Salary Section

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Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division