Response to Proposals for City Administration in November 2023

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Page ID 1008811 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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1. Matters Related to City Administration

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2. Health, Medical Care, Welfare, and Parenting

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 2 days About Child Medical Assistance Regarding pediatric medical assistance, I would like to see the elimination of income restrictions for families with children up to the third year of junior high school, and the promotion of policies to reduce the burden on parenting households. In Inagi City, starting from April 2024, we will abolish the income restrictions for the Medical Expenses Assistance System for compulsory education children and the Medical Expenses Assistance System for high school students.
As a result, all children under high school age will be eligible for medical expense assistance.
The medical expense assistance system for children is institutionalized by Tokyo, which sets certain income limit amounts. In order to provide medical expense assistance to those who exceed the income limit set by Tokyo, the city will bear the full cost. Ideally, we believe that all children living in Tokyo should receive medical services equally, and the income restrictions should be abolished by the Tokyo government. However, in our city, the abolition of income restrictions for the medical expense assistance system is a wish of many citizens who are currently raising children, and we cannot wait for the Tokyo government to amend the system. Therefore, the city will bear the financial resources and provide medical expense assistance for all children aged 0 to 18 starting from April 2024.
Child Care Support Division Allowance Subsidy Section
2 6 days About Baby Food Cooking Classes It is limited to the first child, but I would like the second child to be included as well. I also want participation as a couple to be possible, and I would like it to be available online. The experience of raising a first child often comes with many first-time experiences, and there is a high possibility that knowledge and skills related to the baby's diet are overwhelmingly lacking. Additionally, due to the uncertainty of future growth prospects in this first parenting experience, the burden and stress of parenting can easily increase. Therefore, we are focusing on supporting households with their first child. Through workshops for these households, we aim to cultivate various parenting skills during the period of raising the first child, which will significantly reduce the parenting burden for subsequent children. We believe that strengthening workshops specifically for first-child households is particularly important.
Due to space limitations, including the cooking room, participation is limited to those with a first child. However, we welcome feedback regarding participation from households with second or subsequent children. The city should respond according to each family's situation and needs. We would appreciate the opportunity to hear about your concerns and discuss the possibility of individual workshops or participation as a couple.
Additionally, to allow for the selection of workshop dates, we are currently considering expanding the eligible months for participation from 5 months (only 1 month) to 4 or 5 months (2 months). We believe this will also reduce the impact of fluctuations in the number of births by month.
Furthermore, on the city website, we have posted easy-to-understand videos sourced from the Japan Dental Association, providing guidelines for when to start introducing solid foods (targeting around 5 to 8 months) and solutions for concerns regarding solid foods (targeting from 9 months to around 2 years). We will include QR codes for these videos in the flyers for the solid food workshops to promote awareness of the videos, and we hope many people will view them and find them helpful in preparing meals for their children.
Finally, regarding the implementation of solid food workshops tailored to the age of the child, we have posted videos covering all periods for introducing solid foods on the city website as mentioned above. However, since the current workshops focus on early foods, we will consider workshops for later stages in the future.
Parent and Child Comprehensive Support Center Maternal and Child Health Division
3 16 days Opinions on Hairdressing and Beauty Discount Coupons Discount coupons for hairdressing and beauty services are being distributed to Older Adults, but I would like to collaborate with local hair salons and beauty establishments to provide home visits for those who are unable to go to the salons. The city is implementing a hairdressing and beauty discount coupon program, which provides discount coupons that can be used at designated hairdressing and beauty salons in Inagi City for residents aged 75 and older who are exempt from Municipal Resident Tax. We understand that some individuals may find it difficult to visit the stores, but as you mentioned in your inquiry, securing the necessary personnel for each individual is challenging, and therefore, we do not offer a service to dispatch hairdressers and beauticians for this program.
On the other hand, as you noted in your inquiry, depending on the distance from the store and the relationship, there may be hairdressers and beauticians who can come to your home to provide services. We recognize that the decision will be made based on individual circumstances, but if the hairdressers and beauticians who come to your home are from the designated salons for this program, you are allowed to use the hairdressing and beauty discount coupons when making payments.
Additionally, the city also offers a home visit hairdressing service discount coupon program, which provides discount coupons for home visit hairdressing services to residents aged 65 and older who require care due to being bedridden for an extended period or being in a similar condition.
Please note that the list of stores that handle the Older Adults hairdressing and beauty discount coupons and the home visit hairdressing service discount coupons is available on the Inagi City Website for your reference.
Senior Welfare Division Senior Welfare Section
4 16 days Introduction of Hearing Aid Subsidy System Hearing aids are expensive, so I would like assistance. The city is not currently considering subsidies for hearing aid purchases for the general Older Adults population. However, for those who have obtained a Physical Disability Certificate for hearing impairment based on a doctor's diagnosis, we provide financial assistance for the purchase of hearing aids as assistive devices (with a limit on the amount).
If you have concerns about your hearing, please consult a specialist such as an otolaryngologist.
Additionally, to help the Older Adults of Inagi City live brightly and energetically, we have created a flyer titled "Hearing for Older Adults" which is available at the counter of the Senior Welfare Division at City Hall, and it is also published on the Inagi City Website. We are conducting awareness campaigns for citizens regarding the "Characteristics of Hearing in Older Adults" and "Support for Hearing in Older Adults."
Senior Welfare Division Senior Welfare Section
5 17 days Regarding the Cancellation of the Appreciation Gathering for the Elderly I understand that it was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but why was it canceled even though the pandemic has almost come to an end? Regarding the Appreciation Gathering for Older Adults, it was held until the fiscal year 2019 to express gratitude and respect to the elderly who have contributed to the progress of society over many years, targeting residents aged 70 and above in the city.
As mentioned in your request, the events for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 were canceled due to the impact of COVID-19.
On the other hand, the number of participants and participation rate for the Appreciation Gathering for Older Adults in the most recent event, fiscal year 2019, was 828 participants out of 14,643 eligible individuals, resulting in a participation rate of 5.7%. In the previous fiscal year 2018, there were 995 participants out of 13,923 eligible individuals, with a participation rate of 7.1%. Although more than 10% of eligible individuals participated in the past, there has been a declining trend in both the number of participants and the participation rate over the years.
Considering this situation, we examined whether to continue this program in light of its purpose, independent of COVID-19, and investigated the implementation status of similar programs in the five neighboring cities of Minami-Tama. It was found that collective senior appreciation events, primarily featuring performances, have either been discontinued or were never implemented.
Based on the survey results and recent participation rates, we reviewed the format of the Appreciation Gathering for Older Adults in fiscal year 2021. As a result, taking into account the purpose of the program and the new lifestyle post-COVID, starting from fiscal year 2022, we decided to continue conveying our appreciation not through a collective gathering, but by presenting awards and commemorative gifts to the oldest individuals as of September 15, who are 100 years and 88 years old, and by continuing to distribute congratulatory message videos for Respect for the Aged Day, which was trialed in fiscal year 2021.
Furthermore, the budget that is no longer used due to the discontinuation of the collective senior appreciation events is being utilized for the expansion of existing Senior Welfare policies and the development of new Senior Welfare initiatives.
Senior Welfare Division Senior Welfare Section
6 17 days Regarding the Application for COVID-19 Vaccination I would like the city to specify the vaccination date. Also, when I call the call center at the start of reception time, I cannot get through, so could the number of reception phone lines be increased? Regarding COVID-19 vaccination, Inagi City has been promoting individual vaccinations at medical institutions within the city as the main approach. It is difficult to designate a specific vaccination location for all citizens who wish to receive the vaccine, so we ask that individuals make reservations at their preferred medical institutions and times based on their residence and circumstances.
Additionally, while there is only one main phone number for the call center, we anticipate a high volume of calls during the reservation start times, such as in August and September of 2023. Therefore, we have increased our staffing to 10 lines with 10 staff members to handle the situation compared to normal times. However, during the reservation start times, there may be a high concentration of calls, making it difficult to connect. We advise everyone to try calling back after some time in such cases.
Furthermore, for COVID-19 vaccination reservations in Inagi City, we recommend making reservations online, but we also accept phone reservations for those who are unable to use the internet.
Health Division COVID-19 Vaccination Section
7 17 days About Parking The parking service vouchers have been very helpful, but I would like them to be distributed not one set per household, but one set for each child. The parking lot of the municipal park is generally paid in order to ensure fairness and appropriate burden on beneficiaries. The city distributes up to 12 one-hour free tickets per year for each household that applies, aimed at supporting the Parenting of households raising preschool children. However, any usage beyond that will be charged as usual, similar to regular users. Child Care Support Division Nursery School and Kindergarten Section
8 20 days Regarding the Subsidy for Influenza Vaccines and Others I want assistance for influenza vaccines and other vaccinations. Also, without subsidies for health checkups and cancer screenings, young people may not have the opportunity to receive them.
  • About the Influenza Vaccine
    Vaccinations are broadly classified into two types: statutory vaccinations and voluntary vaccinations, based on the Vaccination Law. For statutory vaccinations, the costs are fully or partially covered by local governments. On the other hand, for voluntary vaccinations, although the vaccines are approved for use by the national government, they are not classified as statutory vaccinations, resulting in full out-of-pocket expenses for the recipients.
    Regarding the influenza vaccine, based on the Vaccination Law, the city partially covers the vaccination costs for older adults aged 65 and over as a statutory vaccination, but there is no financial assistance from the city for children and others.
    The city believes that the national government should bear the costs for infectious diseases such as influenza as part of national crisis measures, and we will consider cost assistance if influenza is added to the regular vaccination schedule due to national legislative amendments.
  • Health Checkup and Cancer Screening
    The city regularly publishes articles in a community newsletter distributed to all households regarding various health checkups and cancer screenings, and accepts applications at any time through email distribution services. Additionally, for women's cancer screenings, we conduct cervical cancer screenings and breast cancer screenings, and we are working to improve the screening rates by sending recommendation notices by mail to specific generations, and we will continue these efforts in the future.
    The city conducts screenings in accordance with the guidelines of the national government and Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and the target age for various health checkups and cancer screenings is set for individuals aged 40 and above. (Cervical cancer screening is targeted at those aged 20 and above only.)
  • Note: Cervical cancer screening = Invitation for examination notification for those turning 23, 25, 27, and 29 years old
  • Note: Breast cancer screening = Notification for recommended examination for those turning 43, 45, 47, and 49 years old
Health Division Health Promotion Section
9 21 days About the Expansion of Certified (Available) Nursery Schools I would like to see an increase in certified (available) Nursery Schools. Regarding the expansion of childcare facilities, based on the Inagi City Child and Parenting Support Project Plan and the Childcare Center Development Policy, from fiscal year 2015 to fiscal year 2021, we will open 3 Licensed Childcare Centers, 1 Certified Childcare Center, and 1 Family Childcare Facility, as well as authorize 2 Certified Childcare Centers and privatize 4 Public Childcare Centers. We will also increase the capacity by 950 through the flexibility of existing childcare facilities. As of April 1, 2021, April 1, 2022, and April 1, 2023, we have achieved zero waiting children, and we will continue to respond through the existing Nursery Schools. We appreciate your understanding. Child Care Support Division Nursery School and Kindergarten Section
10 29 days I want children to be able to receive vaccinations in neighboring cities as well. I would like children to be able to receive vaccinations in neighboring cities as well. Regarding receiving regular vaccinations in other municipalities, according to the national "Guidelines for Implementing Regular Vaccinations," it is stated that if a Parent or Guardian is returning home, or if the person eligible for regular vaccinations is hospitalized for a long time in a medical institution, it may be difficult to receive regular vaccinations through normal means, and it is generally required to receive vaccinations in the municipality of residence.
Furthermore, to improve citizen services, an agreement was made in fiscal year 2015 among the five cities (Inagi City, Hachioji City, Machida City, Hino City, and Tama City) in the Minami-Tama Health and Medical Area to allow children to receive regular vaccinations at designated medical institutions in any of the cities without prior application for vaccinations outside the city.
Health Division Health Promotion Section

3. Community Development and Living Environment

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 2 days About the designated garbage collection bags distributed to households receiving reductions Last year, I was able to exchange the size of the designated garbage collection bags, but this year I was told, 'It's difficult to manage inventory,' and I was refused. I would like to exchange the size. As you requested, until last year, when there was a request for exchange of designated collection bags for reductions, we accepted exchanges to the desired type. However, starting from April 2023, the collection items have increased, resulting in a total of 12 types of bags: "Burnable Garbage Bags," "Non-burnable Garbage Bags," and "Plastic Garbage Bags" in four sizes (large, medium, small, and extra small). If we were to exchange according to everyone's requests, it could lead to unexpected imbalances in the stock of various types, potentially causing sudden shortages and affecting the inventory of stores selling garbage bags. Therefore, we have not been accepting exchange requests from this time onward.
Additionally, regarding the production of garbage bags, we manufacture the necessary quantity within a limited budget and store them in rented warehouses, so we cannot produce excess bags.
For these reasons, from this distribution onward, we will conduct awareness and education through the city newsletter and the Inagi City Website in advance, distributing the specified number based on the regulations.
Furthermore, starting in December, when we can secure the inventory of "Plastic Garbage Bags," we plan to resume the exchange distribution of new, unopened "Burnable Garbage Bags" and "Non-burnable Garbage Bags" in double the quantity of the same size for the purpose of promoting waste reduction and plastic collection. We encourage you to take advantage of this.
Living Environment Division Waste and Recycling Section
2 2 days About Resource Waste Collection While other districts have their collections done from the evening to the next day, why are the baskets placed in the Nagamine, Hirao, and Momura districts from Friday to Monday? Regarding garbage collection in the city, there are many separated items, and to ensure efficient collection, collection days are assigned to each district. For the collection of bottles, cans, and PET bottles, we place baskets on the afternoon before the collection day (on Fridays if the collection day is Monday) for efficient collection.
The garbage collection in the city is entrusted to private Business Operators, which are companies operating on weekdays. For the collection of cans and PET bottles on Mondays, if we request operations on Saturdays and Sundays for the placement of baskets at the resource collection stations, the outsourcing fees will include additional labor costs for statutory overtime and separate vehicle operation costs. This would increase the tax burden on citizens from a financial perspective, and we believe it is difficult to increase garbage collection costs for operations on Saturdays and Sundays. For the time being, we would like to maintain the current collection method.
We also intend to call for proper usage of the resource collection stations (such as being considerate of neighbors) through various opportunities.
Living Environment Division Waste and Recycling Section
3 2 days About the Street Trees of Hirao The zelkova tree on Hirao's bus street has risen over the years, causing inconvenience for pedestrians and bicycles as it has elevated to half of the sidewalk. The city is aware that there have been issues such as root uplift and narrow sidewalk widths due to the growth of Zelkova trees in the Hirao area. We have been sequentially removing and uprooting 7 to 8 trees per year from dangerous locations, such as around bus stops. Maintenance and Repair Section, Management Division
4 2 days About the pigeon droppings in front of Inagi-Naganuma Station There is a large amount of pigeon droppings in front of Inagi-Naganuma Station, and it is very dirty. Is there anything that can be done about it? Regarding the content of your inquiry, we conducted a site inspection on October 26.
When we confirmed the management situation of the elevated section with JR Inagi-Naganuma Station, we received a response that they are implementing measures such as the application of pigeon repellent agents and the capture of pigeons.
Next, regarding the area near the Pair Terrace entrance and in front of the Gundam Monument, the Pair Terrace staff is conducting regular cleaning, and we will continue to address this matter.
Additionally, for the roads managed by the city around Inagi-Naganuma Station, the responsible department will carry out cleaning operations sequentially.
Living Environment Division Environmental Conservation Section
5 6 days Number of smoking areas and future expansion plans I would like to know the number of smoking areas and the plans for future expansions. The city has established the "Ordinance on Restrictions on Smoking in Public Places in Inagi City" as of April 1, 2018, to prevent passive smoking and to stop littering of cigarette butts. Smoking while walking and smoking in public places where people are present are restricted throughout the city, particularly in designated no-smoking areas within 300 meters of the six stations in the city where many people gather, including roads and parks.
In the no-smoking areas, smoking areas are not provided from the perspective of preventing passive smoking.
Living Environment Division Environmental Conservation Section
6 17 days About the difference in height between the roadway and the sidewalk When pushing a stroller, there may be slight bumps between the sidewalk and the road. Could you make some adjustments, such as eliminating some of the bumps? Regarding the difference in height between the roadway and the sidewalk, Inagi City is appropriately constructing with a standard height of 2cm based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Road Construction Design Standards and the Tokyo Metropolitan Community Development Ordinance. However, at the Inagi Station South Exit and the Keio Yomiuri Land Station South Exit square, which are planned for improvement in the future and are used by many people, we are considering some flat structures without height differences. Civil Engineering Department, Road and Waterway Construction Section
7 17 days About i-Bus I would like to see an increase in the number of i-bus services. The city has established the "Inagi City Regional Public Transportation Council," which is composed of representatives from each Neighborhood Association, various citizen groups, bus Business Operators, and the police, to discuss matters necessary for improving the convenience of public bus transportation in the city and realizing transportation services that reflect the local situation.
In this council, we will discuss the appropriate number of bus services based on their usage conditions.
Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
8 17 days About the irrigation canal sediment The sediment in the irrigation canal has accumulated over the years, and I would like measures to be taken. The relevant irrigation channel is a dirt channel, and due to the collapse of the bank, sediment has accumulated in the irrigation channel. We will remove the sediment and install steel plates for soil retention to protect the bank.
We will continue to strive for proper maintenance and management of the channel.
Maintenance and Repair Section, Management Division
9 17 days About the Number of Route Bus Services I hope that the number of buses on routes such as the i-bus will not be reduced. Regarding the shortage of drivers in transportation businesses such as route buses, it is necessary to meet the "Standards for Improving the Working Hours of Motor Vehicle Operators," commonly known as the "Improvement Standards Notification," which will be enforced from April 2024. Factors such as the working environment, including driver wages, make it difficult to secure the necessary number of drivers even when recruiting. Therefore, to maintain future bus services, it is essential to adjust the number of bus services according to the driver availability.
The city has established the "Inagi City Regional Public Transport Council," composed of representatives from each Neighborhood Association, citizen groups, bus operators, and the police, to discuss matters necessary for improving the convenience of public transportation in the city and realizing transportation services that reflect local conditions.
In this council, we will discuss the appropriate number of bus services, such as the iBus, based on usage conditions.
Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
10 17 days About the Maintenance of Misawa River I would like the banks of the Misawa River to be cleaned. The Misawa River is managed by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, but we are conducting activities such as cleaning the Misawa River, so we will consider it. Maintenance and Repair Section, Management Division
11 17 days About Weeds in the City I would like to clear the weeds along the road if I could get permission, but could you provide items such as vests for the lighting that were distributed by the city? Thank you for your offer of cooperation with the city. There is an Adopt-a-System for managing public facilities such as roads that are managed by the city in collaboration with the city, so please consult with us about places where you can help with weeding. Maintenance and Repair Section, Management Division
12 17 days About the Rust on Streetlights Most of the streetlights along the Onekansen are rusted. If left as is, they will need to be replaced. If addressed early, it may not be necessary to replace them. Regarding the streetlights you mentioned, they are part of the facilities on the Minami-Tama Ridge Main Road managed by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, so we have conveyed your requests to them.
Additionally, for the roads managed by the city, we conduct regular patrols of security lights and streetlights, and we are making efforts for proper maintenance and management.
Maintenance and Repair Section, Management Division
13 17 days Strengthening enforcement on streets where violations of the Road Traffic Act by vehicles are frequently observed Drivers in the neighborhood often have poor driving manners, and I would like to see stronger enforcement by the police. The city has installed bollards and post cones to ensure safety at intersections on Hirao Chuo Street and Hirao Bunka Street, as requested.
We will continue to improve intersections in necessary areas and strive to ensure traffic safety.
Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
14 17 days About the Installation of Crosswalks It serves as a shortcut from Tsurukawa Kaido, has a very high traffic volume, and due to the slope and narrow road width with poor visibility, I would like a crosswalk to be installed. The installation and management of crosswalks are carried out by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, which is the traffic management authority.
The city will request the installation of crosswalks from the Tama Central Police Station for the locations you have requested.
Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
15 17 days About Dog Waste When walking, it seems like I might step in dog feces. I believe that owners who do not properly clean up after their dogs are not qualified to own a dog. I would like to see measures such as a fine system implemented. The city has established the "Inagi City Citizen Ordinance for Keeping the City Clean" in the fiscal year 2000, aimed at ensuring and maintaining a safe and comfortable living environment, prohibiting littering of garbage including cigarette butts and the abandonment of dog feces.
As part of the city's initiatives, we display awareness materials such as posters at complaint locations and provide guidance on the prohibition of leaving dog feces. Additionally, city staff conducting environmental patrols around the city highlight dog feces left on the streets by surrounding them with yellow chalk to make them noticeable, encouraging dog owners to take responsibility through the "Yellow Chalk Operation".
Through these efforts, we strive to enhance manners and morals, encouraging each dog owner to be aware of their responsibilities.
Furthermore, as part of our ongoing initiatives, we are working on awareness activities through the city website and city newsletters.
Living Environment Division Environmental Conservation Section
16 17 days Weed Management in Private Land The adjacent field has a lot of weeds and illegal dumping of garbage can be seen. Although it is private land, can the city provide guidance from the perspective of environmental beautification? Regarding the content of your inquiry, we are conducting on-site inspections to confirm the overgrowth of weeds and shrubs on the relevant land and any encroachment onto neighboring properties.
Based on this, the city is directly meeting with landowners to request proper management in accordance with the "Regulations on Environmental Conservation of Vacant Land in Inagi City."
Living Environment Division Environmental Conservation Section
17 17 days About the Park The grass cutting in the park is done regularly, but during this time of year, it becomes overgrown and there are periods when it is difficult to play. I would like it to be done a little earlier. For toddlers, it is hard to walk and run when there is grass.
If there are basketball hoops and soccer goals that can be used by toddlers, they would be able to play with the ball, so I would like them to be installed.
Currently, grass cutting is conducted 2 to 3 times a year in the city's parks. Generally, from August to early October is a time when grass tends to grow due to the lingering heat and rain, but in recent years, this trend has become even more pronounced due to continued high temperatures.
Despite this situation, I will instruct the Inagi Green Wellness Foundation, the designated manager of the city parks, to carry out grass cutting at appropriate times.
Additionally, in small parks surrounded by residences, there have been many complaints regarding the noise of balls and the risk of balls going out, particularly concerning soccer and basketball.
However, if it is a play facility for young children, we will consider it in future park development.
Greenery and Environment Division Green and Park Section
18 17 days About waste in the city I am concerned about the garbage being thrown under the trees in the city. I would like you to come up with some plan to call for a cleaning campaign. The city has established the "Inagi City Citizen Ordinance for Keeping the City Clean" in the fiscal year 2000, aimed at ensuring and maintaining a safe and comfortable living environment, prohibiting littering, including cigarette butts, and leaving dog waste unattended.
Regarding the cleaning campaign you requested, the city has been conducting the "Environmental Beautification Citizen Movement," where citizens clean the city simultaneously every year since 1975, and recently on October 29, we carried out cleaning activities based on the "Inagi City Citizen Ordinance for Keeping the City Clean" in areas such as the ridge trunk line and in front of Yanokuchi Station.
Moving forward, we aim to work together with all citizens to create a clean and beautiful community.
Living Environment Division Environmental Conservation Section
19 17 days About Burnable Garbage Dedicated Bags Since I was using a 5L small bag before separating plastics, I need an even smaller bag specifically for Burnable Garbage after the separation of plastics. Please create a 2.5L bag for Burnable Garbage. Regarding the city's designated garbage collection bags, we offer four types and capacities to choose from based on the number of household members and the amount of garbage: extra small bags (5 liters), small bags (10 liters), medium bags (20 liters), and large bags (40 liters).
As for the introduction of bags smaller than the proposed 5-liter extra small bags, the sales ratio by size from last year showed that extra small bags accounted for 7.5%, small bags for 23.4%, medium bags for 50.1%, and large bags for 19%, indicating that the usage of extra small bags is the least. Additionally, since the bags would become very small, we plan to maintain the current situation from the perspective of cost-effectiveness and collection efficiency.
However, starting from April 2023, with the commencement of plastic waste collection, it is expected that the usage of each type may change. Therefore, we will continue to monitor the sales trends of the city's designated garbage collection bags and consider future adjustments.
Living Environment Division Waste and Recycling Section
20 17 days About Sidewalk Paving I can only walk with a walker, and the pavement on the sidewalk is in poor condition, which is troubling. I would like it to be repaired. In Inagi City, we are making efforts for appropriate maintenance management to provide an environment where those using the roads can do so safely and comfortably, by establishing priorities and implementing planned pavement repair work, including the roads proposed by residents and other roads within the city. We are also confirming the current state of the Ginkgo Tree-lined Street and will continue to consider improvements based on the deterioration of the pavement.
In the meantime, we will conduct regular inspections and carry out partial repairs as necessary.
Civil Engineering Department, Road and Waterway Construction Section, Management Department, Maintenance and Repair Section
21 20 days Improvements to Parks in the City The toilets at Wakabadai Park are dirty, so I would like improvements to be made. Also, the summer heat is abnormal, and even if I want my children to play on the playground equipment, it is too hot to touch. I would like a place indoors to use playground equipment, or for shade to be created at the playground equipment area. Regarding the cleaning of toilets in municipal parks, including Wakabadai Park, it is conducted by the designated park management organization, Inagi Green Wellness Foundation, three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) from April to September, and twice a week (Monday and Friday) from October to March.
If the cleanliness is found to be poor, please report it to the above-mentioned designated management organization. (Inagi Green Wellness Foundation, Phone: 042-331-7156)
Additionally, your suggestion regarding the heating of playground equipment due to sunlight will be taken into consideration for future large-scale renovations and other discussions.
Greenery and Environment Division Green and Park Section
22 20 days Traffic congestion towards Shin-Yurigaoka Station The road from Hirao to Shin-Yurigaoka Station often experiences heavy traffic. I would like measures to alleviate congestion, such as widening the road. The city is working on measures to alleviate traffic congestion on Hirao Chuo Street while sharing information with Kawasaki City and the police.
Currently, Kawasaki City is advancing the development of the Setagaya Machida Line and the Shitte Kurokawa Line to ensure smooth traffic on the roads around Shin-Yurigaoka Station and Kakiou Station. The city expects that once these developments are completed, the flow of vehicles will improve, leading to a reduction in traffic congestion on Hirao Chuo Street.
Moving forward, the city will continue to collaborate with Kawasaki City and relevant agencies to maintain a common understanding of the traffic congestion situation and work together to alleviate traffic congestion.
Community Development Section, City Planning Division
23   About the revitalization of Inagi-Naganuma Station I would like a place for children to play to be created under the elevated area of Inagi-Naganuma Station. Regarding the area around Inagi-Naganuma Station, we aim to create a safe and comfortable community through the Land Readjustment Project in conjunction with the JR Nambu Line elevated crossing project.
The newly developed land through the Land Readjustment Project will be utilized in various ways according to the intentions of individual owners. However, the area around Inagi-Naganuma Station is positioned as the central area of our city, and we are promoting community development to enhance the vibrancy in front of the station, improve convenience, and enrich various functions such as living services and restaurants.
Currently, we are requesting cooperation from the rights holders regarding the relocation of buildings on the south side of the station, and once the land is secured, we will begin the development of the station square and other areas.
Additionally, regarding the unused land under the elevated tracks, we are making requests to JR East, the landowner, to utilize it effectively.
Next, concerning measures against bird droppings under the elevated tracks, we have previously installed bird deterrent mats and spread repellents. We plan to conduct cleaning of droppings and application of repellents again in November, carried out by JR East, the manager of the elevated bridge.
Section for Public Facilities Implementation in the Land Readjustment Division
24   About wanting a roofed rest area in the park In recent years, there have been many hot days, and there is quite a lack of shade in the parks, making it difficult to play outside. I would like a small roofed resting area. Regarding the proposal to install a covered rest facility in the park, we will take it into consideration for future new park development and large-scale renovations. Greenery and Environment Division Green and Park Section
25 21 days About the redevelopment around Inagi Station The area around Inagi Station is lonely, and I would like to see more restaurants and cafes where families can enjoy meals and take breaks while parenting. Currently, there are no redevelopment plans around Inagi Station, but the city is guiding land use to promote vibrant community development by designating the area around the station as a "Neighborhood Commercial District" where commercial and business facilities can be located, and by providing support to business operators to revitalize the local economy.
Additionally, the city is planning renovations for the plaza in front of the south exit of Inagi Station in line with the community development through the Nanyama Eastern Land Readjustment Project and the concept of "TOKYO GIANTS TOWN," which includes an aquarium-integrated baseball stadium and surrounding dining and sports-related facilities.
The city will continue to work on creating vibrancy to further enhance the liveliness around the station and invigorate the local economy.
Community Development Section, City Planning Division
26 21 days About the Development of Minamiyama I would like the citizens to solicit stores they want to see open in Minamiyama for dining, services, and retail. I hope the stores and the park will open soon. The Land Readjustment Project in the southeastern area of Nanzan, conducted by the association, involves landowners providing a portion of their land (land reduction) to develop roads, parks, and other facilities, while also organizing land parcels to enhance residential land use.
As a result, the utilization of the developed land after the readjustment will depend on the judgment of the landowners. However, the city plans to facilitate the creation of a vibrant environment along the road leading from Inagi Station, in conjunction with the development of Tokyo Giants Town, including the new Yomiuri Giants stadium scheduled for completion in March of the 7th year of Reiwa, by relaxing usage restrictions to encourage the establishment of commercial facilities.
Additionally, regarding park development, we will continue to collaborate with the association to ensure that, including the installation of temporary playground equipment, the community can utilize the facilities as soon as possible.
Section Management Division
27 21 days About Road Maintenance I would like the weeds on Acacia Street to be cut, as they are growing despite being a school route. The mowing of major routes within Inagi City is carried out twice a year. Regarding Akashia Street, we also conduct mowing in conjunction with the mowing of the Tama River, which is managed by the Keihin River Office.
Additionally, based on patrols by staff and information from citizens, we carry out partial mowing as necessary, so we will continue to strive for proper maintenance of the sidewalks on Akashia Street.
Maintenance and Repair Section, Management Division
28 21 days About the Installation of Traffic Signals on Ginkgo Avenue The ginkgo tree-lined street is dangerous due to heavy traffic, so I would like a traffic signal to be installed. Regarding the installation, management, and operation of traffic signals, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, as the traffic manager, is responsible for this. Therefore, the city will request the installation of traffic signals at the intersections you have requested from the Tama Central Police Station. Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
29 21 days About the Cycling Road along the Riverbank The cycling path along the riverbank is dangerous due to the roots of the cherry trees rising up from beneath the road, causing tripping hazards. Similarly, there are also tripping hazards along the Misawa River. Could you please arrange for repairs? In Inagi City, we are systematically implementing road pavement repairs throughout the city while prioritizing them. We are also confirming the current status of the pedestrian and bicycle paths along the Tama River and the sidewalks along the Misawa River, and we will continue to consider improvements based on the deterioration of the pavement due to the roots of cherry trees.
In the meantime, we will conduct regular inspections and carry out partial repairs as necessary.
Maintenance and Repair Section, Civil Engineering Department Road and Waterway Construction Section
30 21 days About Road Repairs The roads around Inagi Station and Inagi-Naganuma Station are poorly paved, making it easy for strollers and small children to trip, which is very dangerous. I would like to request repairs. Inagi City is systematically implementing road pavement repairs throughout the city, prioritizing them accordingly. We are also assessing the roads around Inagi Station and Inagi-Naganuma Station, and will continue to consider improvements based on the current state and the deterioration of the pavement.
In the meantime, we will conduct regular inspections and carry out necessary partial repairs until improvements are made.
Maintenance and Repair Section, Civil Engineering Department Road and Waterway Construction Section
31 21 days Obstruction of Rainwater Flow into Roadside Ditches and Drains by Weeds and Other Vegetation There are places where weeds generated in agricultural land are left unattended, obstructing the flow of rainwater into the rainwater drainage system, so I would like the city to provide guidance to landowners. The disposal of weeds that occur in agricultural land should be properly managed by the landowners or those in charge of the land.
Therefore, the Agricultural Committee is also making efforts to guide farmers to thoroughly manage fertilization and cultivation on a daily basis.
Based on the opinions we have received, we will inform all farmers in the city about the proper management of agricultural land through regular newsletters that we issue.
Economic Affairs Section Agricultural Policy Division
32 21 days About the scenery around Keio Yomiuriland Station The area around Keio Yomiuriland Station near the elevated section is covered with weeds, so I would like it to be addressed. Regarding the grass cutting near the elevated area on the Yomiuri Land side, we have conveyed your request to the landowner. Maintenance and Repair Section, Management Division
33 21 days About Misawa River I would like the sediment to be removed as sediment has accumulated in the Misawa River. Regarding the Misawa River, it is a river managed by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, so we have conveyed your requests to them. Maintenance and Repair Section, Management Division
34 21 days About the Pavement of Hirao View Park I would like the rough areas of Hirao View Park to be paved. The weeds are overgrown, and it is full of stones, making it unplayable.
Also, it is not fun without any playground equipment, so I would like a basketball hoop to be installed.
Hirao Ichibou Park is a park that was transferred from the Inagi Kamihirao Land Readjustment Project in 2020, and it is currently maintained in its original condition. Regarding the area where gravel is laid, we will consider asphalt paving in the future.
This park conducts grass cutting twice a year, but from August to early October, it is a time when the residual heat and rain make it easy for grass to grow. In recent years, this trend has been increasingly strong due to prolonged high temperatures, so we will discuss the appropriate timing for grass cutting with the designated management organization of the city park, the Inagi Green Wellness Foundation.
There have been many complaints regarding ball games in the park, particularly concerning the noise from balls and the risk of them going outside.
As for the installation of a basketball hoop in this park, there are concerns about complaints due to ball noise because of the proximity of houses, so there are no plans for installation.
Greenery and Environment Division Green and Park Section
35 21 days About the Weeds in Hirao View Park When the weeds in the vacant lot grow, they are completely invisible from the car, so I would like them to be mowed frequently during the summer. We are currently verifying the details you inquired about.
As of now, there are no issues observed regarding the overgrowth of weeds, encroachment, or environmental health. However, we will continue to monitor the situation and, as necessary during the summer months when weeds tend to proliferate, we will request proper management from landowners based on the "Inagi City Ordinance on Environmental Conservation of Vacant Land."
Living Environment Division Environmental Conservation Section
36 21 days About Hirao View Park Area I would like a mirror to be installed at the T-junction of SOCOLA parking lot and Gakuen Street. The city is working to ensure pedestrian safety by installing post cones on sidewalks at intersections where requests have been made, in order to suppress bicycle speeds and prevent head-on collisions.
As for the curve mirrors, they are traffic safety facilities for vehicles to check for other vehicles, but they can create blind spots that are not reflected in the mirror. These blind spots can be particularly accessible to shorter children, and there is a risk of traffic accidents between vehicles and children who are distracted by the curve mirror and neglect to look visually.
The requested T-junction has a stop regulation, and since the road has been cleared to ensure visibility, we do not plan to install a curve mirror there.
Traffic Measures Section, Management Division
37 21 days About Inagi City Inagi City is not well-known, and I would be happy if we could create a landmark or engage in Community Development. I hope to see a city that is unique and unlike any other. The city has been promoting community development through urban infrastructure improvements such as the Land Readjustment Project, Tama New Town Project, and the Nambu Line Elevated Crossing Project. In community development, despite being close to the city center, we aim to create a good living environment surrounded by the rich greenery of the Tama Hills and abundant water sources such as the Tama River, Misawa River, and Omaru Waterway, as well as to generate vibrancy.
Currently, in the Nanyama Eastern District where the Land Readjustment Project is underway, a green city where sports and entertainment merge, "TOKYO GIANTS TOWN," featuring Japan's first aquarium-integrated baseball stadium, sports facilities, and dining establishments, is expected to be born soon, and it is anticipated to create significant vibrancy.
The city will continue to work towards distinctive community development through such urban infrastructure improvements.
Community Development Section, City Planning Division
38 22 days About the construction of the No. 7, 5, and 3 Yashirogato Line Will there be an explanatory meeting for nearby residents regarding the construction of the Tama 7-5-3 No. 1 Shukuenido Line, such as what kind of road it will become? I would like an explanatory meeting to be held.
Also, despite it being an urban planning road, I have heard that there is no construction for the installation of gas pipes, so I would like to request the installation of gas pipes.
Regarding the construction of the Multi 7-5-3 Yatsukido Line, in addition to individual visits to nearby residents, we held an open house-style briefing at the Yanokuchi Neighborhood Association Hall on Sunday, August 6, 2023, and Tuesday, August 8, 2023. On the day of the briefing, city staff were present at the venue to provide individual explanations about the construction overview to attendees and to receive opinions and questions from everyone, facilitating an exchange of views. We plan to continue holding similar briefings in the future.
Additionally, regarding the installation of gas pipes along this route, the city has secured the occupancy position to allow for the burial of gas pipes within the newly developed sidewalk. We have repeatedly requested Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. to install gas pipes in fiscal years 2020 and 2023 to improve convenience for nearby residents, but we have been informed that there are currently no plans for installation due to insufficient gas demand.
If you have any questions or concerns in the future, we will be happy to visit and provide explanations.
Civil Engineering Department, Road and Waterway Construction Section
39 27 days About Free-Roaming Domestic Cats I have been troubled by cat feces for many years and have implemented various measures, but none have been effective. I would like those who own cats to be properly instructed on keeping them indoors. Regarding "Keeping Indoor Cats," we are promoting awareness and education based on the "Guidelines for Proper Pet Care in Residential Areas" created by the Ministry of the Environment through the city website.
As specific measures to deter cats,
1. Prepare repellents to make it difficult for cats to approach by using scents that cats dislike.
2. Install gravel to create an environment that is difficult for cats to walk on, block entry points with nets or fences, etc. We are introducing methods to prevent cats from entering gardens and other areas on the city website for residents to try.
We will continue to provide information about cats to improve the morals of cat owners and assist those troubled by cat waste, and we will strive to engage in educational activities.
Living Environment Division Environmental Conservation Section
40 27 days Regarding roads, parks, and construction sites in the Minamiyama area Due to the overgrowth of weeds blocking the sidewalk leading from Inagi Ohashi to Minamiyama Rehabilitation Hospital, I would like to request urgent mowing. Additionally, since there is a lack of parks in the Minamiyama area, could you temporarily set up a park on the vacant land?
The dust is quite severe, so could you please implement dust control measures?
First of all, regarding the road you pointed out, upon checking the site, it was found to be city-managed land, so we promptly carried out grass cutting.
Next, regarding the parks, there are plans to develop seven parks in the Nanyama Eastern District, but currently, the development of the parks by the association is delayed. The city is concerned about the lack of play areas in the district and is temporarily developing "Everyone's Square" with the cooperation of landowners so that children can play as soon as possible. Additionally, at Okubata Yato Park, which was temporarily opened in February of the 5th year of Reiwa, we plan to install playground equipment within this fiscal year.
Please note that the vacant land you proposed is privately owned, and at this time, the city has no plans to borrow the land from the landowners for the development of a temporary park.
Furthermore, regarding Nanyama Second Park, we have been informed by the association that it will have to be used as a parking lot for construction vehicles for a while. However, we will continue to work with the city and the association to ensure that it can be used by the local community as soon as possible.
Finally, regarding the construction work by the Nanyama Eastern Land Readjustment Project Association, we aim to complete the work around the first half of the 8th year of Reiwa. During this time, we apologize for any inconvenience caused by dust, and we will instruct the association to strengthen dust control measures using water trucks during dry periods.
Section Management Division
41 28 days About the Highest Point in Inagi City There is the highest point of Inagi City (162m) at Mihara Park, but its location is unclear, so I would like a sign to be installed. Also, this park does not have a parking lot, but it would be nice to have at least a few spaces. The highest elevation in Inagi City, according to the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan's website "Geospatial Map," is approximately 162m above sea level, and it is located in the Inagi City Mihara Green Space, across from Yasukami Shrine in Tama City.
  • Regarding the installation of the highest elevation sign within the Mihara Green Space, we will consider it in future park development and other related matters.
  • Regarding the publicity of the relevant green space, it is published on the city website as "a park located at the highest point in the city, offering excellent views," and we are making efforts to raise awareness.
  • Regarding the installation of a parking lot, the relevant green space is an area with many slopes, and it is not possible to secure space for a parking lot. Therefore, there are currently no plans for the installation of a parking lot.
Greenery and Environment Division Green and Park Section
42 29 days I want a traffic park under the elevated road where children can practice cycling. I would like a traffic park to be created under the elevated tracks of the Nambu Line and Keio Line, where children can practice riding bicycles. Currently, there are no plans to establish a park under the Keio Line elevated tracks.
Additionally, regarding the areas under the JR Nambu Line that can be utilized by Inagi City, there are currently two locations designated for "park and disaster prevention warehouse" purposes, but each area is relatively small, approximately 295 square meters and 360 square meters, which is insufficient for the proposed "traffic park," and we believe it is difficult at this time.
Furthermore, not only at the already developed Yanokuchi Shuku Mitaya Children's Park under the elevated tracks, but also in parks throughout the city, practicing cycling is not prohibited, so please feel free to use them.
In the future, when considering the development of parks and other facilities under the JR Nambu Line elevated tracks, we will take into account the opinions of local Neighborhood Associations and the intent of the proposal as we continue our discussions.
Greenery and Environment Division Green and Park Section
43 29 days Maintenance of Roadside Dry Grass The grass on the road median and side roads has grown wildly and is in a state of neglect, so I would like it to be maintained as soon as possible. The mowing of major routes within Inagi City is conducted twice a year, once from spring to summer and once from autumn to winter. Regarding the Wakabadai area, the second mowing is currently being carried out as requested. Maintenance and Repair Section, Management Division
44 29 days About the street trees from the entrance of Sugiyama Shrine to the Ue Hirao bus stop and the Hirao outer ring road
I hope that the roots along the path from the entrance of Sugiyama Shrine to the Hirao bus stop are improved, as they are very tripping hazards, so that I can walk safely. Regarding the raised roots of street trees in the Hirao area, we are prioritizing and addressing them as appropriate. For the requested locations, we will check the site and consider necessary actions. Additionally, the pruning of Hirao Outer Ring Road is scheduled to be carried out next fiscal year. Maintenance and Repair Section, Management Division

4. Education (Schools and Lifelong Learning)

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 17 days Measures Against Sexual Crimes by Educators I would like to know how you think about measures against sexual crimes by school faculty and staff towards students in the city. First, we recognize that sexual violence against students by school faculty and staff must never occur, and we believe that we must work diligently to prevent it from happening.
Based on this understanding, the Inagi City Board of Education has repeatedly instructed that sexual violence against students must absolutely not happen, through guidance at the regular monthly principal meetings and the implementation of service accident prevention training three times a year at Inagi City Public Schools.
Additionally, we conduct training for students to prevent them from becoming victims of sexual crimes and sexual violence, as well as investigations into the presence of corporal punishment, obscene acts, and inappropriate guidance by school faculty and staff.
Furthermore, the Inagi City Board of Education is currently organizing a "Project Team for Safety Measures for Children and Students" to develop effective measures to prevent illegal activities in Inagi City Public Schools.
Although it is something that should never happen, we have distributed a "Initial Response Manual for Cases of Sexual Violence Against Students by School Faculty and Staff" to Inagi City Public Schools to ensure that we can respond quickly, carefully, and appropriately when such incidents are discovered.
Moving forward, we will continue to work diligently on guidance and prevention measures for school faculty and staff to ensure that sexual violence against students does not occur, allowing children to enjoy a safe school life.
School Faculty and Staff Section, Department of Education
2 20 days About changing middle school uniforms and gym clothes My daughter attends Inagi Dai 5 Junior High School, and the time for changing to winter uniforms is approaching. However, with the rapid acceleration of global warming, I would like to request that the change of uniforms not be specified by a set time, but rather left to individual judgment. Regarding the uniform change at Inagi Dai 5 Junior High School, I confirmed with the school that the winter uniform period is from October 1 to May 31 of the following year, with a transition period of two weeks before and after.
Additionally, I have heard that the school has been considering flexible responses according to the climate, such as allowing students to wear gym clothes during extreme heat.
As for the school's "rules for daily life," the Board of Education has previously instructed to review any aspects that may lack consideration for health, and I have reiterated the instruction to respond appropriately this time.
Guidance Division
3 20 days Regarding the Name of the Branch of the City Library Regarding the branch libraries of the city library, it may be easier to remember the branch names if they correspond to the place names, as it is difficult to identify the location from the names of the first to fourth branches. Regarding the branch of the city library, it is essentially a facility within each Cultural Center, and therefore, it generally has the same name as each Cultural Center. It is recognized that citizens are familiar with the abbreviations "Nibun," "Sanbun," and "Yonbun." Library Service Section
4 20 days About Hirao Elementary School Building In recent years, as the number of students has increased, securing classroom space has become a challenge. I have heard that art rooms and other facilities are scheduled to be converted into classrooms, but the situation is such that the original equipment will be lost, raising concerns about the deterioration of the educational environment and a decline in quality. Regarding the school facilities of Hirao Elementary School, we are taking measures to ensure that there is no shortage of regular classrooms, such as carrying out construction to repurpose rooms that were used as a "Fureai Center" into regular classrooms in the fiscal year 2023, based on projections of student numbers.
We will continue to monitor trends in residential development and student projections to ensure that there is no shortage of regular classrooms and to work on improving the educational environment.
Furthermore, regarding the art and music rooms that were pointed out, there is no situation that requires them to be repurposed into regular classrooms, and we do not plan to change their use.
School Management Section, Education General Affairs Division
5 20 days Regarding the Increase of Teachers Due to the Increase in Student Numbers at Hirao Elementary School The number of students is increasing, and it seems necessary to increase the number of teachers as well, so I would like you to secure and implement the necessary budget. We would like to express our gratitude for your cooperation and understanding of Inagi City's educational administration.
The number of teachers working in public elementary and junior high schools is determined by the "Law Concerning the Standard for Class Composition and Faculty and Staff Numbers in Public Compulsory Education Schools" (hereinafter referred to as the "Law"). For teachers in Inagi City Public Schools, the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education, as the appointing authority, allocates them based on the "Faculty and Staff Allocation Policy" established in accordance with the Law, after making budgetary provisions.
Therefore, if the number of classes increases due to an increase in the number of students, teachers will be appropriately allocated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education.
In addition, the Inagi City Board of Education allocates instructional assistants and others based on its own budget according to the school situation, striving to enhance detailed guidance.
School Faculty and Staff Section, Department of Education
6 20 days About Free Schools Could you please set up another free school near City Hall? Regarding the establishment of the "Pear Room" in locations other than Hirao, we are currently not considering the new establishment due to the fact that the number of children and students currently in the "Pear Room" does not pose a hindrance to operations, and there is no suitable land for expansion that is equipped with facilities such as a gymnasium or cultivation experience.
Additionally, information about nearby private facilities such as free schools will be provided to schools and is also planned to be published on the Inagi City Website.
Guidance Division

5. Other Matters

No. Response Date Title Contents Response Response Section
1 2 days About the Children's Monitoring Chime Why has the number of chimes been reduced to one, and why is the sound quieter? The disaster prevention administrative radio is installed as a means of communication to citizens in emergencies, and it must always be maintained in a normal state. Therefore, we conduct operational checks by broadcasting a melody in place of the siren every evening, which also serves to promote the city anthem. However, we have received feedback that the broadcast sound is causing disruptions in daily life, so we are broadcasting at a lower volume. General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section
2 2 days About the Establishment of the City's Free Tutoring Program Could you consider establishing a free tutoring program aimed at improving the city's education level, comparable to that of the ward? Regarding the free learning support provided by the city, since the fiscal year 2020, we have been implementing the "Children's Learning and Life Support Project" targeting middle school students from non-taxable households and Public Assistance households. This program is contracted to specialized private Business Operators once a week to provide learning support. The aim of this project is to improve academic ability and establish learning habits by reviewing school lessons together, as well as to provide advancement support for high school entrance exams and life support for middle school students and their Parents or Guardians, enabling them to aim for independence in the future and break the cycle of poverty. Livelihood Welfare Division Community Welfare Section
3 2 days Evening Chime Broadcast I would like the evening chime broadcast to be abolished or the volume to be lowered. The disaster prevention administrative radio is installed as a means of communication to citizens in emergencies, and it must always be maintained in a normal state. Therefore, we conduct operational checks by broadcasting a melody instead of a siren every evening. Additionally, the 2 PM broadcast is utilized for monitoring broadcasts to ensure the safety and security of children, aligning with the general dismissal time of elementary school students, in light of the ongoing crimes targeting children.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the volume and other factors during these broadcasts, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section
4 6 days Installation of Nuclear Shelters and Large-Scale Evacuation Facilities I would like to have nuclear shelters and large-scale evacuation facilities installed. Regarding the installation of nuclear shelters and large-scale evacuation facilities proposed, the city has established measures to address situations such as armed attacks based on the Inagi City National Protection Plan. In the event of a ballistic missile launch, we request that you take evacuation actions, such as moving to nearby sturdy buildings and staying away from windows.
Additionally, the city is working in collaboration with the national and metropolitan governments to designate sturdy buildings, such as those made of concrete, as "emergency temporary evacuation facilities" to temporarily evacuate and mitigate direct damage from blasts and debris during ballistic missile launches. Currently, there are no plans to develop nuclear shelters or large-scale evacuation facilities. You can check the list of evacuation facilities on the "Cabinet Office National Protection Portal Site."
The city will continue to work to minimize damage in preparation for armed attack situations.
Disaster Prevention Division Disaster Prevention Section
5 6 days How Tobacco Tax is Used I would like to know the specific amount of tobacco tax revenue for the city and how it is used. In the fiscal year 2022, the municipal tobacco tax amounted to approximately 473 million yen, accounting for about 2.9% of the total municipal tax revenue of approximately 16.44 billion yen, making it a valuable financial resource for our city.
Furthermore, the municipal tobacco tax is a general tax with no specified use, and it is effectively and efficiently utilized for various projects and policies that are essential to the daily lives of our citizens.
Finance Division, Finance Section
6 6 days About Cemetery Public Relations Is the cost of distributing flyers to each household covered by taxes? Also, I would like to know the amount. Regarding the distribution of flyers for the public Inagi and Fuchu Memorial Park cemetery, the Inagi and Fuchu Cemetery Association conducts this to widely disseminate information such as facility details and recruitment announcements for cemetery users, using cemetery usage fees and management fees as funding. The total cost for printing and distribution to all households in Inagi City and Fuchu City amounts to 914,439 yen per distribution, based on the results for the fiscal year 2023. Citizen Affairs Division - Family Register Section
7 17 days About Minami-Tama Sports Plaza I would like a vending machine to be installed at Minami-Tama Sports Plaza. Regarding the Minami-Tama Sports Plaza, since it is land borrowed from the Tokyo Metropolitan Sewerage Bureau, discussions with Tokyo Metropolitan Government are necessary to install new facilities, including vending machines, on the premises.
We are currently in discussions with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government regarding the proposed installation of vending machines.
Sports Promotion Section Sports Promotion Division
8 17 days About the Multi-Site Development of Owens Health Plaza Is it possible to place some functions of Owens Health Plaza at i Plaza in Wakabadai and Friend Hirao? Regarding the Health Plaza, we utilize the waste heat energy generated during waste incineration at the Tama River Clean Center for the heated swimming pool and indoor air conditioning.
Additionally, taking advantage of its proximity to the City Hospital, we operate as a base facility for promoting citizens' health by providing programs that combine health check-ups and exercise in collaboration with the City Hospital.
As for the multi-location expansion to various districts within the city, we have no plans for implementation due to the comprehensive considerations of installation locations, staffing, and operational costs, making it difficult to respond.
Furthermore, at the Comprehensive Gymnasium in Nagamine, there is a training room equipped with various training machines, and there are also sports activities available for individual use, so please take advantage of it.
Health Division Health Promotion Section
9 17 days About Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multicopters (hereinafter referred to as: Drones) Is it possible to include the development of human resources with knowledge and skills in drones? Drones may require national qualifications and have legal restrictions depending on their purpose and size, so we believe that attending private schools to acquire accurate knowledge and piloting skills is effective. The city also utilizes drones at the Inagi City Fire Department, where staff receive technical training through courses at private schools. Additionally, since the gymnasium is a facility intended for sports, general rental of the arena is limited to sports use only. General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section
10 17 days About the venue for the citizens' festival I tried to go to the stadium for the citizens' festival, but I couldn't find a ramp, only stairs. Is it not possible to go there with a wheelchair? Thank you for attending the I Inagi Citizen Festival.
We sincerely apologize for not being able to provide guidance to the venue. The venue can be accessed without any steps from the entrance on the east side.
In the future, we will include this information in the venue's guide map and provide assistance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Citizen Festival Headquarters or nearby staff for assistance.
We hope you will visit again and enjoy the Citizen Festival.
Citizen Collaboration Division Collaboration Promotion Section
11 17 days Please build an OK Store in the empty Oshitate area. I would like an OK Store to be built in Oshitate. As a city, we are working on revitalizing the local economy and promoting Community Development so that residents can feel comfortable living here. Recently, we have seen the opening of Aeon Town and Aeon Food Style around Inagi-Naganuma Station, and last month, the opening of Ropia in the Wakabadai area.
Regarding the request for the opening of OK Store, please understand that it is primarily considered and decided based on the management judgment of private companies.
Economic Affairs Section, Commerce Division
12 20 days I want a commercial facility with various shops, and there are few supermarkets with cheap fresh food. Since there are many elderly people and Parenting households, I would like a commercial facility with various shops to be created. As a city, we are working on revitalizing the local economy and promoting community development so that residents can feel comfortable living here. In recent years, we have seen the opening of Aeon Town and Aeon Food Style around Inagi-Naganuma Station, as well as SOCOLA Wakabadai in the Sakahama area, and last month, the opening of Ropia in the Wakabadai area.
Furthermore, regarding the opinions we have received about the opening of commercial facilities, please understand that decisions are generally made based on the management judgment of private companies, taking into account the opening status of nearby commercial facilities.
Economic Affairs Section, Commerce Division
13 21 days About Commercial Facilities There is no large shopping mall. Also, there are very few restaurants, making it inconvenient. As a city, we are working on revitalizing the local economy and promoting community development so that residents can feel comfortable living here. In recent years, there have been openings of Aeon Town around Inagi-Naganuma Station and SOCOLA Wakabadai in the Sakahama area.
Furthermore, regarding the opening of commercial facilities based on the opinions we have received, please understand that these decisions are primarily made by private companies, taking into account the opening status of nearby commercial facilities.
Economic Affairs Section, Commerce Division
14 21 days About the City Hall Cafeteria The City Hall cafeteria has a low ceiling and feels dark, so it would be nice if it could have a brighter atmosphere. Regarding the city hall, more than 40 years have passed since its completion. So far, we have carried out seismic retrofitting work in 2003, as well as air conditioning renovations in fiscal years 2019 and 2020, along with LED lighting upgrades and high-pressure washing of the exterior walls. Currently, we are conducting waterproofing work on the roof. To enhance the cafeteria as you inquired, large-scale construction such as rebuilding the city hall would be necessary, but due to the enormous costs involved, it is not feasible at this time. Therefore, the city is working to extend the life of the city hall based on the "Inagi City Public Building Maintenance and Preservation Plan." Property Management Division Facility Section
15   About the site of the former Saizeriya in Koyodai I hope that a store that residents will be happy with will be located on the site of the Saizeriya in Koyodai. As a city, we are working on revitalizing the local economy and promoting Community Development so that citizens can feel comfortable living here. However, regarding the site of the former Koyodai Saizeriya, it will fundamentally be considered and decided based on the management judgment of private enterprises, and we kindly ask for your understanding in this matter.
Additionally, we have submitted an Opinion Statement to the landowners, the Urban Renaissance Agency (UR) and Sekisui House Real Estate Tokyo Co., Ltd., requesting consideration for tenanting restaurants that meet local demands.
Economic Affairs Section, Commerce Division
16 22 days Expansion of Certificate Issuance at Convenience Stores I would like the family register certificate to also be available for issuance at convenience stores. Regarding the convenience store issuance service for family register copies, we have determined not to implement it due to reasons such as the low usage rate outside of service counters in other cities when initially considering its introduction, and the extremely high initial implementation costs (system modification costs other than outsourcing fees).
Additionally, with the revision of the Family Register Act in the first year of Reiwa, it is expected that the requirement to attach family register copies for various social security procedures will be omitted in the future, leading to a decrease in opportunities to obtain family register copies compared to the present. Furthermore, it is planned that family register copies will be obtainable at service counters in municipalities nationwide, regardless of the registered domicile. These changes are expected to be implemented during the fiscal year 2023.
For these reasons, we do not plan to introduce the convenience store issuance service for family register copies at this time.
Please note that we conduct holiday openings twice a month, and you can request family register copies at the service counter. We encourage you to take advantage of this service.
Citizen Affairs Division - Family Register Section

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Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division