When you lose, burn, or damage your My Number Card (Individual Number Card)

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Page ID 1002630 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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When you lose your My Number Card

If you lose your My Number Card, please follow the procedures below.

  1. First, to prevent the misuse of your card, please contact the call center below and proceed with the temporary suspension process.
  2. After the temporary suspension, please submit a lost property report at the nearest police box or police station. Please note that the receipt number for the lost property report will be required for the reissuance procedure of the My Number Card, so please be careful not to lose it.
  3. If you wish to cancel your lost My Number Card and request a reissue of your My Number Card, please complete the procedure at City Hall or a Branch Office (for a fee).
  4. If you have found your lost card, please proceed to City Hall or the Branch Office to lift the temporary suspension.

My Number Card Temporary Suspension Contact

Temporary suspension due to loss or theft of My Number Card is accepted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

My Number Card Comprehensive Free Dial


Individual Number Card Call Center (National Common Navigation Dial)


Those who wish to abolish the My Number Card and obtain a new card (reissue of the My Number Card)

If you lose, burn, or damage your My Number Card, you can apply for the cancellation and reissuance of the card at City Hall or a Branch Office. If you wish to reissue your My Number Card, please refer to the following link.

It takes about a month and a half from the application for reissuance of the My Number Card to receiving it.

Those who have found their My Number Card

If the lost My Number Card is found, it can be reactivated by going through the procedure to lift the temporary suspension. The procedure can be done at City Hall or a Branch Office.

Required Documents

Personal Application

Found My Number Card

Those who are issuing electronic certificates for signatures

Even if the suspension of the My Number Card is lifted, the signature electronic certificate will not be automatically released. After lifting the suspension of the My Number Card, procedures for revocation and reissuance are necessary. At that time, it will be required to enter the PIN of the discovered My Number Card (two types: 4 digits and signature electronic certificate).

Application by Proxy

For more details, please contact us.
Note: In the case of a voluntary agent application, the suspension cannot be lifted on the same day.

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Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Citizen Affairs Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Citizen Affairs Division