Television reception improvement work by the 700MHz Utilization Promotion Association

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Page ID 1002794 Update DateDecember 16, 2024

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In Inagi City, construction for television reception interference countermeasures is being carried out by the 700MHz Utilization Promotion Association.
This construction is being conducted because when mobile phone operators start operating mobile phone systems using new radio waves (700MHz band), there is a possibility that these waves will be strongly received by television antennas, causing some television images to be "distorted" or "not visible."
The costs related to the construction will be borne by the 700MHz Utilization Promotion Association. Additionally, construction workers will not charge any fees.
The visiting construction workers will carry a "Television Reception Interference Countermeasure Certificate." If you have any concerns, please contact the call center listed on the flyer (0120-700-012).

Note: The 700MHz Utilization Promotion Association is a general incorporated association established by four companies: NTT Docomo, KDDI, Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company, and SoftBank.

Response from the 700MHz Utilization Promotion Association

1. Measures for households living in areas where preliminary construction is required

Two to three months before the radio wave emission date flyers will be distributed.
Later, workers will visit to explain the work details and, with your consent, will carry out the countermeasure work free of charge.

Photo: Sample flyer for measures for households living in areas requiring preliminary construction

2. Measures for households in areas where television images may be affected

Three weeks before the start of the radio wave transmission flyers will be distributed.
If there is any impact on television images, we will carry out recovery work free of charge, so please contact the call center listed on the flyer (0120-700-012).

Photo: Sample flyer for measures for households in areas that may be affected by television image interference

Contact Us

700MHz (megahertz) TV Reception Interference Countermeasure Call Center

Toll-Free Number 0120-700-012
Note: If you cannot connect to the above number using IP phones, please call 050-3786-0700 (charged).
Reception Hours: From 9 AM to 10 PM (including Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays)

Related Links

General Incorporated Association 700MHz Utilization Promotion Association
Postal Code: 108-0075, 2-5-7 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Konan Building 8th Floor
Phone Number: 03-6712-1920 (Representative) Fax: 03-6712-1998

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Inagi City Planning Department ICT Promotion Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Planning Department ICT Promotion Division