No.102 Lifting of the State of Emergency and Future Plans

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Page ID 1005855 Update DateDecember 16, 2024

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The emergency declaration based on the Special Measures Act for New Influenza and Other Infectious Diseases was issued on April 7, 2020, to seven prefectures: Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka, and was expanded to all prefectures on April 16, 2020.

The period was initially scheduled until May 6, 2020, and due to a nationwide effort during the Golden Week, the number of new infections decreased. However, since the medical provision system continued to be strained, it was decided on May 4, 2020, to extend it until May 31.

Subsequently, on May 14, 2020, after organizing the criteria for determining the areas under the state of emergency, the areas that continued to be under the emergency were Hokkaido, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Kyoto, Osaka, and Hyogo, while the other 39 prefectures were lifted from the emergency.

As of the situation analysis on May 21, 2020, the areas that will continue are Hokkaido, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, and Kanagawa, while Kyoto, Osaka, and Hyogo have been lifted, and furthermore, a complete lifting was carried out on May 25, 2020.

So far, the government's COVID-19 response headquarters has established a cluster response team, and diligent contact tracing has been conducted by local health centers. Each medical institution has bravely confronted the COVID-19 virus, for which effective treatment methods are limited, and has implemented earnest life-saving measures.

As a result, Japan has an exceptionally low number of infections and deaths compared to other countries around the world. However, these results are not fully understood, and we cannot celebrate without reservations, but at this point, it is being evaluated from abroad that we have succeeded in suppressing the infection.

This lifting marks approximately three months since the temporary closure of Elementary and Junior High Schools began and about a month and a half since the state of emergency was declared.

COVID-19 seems to be heading towards a resolution, leaving behind significant sacrifices and major challenges. During this time, many citizens have cooperated with behavioral changes through their individual efforts, and we thank you for that. Thanks to your dedication, we were able to move towards lifting the restrictions.

However, just because the state of emergency has been lifted, it does not mean that COVID-19 has disappeared, and as of now, no vaccines or specific treatments have been developed.

According to the government's expert meeting, in the "Analysis and Recommendations on COVID-19 Measures," even after the state of emergency is lifted, the response to the infectious disease will be a long-term effort. Therefore, it is required to continue basic measures such as "maintaining physical distance, wearing masks, and handwashing," as well as to practice the "new lifestyle."

In the "Roadmap" announced by the Governor of Tokyo on May 22, 2020, it is indicated that for the time being, it is necessary to achieve a society where "infection prevention and economic and social activities coexist" while establishing a "new normal."

Both the national government and Tokyo are showing a cautious stance in anticipation of a second wave of COVID-19.

On the other hand, while the world is still not seeing a resolution to infectious diseases, there are movements towards the resumption of economic activities. However, it is not simply a matter of returning to the original social life, and there are opinions that companies need to adapt to the "new normal." The traditional "normal" where the movement of people is the source of economic activity and the density of activities leads to productivity is no longer applicable in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For the time being, we must consider how to invigorate economic activities while limiting contact between people, balancing these opposing elements. Further IT advancement and automation through technologies such as robotics will also become inevitable.

The city is gradually resuming Public Facilities, businesses, and events based on the draft discussed at the 8th meeting of the COVID-19 Countermeasures Headquarters.

As of the end of May 2020, when this manuscript is being written, Nursery Schools and the After-School Childcare Program will resume normal operations from June 1, 2020, and Elementary and Junior High Schools will gradually restart classes from the same day.

Even after the declaration of the state of emergency is lifted, the city will continue to implement infection prevention measures and emergency economic measures. We will do our utmost until the day everyone can live with a smile returns, so we ask for your understanding and cooperation.

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