No. 17 New branch of the Tama Inagi Crime Prevention Association has been established

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Page ID 1005940 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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(Inagi Newsletter March 15, 2013 issue)

On January 20, 2013, the inauguration ceremony of the "Wakabadai 2-chome Branch" was held, and I also participated. Following last year's "Wakabadai 4-chome Branch," this marks the birth of the 14th branch in the city, with the president of the local Neighborhood Association in the relevant area appointed as the first branch president.
On that day, Chief Kurosawa of the Tama Central Police Station and President Mizoguchi of the Tama Inagi Crime Prevention Association also attended. It was not just a ceremony; there were also presentations of crime prevention goods and a talk by the head of the police station's crime prevention division. When recorded conversations from actual cases of fraud were played, all participating members listened intently.
The Crime Prevention Association is actively working on the formation of new branches with the motto "We protect our town ourselves." Specifically, the association and the city cooperate to approach Neighborhood Associations that do not have branches, and as soon as understanding is obtained, new branches are formed. Each branch is making steady efforts, and I would like to express my gratitude and respect once again.
In Inagi City, to make these efforts more effective, we have organized the "Safety and Security Community Development Promotion Council," which includes various related organizations such as the Neighborhood Association Federation and the Commissioned Welfare Volunteer Council, with the Crime Prevention Association at its core, along with the Tama Central Police Station and the General Affairs Department of City Hall.
In this council, we conduct citywide crime prevention patrols twice a year, before summer vacation and at the end of the year, and exchange information in about three meetings a year, setting reduction targets for crime numbers each year and working together to eradicate crime.
By the way, in the October issue of Weekly Toyo Keizai last year, a ranking of livable cities was announced, and Inagi City was ranked first in Tokyo for the safe and secure city category and 33rd nationwide.
I believe this achievement is due to the collaboration between citizens and the administration, utilizing local strength, resulting in a low number of crime occurrences. However, there are still some heinous crimes, including those targeting areas with many Older Adults, reflecting the locality of crime, and the current situation cannot yet be considered satisfactory.
This year, we have set a target of keeping the number of crimes under 550. I hope to achieve this together with everyone.

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