No.77 Initial Budget for Fiscal Year 2018
We will provide an overview of the initial budget for the new fiscal year, which was approved at the first Regular Session of the City Council.
The scale of the General Fund Budget for fiscal year 2018 is 34.5 billion yen, an increase of 2.36 billion yen, or 7.3%, compared to the previous year.
This year's budget is also based on the Fourth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan, promoting the achievement of the goals set forth in the Inagi City Community, People, and Work Creation Comprehensive Strategy, while continuing support for disaster-affected areas such as those impacted by the Great East Japan Earthquake, prioritizing the safety of citizens and working on disaster prevention and mitigation measures.
In terms of revenue, the increase in the number of Municipal Resident Tax payers and the reassessment of fixed assets will result in an increase of approximately 160 million yen (1.1%) in Municipal Tax revenue. However, on the other hand, due to the review of settlement standards, the local consumption tax grant will decrease by approximately 206 million yen (12.5%). This decrease will be partially offset by an increase in local allocation tax of about 155 million yen, and combined with other revenue increases, the total amount of general funds will increase by 0.9%, managing to secure the same amount.
The main construction projects for this year include large-scale renovations of the Third Junior High School building, installation of air conditioning in science rooms at various elementary schools, land acquisition and relocation construction for the first School Lunch kitchen, development of the multipurpose square at Wakabadai Park, improvements to the parking lot at Chuo Park baseball field, new construction of a community facility under the Nambu Line (Yanokuchi) and development of a meal delivery service facility (Higashinagano), renovations of the life support service base (Koyodai), main piping construction for high-temperature water heat recovery (City Hospital), development of roads No. 7, 4, and 5 (from San Chuo to Keio Line), development of roads No. 3, 4, and 12 Yomiuri Land Line, and development of the tunnel for roads No. 3, 4, and 36 (from Kamihirako to Odaryo). Just the projects listed here amount to approximately 3 billion yen, which are the main factors for the increase in this year's budget.
Next, we will introduce an overview of the characteristics of this year's budget by policy issues.
Long-Term Plan Related
The Fourth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan of Inagi City will expire in fiscal year 2020, so we will proceed with the formulation of the Fifth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan.
Community Development Related
We will implement the introduction of three-party simultaneous interpretation via telephone interpreters for emergency calls from foreigners, the installation of flood depth display boards in flood-prone areas, and the introduction of the Tokyo Disaster Victim Life Reconstruction Support System, which can be jointly used with municipalities in Tokyo.
Parenting Support Related
We will implement measures to address waiting children, such as increasing capacity due to the licensing of Licensed Childcare Centers, increasing the number of children accepted by Licensed Childcare Centers and family childcare business operators, preparing for the opening of Licensed Childcare Centers utilizing Tokyo Metropolitan land, and expanding rent subsidies to secure childcare workers, and we will begin formulating the Second Inagi City Child and Parenting Support Project Plan for fiscal years 2020 to 2024.
Older Adults Support Related
We will prepare for dental health checkup projects and convenience store payment of insurance premiums under the Late-Stage Elderly Medical Care system, implement community center projects in the Nagamine area, and effectively utilize the space under the Nambu Line elevated tracks and the Koyodai Metropolitan Housing to establish base facilities for meal delivery services, preventive care projects, and life support services.
Education Related
The Second Basic Plan for Education Promotion will expire in fiscal year 2019, so we will proceed with the formulation of the Third Basic Plan for Education Promotion.
Tourism Exchange Related
We will establish the (tentative name) Inagi City Tourism Association, implement tourism collaboration projects with Machida City and Tama City, and conduct sports exchanges with sister cities (dispatching elementary school students to Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture).
Passive Smoking Prevention Related
We will assign smoking prevention instructors in accordance with the enforcement of the ordinance regarding restrictions on smoking on the streets of Inagi City, and display signs and pavement markings to indicate areas where smoking is prohibited on the streets.
This year, we will continue to advance the Community Development of Inagi while listening to the opinions of the citizens. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
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2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
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