No.114 COVID-19 vaccination begins

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Page ID 1005843 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Vaccination, which is an important and effective measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, has begun.
The city launched the vaccination project on December 2nd of last year (Reiwa 2) and started gathering information and preparing. Due to the delay in the supply of vaccines and the lack of clear national policy, the city's vaccination plan underwent several changes. In February of this year (Reiwa 3), we conducted two simulations of vaccination sites with the medical association and established and announced the hybrid vaccination system "Inagi City Model," which combines group and individual vaccinations.
Subsequently, on April 19th of Reiwa 3, we began vaccinations for the highest priority medical workers, and on the 26th of the same month, we started accepting reservations for the second priority group of older adults aged 65 and over (approximately 20,000 eligible individuals). Group vaccinations began on May 12th, and individual vaccinations started on the 18th of the same month.
At the beginning of the reservation period, there was a concentration of calls and internet connections, making it difficult to secure appointments, and we apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone.
The city has been doing its best in cooperation with the city medical association, City Hospital, and various medical institutions in the city to expand the vaccination system, but we recognize that there are still individuals who wish to be vaccinated but have not yet been able to make a reservation.
We encourage you to use the internet, which generally has more available appointment slots, or continue to call the call center.
Vaccines are scheduled to be supplied sequentially in the future, and as vaccinations progress, they will definitely reach everyone, so we ask for your patience a little longer.

Vaccination Appointment Status
The vaccinations conducted in the city initially consisted of two types: "group vaccination" and "individual vaccination." However, a "large-scale individual vaccination" at Inagi Dai Hospital has been added, and separately, the "Self-Defense Forces Tokyo Large-Scale Vaccination Center" is also available for use.

  • Group Vaccination Method
    At Inagi City Hospital venue, initially 48 people were vaccinated per day, but as soon as vaccinations for medical professionals in the city, who are the top priority, are completed, we will gradually expand the vaccination slots for citizens.
    At Friend Hirao venue, initially there were 2 sessions with 120 people each, but thanks to the cooperation of the medical corporation Keiseikai and Yomiuri Land Keiyu Hospital, we were able to expand the vaccination days.
    The Central Cultural Center venue and Comprehensive Gymnasium venue will be conducted with the cooperation of the medical corporation Keiko-kai and Nanzan Rehabilitation Hospital (currently under construction and scheduled to open on October 1, 2021).
    Initially, there were about 3,000 doses (about 1,500 people) available at 2 venues, but we have expanded the sessions at Friend Hirao venue by 4 times, and added 7 sessions at Central Cultural Center venue and 4 sessions at Comprehensive Gymnasium venue, increasing the total to about 7,500 doses (about 3,750 people) as of May 18, 2021.
  • Individual Vaccination Method
    Initially, there were 26 medical institutions (clinics, etc.) in the city, and later 2 more were added. Inagi Dai Hospital initially conducted individual vaccinations, but has since transitioned to a large-scale individual vaccination method, and currently, individual vaccinations are being conducted at 27 locations.
    We have requested that each medical institution in the city aim to conduct vaccinations for about 30 people per day. The calculation amounts to approximately 46,000 doses (about 23,000 people), but due to individual circumstances such as facilities and personnel, not all medical institutions can necessarily handle 30 people per day, so this figure is a maximum target.
  • Large-scale individual vaccination method
    In cooperation with the specified medical corporation Ken Seikai and Inagidai Hospital, this will be conducted separately from the city's group vaccination, with an expected implementation of 2,000 doses (for 1,000 people).
  • Self-Defense Forces Tokyo Large-Scale Vaccination Center
    Established by the government in Otemachi, Chiyoda Ward, and operated by the Self-Defense Forces. It is currently unclear how many Inagi City residents will utilize it, but it will be conducted for 10,000 people per day.

How to Make a Vaccine Appointment

  • Group Vaccination Method
    Reservations can be made by phone at the call center or online.
  • Individual Vaccination Method
    Initially, appointments were only accepted by phone at each medical institution, but now 19 medical institutions have made it possible to make reservations through the city's reservation system.
  • Large-scale Individual Vaccination Method
    Reservations can be made through the dedicated reservation site of Inagidai Hospital.
  • Self-Defense Forces Tokyo Large-Scale Vaccination Center
    Reservations are made through the Ministry of Defense's dedicated reservation site.

Reservation Status
As of late May 2021, when this document was organized, more than 90% of the reservation slots for eligible individuals have been set, and reservations are being accepted sequentially.
The city has been working in collaboration with the city medical association and local medical institutions to gradually expand the vaccination methods and venues, and in terms of target numbers, we have secured a supply that allows all individuals aged 65 and older to be vaccinated.
Moving forward, we will continue to strive to establish a system that makes it easier to receive vaccinations, as well as advance support measures for those who have not yet made reservations.

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Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
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