No.87 "Plastic Smart" Forum Launch
Recently, interest in plastic waste has rapidly increased. Marine pollution caused by plastic is a global issue and is listed as one of the 17 goals in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The SDGs, established at the United Nations Summit in September 2015, are international goals for 2016 to 2030 outlined in the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." The 14th goal includes the item "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development," with the first target stating, "By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce all forms of marine pollution," highlighting its recognition as an urgent international issue.
In this context, to strengthen the nationwide campaign promoting "smart ways to deal with plastic" aimed at reducing marine plastic waste, the "Plastic Smart" forum has been established, and the launch ceremony was held at the Ministry of the Environment on January 23, 2019.
As a representative of the administrative organizations participating, I attended alongside Governor Kuroiwa of Kanagawa Prefecture and Deputy Mayor Yanagisawa of Karuizawa Town, and I was able to send a message of support. The participants on the day included Minister of the Environment Harada, representatives from AEON Co., Ltd., the NPO Genki Network for Creating a Sustainable Society, the Marine Plastic Problem Response Council, Coca-Cola Japan, and McDonald's Holdings Company Japan, all of which are organizations with a high environmental awareness.
This year, Japan will serve as the first chair country for the G20 in June, and there is an increasing demand for Japan's leadership in the international community. The government is formulating a "Plastic Resource Circulation Strategy" and will systematically develop measures, so we, as local governments, also want to collaborate with businesses and consumers to solve issues with an all-Japan approach.
Currently, 9 million tons of plastic are discarded annually in Japan, but most of it is being recycled or properly processed. However, it is also true that a portion of it (estimated by researchers to be between 2,000 and 60,000 tons) flows into rivers and coastlines due to littering and improper disposal.
The city is working on proper collection and transportation, as well as raising awareness about waste reduction, while also conducting beautification campaigns and cleanups of the Misawa River and Tama River in collaboration with citizens and businesses.
The issue of plastic waste cannot be solved solely by the establishment or strengthening of new systems. It is also important for local governments, the government, businesses, and citizens/consumers to unite and change their awareness.
I ask everyone to participate from perspectives that can be addressed in their daily lives, such as prohibiting littering.
I hope that the "Plastic Smart" forum will communicate our country's efforts to the world and serve as a foundation for Japan to challenge the international community as a front-runner in solving the marine plastic problem.
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