No.39 Top 10 News of Inagi City in 2014
(Inagi Newsletter January 15, 2015 issue)
Last year, in February, at the Sochi Olympics, 41-year-old athlete Kasai won a silver medal in ski jumping, while figure skater Hanyu and snowboarders Hirano and Hiraoka became teenage medalists. In June, Matsuyama won the golf tour in the United States, and in September, Nishikori was the runner-up at the US Open, highlighting the achievements of the younger generation.
In January, Haruko Obokata and others from the RIKEN Institute announced a paper on STAP cells, which was revealed to have been falsified in March, leading to a situation that could undermine trust in Japan's science and technology. However, in September, the RIKEN Institute and the Advanced Medical Center Hospital conducted the world's first regenerative medicine using iPS cells, and in December, JAXA successfully launched the asteroid probe Hayabusa2, while Professors Akasaki, Amano, and Nakamura, who developed blue LEDs, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, helping to restore trust once again.
In terms of natural disasters, the record snowfall in the Kanto-Koshin region in February, the eruption of Mount Ontake in September, Typhoons 18 and 19 in October, and the eruption of Mount Aso in November made it a year that reminded us of the importance of preparedness.
Let's also look back at the events of the year in Inagi City.
- Hail Damage Occurrence
Hail fell over a wide area of the city around noon on June 13, causing approximately 100 million yen in damage to the local specialties of pears and grapes. - New i-Bus Route Operation
We have reviewed the first route and timetable since the full-scale operation began in 2002. Additionally, we have established the Inagi City Regional Public Transport Council for the second phase of the review. - Community Development in Sakahama and Hirao areas is progressing
The Kodara Land Readjustment Project has commenced, and land for a fire Branch Office has been secured within the Kamihirao Land Readjustment Project area. - After-School Children's Program Start
Trial implementation at 8 elementary schools to create a safe and secure after-school environment. Preparations are underway for full implementation across all schools and all grades in the new academic year. - The soccer field at Inagi Nagamine Sports Plaza has been completed.
The construction of the soccer field and futsal court was completed in December, and it opened on January 10 of this year. - The name of the new elementary school has been decided.
The name of the elementary school, which will open in April this year within the Minamiyama East Land Readjustment Project area, has been decided through public recruitment as "Minamiyama Elementary School." - City Hospital Health Check Center Business Promotion
Received evaluation for health check facility functions conducted by the Japan Human Dock Association and was certified in April. Based on the tripartite agreement between Inagi City, Tokyo Verdy, and Oensu Co., Ltd., medical checks for players belonging to Verdy and Nippon TV Beleza have also begun at the health check center. - Measures Against New Influenza
In accordance with the national special measures law, we have formulated the Inagi City ordinances, regulations, and action plans, and in November, we concluded a basic cooperation agreement among the three cities (Hino City, Tama City, and Inagi City) under the jurisdiction of the Minami-Tama Health Center. - Inagi Nashinosuke achieved consecutive victories in the Tokyo Yuru-Chara Grand Prix
Ranked 104th overall out of 1,699 characters nationwide, and secured 1st place in the local category for Tokyo. - Organizational Reform of City Hall
We have made the organization easy to understand and user-friendly, such as by streamlining services related to children into a one-stop system.
These are the top 10 news stories from Inagi City. While taking a broad view of the domestic and international situation from last year, we are determined to face the threats of natural disasters to come and to advance the Community Development of Inagi City together with all of you.
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