Please tell me about account changes for National Pension members/beneficiaries.
Update date: April 1, 2022
Procedures for changing accounts differ depending on whether you are a member of the National Pension or a beneficiary of the National Pension.
Account change for national pension subscribers
If you want to change the bank transfer institution or account for your national pension premiums, please submit the "Application for Payment (Change) of National Pension Premiums Bank Transfer" to the new financial institution. It will be changed 1 to 2 months after notification. Application forms are also available at the Fuchu Pension Office and the Health Insurance and Pension Division of the city hall (please check with some financial institutions and post offices that do not have application forms).
1. Necessary items (1) Deposit (savings) passbook (2) Deposit (savings) passbook notification seal (3) National pension premium payment guide, basic pension number notification, pension book, etc. (4) Identity verification documents ( My number card, driver's license, etc.)
2. Banks nationwide, post offices, agricultural cooperatives, fishery cooperatives, credit unions, credit unions, labor banks
Account change for national pension beneficiaries
If you want to change the bank transfer institution or bank account for receiving the National Pension, please submit a "Notification of Change of Beneficiary Institution for Pension Beneficiaries" to the Fuchu Pension Office in your jurisdiction.
It will be changed 1 to 2 months after notification. Notifications of changes are available at the Fuchu Pension Office and the City Hall Insurance and Pension Division.
Contact Information
Insurance and Pension Division: Tel: 042-378-2111, extension 142, 143
Fuchu Pension Office
Postal code 183-8505
Address: 2-12-2 Fuchu-cho, Fuchu City
Phone: 042-361-1011
Inquiries regarding this page
Inagi City Citizens Department Insurance and Pension Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi-shi, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781