Frequently Asked Questions (National Pension)
QuestionIs there a way to find out my Pension enrollment period and Pension amount?
How to Know Your Pension
Confirmation at the Fuchu Pension Office
Those with a period of enrollment in the Employees' Pension, Category 1 insured person period, or Category 3 insured person period
Please bring identification documents (My Number Card, driver's license, etc.) and the Basic Pension Number notification or Pension Handbook, etc.
In the case of a representative, a power of attorney and identification documents for the representative (My Number Card, driver's license, etc.) are required.
Confirmation on the Internet
You can check your Pension enrollment records and more on the Japan Pension Service website "Nenkin Net".
Confirmation by Pension Regular Mail
Once a year, in your birth month, you can check your pension enrollment records and more through the "Pension Regular Notification" sent to National Pension and Employees' Pension insured individuals.
How those aged 50 and over can find out their expected Pension amount
This applies only to the subscribers of the National Pension and Employees' Pension, but if you apply through the "Pension Dial," you will receive a response by mail later.
Pension Dial Phone: 0570-05-1165 (Navi Dial)
Note: If you are calling from a number starting with 050, please dial 03-6700-1165
Contact Information
Fuchu Pension Office
Postal Code 183-8505
Address 2-12-2 Fuchucho, Fuchu City
Phone 042-361-1011
Please let us know your feedback on how to make our website better.
Inquiries about this page
Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Insurance and Pension Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Insurance and Pension Division