Frequently Asked Questions (National Pension)

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Page ID 1001703 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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QuestionPlease tell me about the National Pension system.


The National Pension system is managed and operated by the government, allowing individuals or their families to receive a pension when they reach old age, suffer from severe disabilities, or in the event of death.
It is a system where the insurance premiums paid by the working generation support the benefits for the receiving generation.


All individuals living in Japan between the ages of 20 and 60 are required to enroll.
Depending on their occupation, they are classified into Category 1 insured persons, Category 2 insured persons, and Category 3 insured persons, with different procedures for enrollment and methods for paying insurance premiums.

Insurance Premium for Type 1 Insured Persons

Fiscal Year 2024

  1. Fixed insurance premium monthly 16,980 yen
  2. Additional insurance premium of 400 yen per month (for those who wish to enroll)

Payment Deadline

It is stipulated by law that the payment is due by the end of the month following the month of payment obligation.
However, even after the payment deadline has passed, payment can still be made within two years from the deadline.

  • Note: Payment slips marked with "expiration date" cannot be used for payment after the deadline has passed, so please be careful.
  • Note: The payment slip will be sent from the Japan Pension Service. If payment is difficult, there are exemption and payment deferment systems available.

National Pension Benefits

  1. Basic Old-Age Pension
  2. Additional Pension
  3. Disability Basic Pension
  4. Survivor's Basic Pension
  5. Widow's Pension
  6. Death Lump-Sum Payment

Note: Benefits will be provided upon request when the requirements are met.

The Japan Pension Service provides easy-to-understand videos about the National Pension system, its benefits, how to pay premiums, and the procedures for exemptions.

Please see the following link for the video.

Contact Information

Insurance and Pension Division Phone 042-378-2111 Extension 142, 143
Fuchu Pension Office
Postal Code 183-8505
Address 2-12-2 Fuchucho, Fuchu City
Phone 042-361-1011

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Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Insurance and Pension Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Insurance and Pension Division