Frequently Asked Questions (Long-Term Care Insurance)

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Page ID 1001999 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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QuestionPlease tell me how the validity period for long-term care and support certification is determined.


The validity period for long-term care and support certification is generally set as shown in the table below, but the Long-Term Care Certification Review Committee will consider an appropriate validity period for all applications.
The validity period will be determined based on each individual's circumstances, so the same period is not uniformly applied.

Application Category Validity Period of Certification Principles Range of Configurable Certification Validity Period
New Application 6 months 3 to 12 months
Application for Change of Classification 6 months 3 to 12 months
Update Application 12 months 3 to 48 months

To set the certification validity period shorter than the principle is applicable in cases where it is considered that the current nursing care level classification may change before the validity period of the principle expires, and the following situations apply.

  • If it is considered that the degree of physical or mental disability of the person subject to examination is in a state that is likely to fluctuate within the last 6 months (including those judged as requiring nursing care level 1 due to "unstable physical and mental condition due to illness or injury" in the assessment of the possibility of maintaining or improving the condition)
  • In cases where there is a significant change in the environment, such as transitioning from a facility to home care or from home care to a facility, it is considered possible that the assessment and judgment situation may change.
  • Other cases recognized as particularly necessary by the nursing care certification review committee

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