Frequently Asked Questions (Long-Term Care Insurance)

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Page ID 1001983 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 24

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QuestionPlease tell me about the procedures for transferring in and out of Long-Term Care Insurance.


When moving from Inagi City to other cities or towns

Individuals certified as requiring nursing care (support) in Inagi City

When completing the moving-out procedures, please return your Health Insurance Card and Burden Ratio Certificate (and the Limit Certification if you have it) to the Long-Term Care Insurance Section and the Care Certification Section of the Senior Welfare Division, and receive your Eligibility Certificate.
Please submit the Eligibility Certificate to the municipality of your new address within 14 days from the date of your address change. The certification for long-term care (support) and burden ratio will generally be transferred to the municipality of your new address for a period of 6 months.

Persons who have not received long-term care (support) certification in Inagi City

When you move out, please return your Health Insurance Card to the Long-Term Care Insurance section of the Senior Welfare Division.

When moving to Inagi City from other cities or towns

Individuals who have received long-term care or support certification from their previous municipality

If you have received a qualification certificate from the municipality where you lived before moving, please submit it to the Long-Term Care Insurance Section of the Senior Welfare Division during the moving-in procedure.
If you have not received a qualification certificate from the municipality where you lived before moving, please inform us that you had received certification during the moving-in procedure.
If the qualification certificate is submitted or reported within 14 days from the date of the address change, the certification for nursing care (support) and the burden ratio will, in principle, be carried over for 6 months in Inagi City.

Those who have not been certified by the municipality before moving in

After the transfer procedure, the Health Insurance Card will be mailed to your home.

About Address-Specific Exceptions

If you change your address to the following facility (address-based special facility) by entering the facility, the municipality of your previous address will continue to be the insurer. However, community-based facilities (such as group homes) are not subject to the address-based special provisions.

  1. Nursing Care Welfare Facility (Special Nursing Home for the Elderly)
  2. Nursing Care Health Facility for the Elderly
  3. Nursing Care Medical Institution
  4. Paid Elderly Care Home
  5. Lightly Priced Elderly Home (Care House)
  6. Service-Provided Housing for Older Adults (if providing care, meal services, laundry, cleaning, or health management)
  7. Nursing Home for the Elderly
  • For procedures applicable to special cases of the address, please contact the municipality of your previous address.
  • If you change your address from a special facility to a general residence due to discharge, please contact the municipality of your previous address. It may be necessary to complete the Long-Term Care Insurance certification transfer procedures within 14 days.

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Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division