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Jizo Bodhisattva Pagoda

Updated: June 27, 2017

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Faith

Jizo Bodhisattva ( ) It is said that worship began in the Nara period. Latter Days of the Law ( ) It spread during the Heian period, when the Shinto religion became popular, and became a popular object of worship for the common people. This faith is believed to be a way to avoid suffering in this world and the afterlife. Worldly Benefits ( ) It is the faith of All living beings ( ) It is believed to have great power to save people and to represent the blessings of the earth.
Stone Buddha statues began to be made at the end of the Heian period, and in the Edo period they became widely established in rural areas as objects of worship for the common people, and were made in large numbers. Jizo Bodhisattva Tower ( ) These are the most numerous and can truly be said to be representative stone Buddha statues of the early modern period. Monk form ( ) On your left Jewel ( ) (A jewel that grants wishes) in his right hand Staff ( ) It is common to see Jizo holding a walking stick (a walking stick carried by monks), and he has become a familiar and universal object of Jizo worship.

Jizo Bodhisattva Pagoda in Inagi City

There are currently 40 such facilities in Inagi City. Jizo Bodhisattva Tower ( ) There are. When you look at the time it was built, Kanbun ( ) From 1664 Ansei ( ) They span a period of about 200 years, from 1917 to 1860, with the most being built in the 1700s. They are often found along old roads, in temple grounds, and in cemeteries, but many have been removed from their original locations due to recent development work. In terms of geographical distribution, they are mostly concentrated in Yanoguchi, Higashinagumanuma, and Sakahama.
In the city Jizo Bodhisattva Tower ( ) Let's take a look at the form and content of the form. Round Carving ( ) Rino Statue ( ) 22 examples of carved in the round Seated statue ( ) 7 cases, Boat-shaped halo ( ) of Relief ( ) the law of nature Statue ( ) 9 cases, Six-sided banner ( ) They can be divided into five types: one example of a standing relief statue, one example of a seated statue combined with a standing relief statue, and one example of a seated statue combined with a standing relief statue. Six Jizo Statues ( ) There are nine of these in the form of a set. Looking at the relationship between the creator and faith, the creator Nembutsu group ( ) There are 16 cases where the original was erected by a single person, 9 cases where it was erected by multiple people, 6 cases where it was erected by an individual, and 9 cases where it is unknown. This shows that many of the structures were erected by members of Buddhist chanting groups that were practiced in each region. It is also noteworthy that women are prominent among the builders. Women's Buddhist chanting group ( ) "or" Somura ( ) maid ( ) " indicates that the deity was particularly popular among women. There are also examples of the belief in Jizo Bodhisattva being combined with other beliefs. Koushin ( ) Memorial service ( ) , Scripture ( ) Memorial service, Return to country ( ) Memorial service, bridge ( ) Memorial services etc. Inscription ( ) As can be seen, he had connections with a variety of faiths.

Distribution by region
district quantity
Yanoguchi 10
push up 1
Higashi Naganuma 8
Daimaru 3
100 villages 5
Sakahama 8
Hirao 5
total 40

Representative Jizo Bodhisattva Pagoda

Next, we will introduce some of the city's most representative Jizo Bodhisattva towers.
First, the photo at the top of the page is in the grounds of Jorakuji Temple. Kanbun ( ) Built in 1664, this is the oldest Jizo Bodhisattva pagoda in the city. Shimonita, Naganuma Village ( ) It was built by people from Ten people who pray to the Buddha and seven people who pray to the god of the fire ( ) From the inscription, it can be seen that the Koushin ( ) It is clear that it was also connected to religious faith. It is also the oldest Koshin tower. Blue-faced Vajra ( ) but Emperor ( ) This is an old style stone Buddha statue from before it became common.
The photo below is of Higashinaganuma. Parapet bridge ( ) The " Life extension ( ) Jizo ( ) This Jizo Bodhisattva tower is called "Kisaragi Bodhisattva Tower" and was given a unique name due to the faith of many local people. Yabe Jizo ( ) There are examples with names such as " Engakuji Temple ( ) It stands in the precincts and features a carved seated statue and Base stone ( ) Relief of Six Jizo Statues ( ) This is a rare example of a combination of the six Jizo statues. The six realms of reincarnation ( ) The purpose of the statues is to save the deceased who are suffering in the world of suffering. Six Jizo statues ( ) It stands at the entrance to the old approach to Koshoji Temple.

Inquiries about this page

Lifelong Learning Division, Education Department, Inagi City
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-377-2121 Fax: 042-379-0491

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