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Wooden standing statue of Kannon

Updated: May 9, 2017

Located in Yomiuri Land Sacred Grounds Park ( ) When you walk around the area, you can see many cultural assets, including buildings, Buddhist statues, stonework, and sculptures. Myokendo ( ) It is enshrined in the lower hall. Wooden standing statue of Kannon Bodhisattva ( ) It is a precious Buddha statue that is a nationally designated important cultural property. Japanese cypress ( ) of One wooden structure ( ) The statue is about 154 cm tall and made of wood. Lotus throne ( ) The total height including the pedestal is about 185 cm. The painted Buddha statue and the pedestal are quite rare today. Flaking ( ) The statue is believed to have been made in the early Heian period (around 820 to 850). Although it was not originally located in the Inagi area, it is the oldest statue in the city. It was designated an Important Cultural Property by the national government in August 1950.

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Lifelong Learning Division, Education Department, Inagi City
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-377-2121 Fax: 042-379-0491

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