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Artifacts excavated from Hiraohara Kyozuka and memorial tower

Updated: June 27, 2017

Hiraohara Sutra Mound ( ) During the Edo period, More than 60 states ( ) of Sacred place ( ) Going around, Copying Sutras ( ) It was built to commemorate the Offering of scriptures ( ) This is the mound of the Sutra Memorial Tower ( ) By the mid-Edo period Hoei ( ) It was discovered that the memorial tower was erected in 1708. Currently, the memorial tower stands at 1-49-7 Hirao, but it was originally located about 20 meters to the west, next to the Hirao branch of the Agricultural Cooperative Association (see photo above). It was moved to its current location in 1992 to accommodate the construction of a new building.
The sutra mound itself Latter Days of the Law ( ) Under the influence of the shogun, it began to be made among aristocrats during the Heian period, but Sacred place ( ) Visit the temple and submit a copy of the sutra The Sixty-six Chapters of National Sutra Tomb ( ) This tradition flourished in the 16th century and continued into the Edo period. Hiraohara Sutra Mound belongs to the latest generation of such sutra mounds. There are 25 sutra memorial towers in the city, 13 of which are Rokujurokubu Kaikoku Sutra Mounds, and Hiraohara Sutra Mound is the oldest of these, with a well-formed stone tower.

Investigated Hiraobara Kyozuka

According to a survey of stonework by the Board of Education, it is the oldest stonework in the city. Sutra Memorial Tower ( ) It was found that the statue was a stone monument engraved with the words "The names of all donors and donors are written in a chronological order under the stone Buddha statue." Inscription ( ) Based on this, an excavation of the sutra mound was carried out in 1976. The mound itself is an oval shape measuring approximately 6m x 4.5m, with a height of approximately 70cm, and a sutra memorial tower was erected about 20cm south of the top of the mound. The excavation was carried out by removing the pile of soil at the top of the mound. Peel ( ) It all started with the soil. River stone ( ) It seems Natural gravel ( ) is laid, and when you dig down about one meter from this stone Ground ( ) (loam layer), and a circular hole about 1 meter in diameter was dug into the ground. Pit ( ) was discovered.
Inside the pit Bizen ( ) Large grill Jar ( ) (Height 32.7 cm, rim diameter 32.5 cm) was placed inside. Bronze ( ) of Sutra tube ( ) (Height 30.5 cm, diameter 17.7 cm) was stored. trace ( ) Because it was recognized Jar ( ) It may have had a wooden lid.
Sutra tube ( ) Three from within Sutra box ( ) and Japanese Mirror ( ) , and corrupted Scripture ( ) Relics believed to be from the area were discovered. Sutra box ( ) All three items are in wooden boxes. Scripture ( ) However, due to moisture, it had deteriorated significantly. Scripture ( ) I couldn't take it out and unfold it. Sutra box ( ) From one of the lids, "Bushu Toyoshima-gun clan □" Transmission ( ) " was discovered, along with a written message. Japanese Mirror ( ) It is made of bronze and is 6.5 cm in diameter. It is small but complete. Relics from inside a sutra tube ( ) As Sutras ( ) Two points on the shaft tip, Kanei Tsūhō ( ) One item was found.
The Sixty-six Chapters of National Sutra Tomb ( ) At a time when there are few reported excavations of this kind, the fact that the excavation survey has revealed the relationship between the artifacts and the stone inscriptions is an extremely valuable achievement.

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