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Updated: June 27, 2017

Image Myokenson's writing mound (city-designated cultural property)
Myokenson's writing mound (City-designated cultural property)

Brush mound ( ) is a memorial service given to celebrate the achievements of calligraphy teachers and writers who have passed away. Disciple ( ) A kind of Memorial tower ( ) The stone monument contains information about the person's achievements and origins, Death poem ( ) song of, Disciple ( ) Many of them include the names of students and are important documents that serve as records of education in the region.
Within the city, there are many brush mounds that were erected in the precincts of shrines and temples from the late Edo period through to the Meiji period. Below, we will introduce three particularly important ones.

Myoken-son ( ) Nofudezuka (City designated cultural property)

Hundred Villages Myoken-son ( ) Within the temple grounds is the statue of a calligrapher from Hyakumura in the late Edo period. Momose Kumomoto ( ) by the hand of Inscription ( ) is engraved Brush mound ( ) has been erected. Momose Kumomoto ( ) teeth Horeki era ( ) In 1763, Hyakumura Headman ( ) Enomoto Rokuzaemon ( ) The second son of Tomipachi ( ) ) and later moved to Edo. Tominoshin Hyakumura ( ) Renamed retainer ( ) And the calligrapher Kohgen Momose ( ) He studied under Cloud ( ) It is said that he trained many disciples under the name "Kyoto Master." Tenpo ( ) In 1932, he retired and moved to his hometown of Hyakumura. Bunsei ( ) This brush mound was built in 1823 with the cooperation of many of his disciples. Inscription ( ) for, Sugawara no Michizane ( ) Along with the stone shrine dedicated to Discarded ( ) It is recorded that a brush mound was erected in which the remains were buried.

Anazawaten Shrine ( ) Nofudezuka (City designated cultural property)

In the precincts of Anazawa Tenjin Shrine at Yanoguchi, Bunkyu ( ) There is a brush mound built in 1863. This brush mound was built by a man who studied calligraphy in the late Edo period. Harada Kinryo ( ) ( Tenshindo ( ) In honor of his achievements, the villages of Yanokuchi, Naganuma, Osatate, and Gotanda were Disciple ( ) It was built by 164 people. Harada Kinryo ( ) During the Edo period, in what is now Fuchu City, Calligraphy ( ) As a business Harada School ( ) Opened Harada Genhan ( ) ( Seido ( ) He is a disciple of the late Mr. Fukusenji Temple ( ) (now Abandoned temple ( ) Living in Hands-on school ( ) It is said that he also taught at Yanokuchi. Brush mound ( ) On the surface of Harada Kinryo ( ) The words "Fudezuka" are inscribed in large letters in his own handwriting, and on the back Death poem ( ) song of, Base stone ( ) for Caretaker ( ) and Yanokuchi Village, Oshitate Village, Naganuma Village, and Gotanda Village. Disciple ( ) 164 names are inscribed on it. Harada Kinryo ( ) This document shows the breadth of teaching ability of this person.

Myokakuji Temple ( ) Nofudezuka (City designated cultural property)

Yanoguchi Myokakuji Temple ( ) In the precincts, Kaei ( ) The stone monument was erected in 1854 to commemorate the achievements and virtues of the instructor's many years of academic instruction. Tsunoda ( ) Suzu-jo's words: "I am just waiting for the purple clouds to greet me, and the affairs of this world are forgotten." Death poem ( ) The song is inscribed on the wall. Base stone ( ) On the front and left and right sides of the Brush ( ) The names of the representatives are engraved on them. As with the brush mound at Anazawa Tenjin Shrine, it is clear that the area of ​​instruction extended beyond the villages within the Inagi City area to the surrounding villages. (Reference materials: "Stone Monuments of Inagi City, Continued" and "History of Inagi City, Volume 1, Part 4)

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Lifelong Learning Division, Education Department, Inagi City
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-377-2121 Fax: 042-379-0491

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