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Risso Bridge Monument

Updated: June 27, 2017

Daimaru Waterway at 656 Higashinagumanuma ( Sugahori ( ) At the foot of the bridge over Kudzu Bridge Monument ( ) This stone monument commemorates the wooden bridge over the Omaru Waterway, which played a very important role as an agricultural waterway at that time. Tenpo ( ) It was built in 1838 to commemorate the replacement of the old bridge with a stone bridge through the cooperation of the villages of Naganuma and Osatate.
The stone monument is a rectangular pillar measuring 126 cm in height, 35 cm in width, and 23 cm in thickness, with the following markings on its surface: Umbrella Bridge ( ) The origin of this is engraved on the wall. Inscription ( ) for Tenpo ( ) It is written that the stone bridge was completed in October of the ninth year of the Tennoji era, but there is no mention of the date of construction of the stone monument. Tenpo ( ) It is believed to have been erected at the end of the Edo period after 1606. On the right side of the monument is the inscription: Kuda River ( ) Or Tama burdock ( ) Bridge of Movement ( ) N Reign ( ) Stone and Seiran ( ) " is engraved on the monument, expressing the hopes of the people of both villages for a stable world. On the left side are inscriptions of directions to Edo, Hachioji, Kawagoe, Fuchu, Odawara, Oyama, Kawasaki, and Nikkoyama. Distance ( ) was written, Signpost ( ) On the back, it is written, "Naganuma Village, Oshidate Village Soumura ( ) It is clear that the construction was made with the cooperation of both villages.
Umbrella Bridge ( ) The old road that crosses the Tama River leads north Ferry Terminal ( ) It led to Osatate Ferry and was one of the main roads at the time. For Osatate Village to the north and Naganuma Village to the south of the Omaru Irrigation Canal, the existence of the Kudzu Bridge on the main road was a huge deal, and replacing it with a stone bridge was apparently a long-cherished wish of the residents of both villages. Kudzu Bridge Monument ( ) Although it is a stone bridge monument, Signpost ( ) It is a rare and valuable stone monument that also serves as a memorial.

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2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-377-2121 Fax: 042-379-0491

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