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Seated statue of King Enma at Jorakuji Temple

Updated: June 27, 2017

In Buddhism, the dead Underworld ( ) (In the Buddhist world) Crime ( ) The world will be judged by ten kings, one after another, and the future of the world will be decided. The Ten Kings ( ) The belief in Late Tang Dynasty ( ) It was established in 1895, was introduced to Japan in the late Heian period, and became very popular in the Kamakura period. Doufuku ( ) Wearing scepter ( ) With Rage ( ) The figure shows Taoism ( ) is said to have a strong influence. King Enma ( ) is one of the Ten Kings and is known as the King of Hell. He is also the sister of King Enma. Datsueba ( ) And so, Sanbutsu ( ) On the banks of the river, he stripped people of their clothes and threw them into the trees. Hanging Clothes Old Man ( ) Give to Demon woman ( ) It is said that...
Jorakuji Temple in Higashinagumanuma is a cultural property designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Seated Statue of King Enma ( ) is enshrined here. Amida Hall ( ) (Main Hall) In the sanctuary Amida Triad ( ) To the right of Statue of Datsueba ( ) It is together with.
this Statue of King Enma ( ) teeth, Parquet construction ( ) The statue is 98.3 cm tall. Seated statue ( ) It is colored all over, Open-mouthed rage ( ) It represents the phase of Inset eye ( ) It is made with.
Abdomen in the statue ( ) To " Bushu ( ) Tama ( ) Naganuma Village ( ) Jukouzan ( ) Jodo-in Jorakuji Temple ( ) Chief Priest of the Supreme Priesthood, Chief Priest Ikuyama Unkai ( ) self-made ( ) , Genroku 12th year, leap year of September ( ) " There is a written inscription, Genroku ( ) In 1669, the head priest of Jorakuji Temple Ikuyama Transport ( ) It was made by and is believed to have been at Joraku-ji Temple from the beginning.
Skillful Carving Technique ( ) It is one of the finest Buddhist statues from the mid-Edo period in Minamitama.

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Phone: 042-377-2121 Fax: 042-379-0491

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