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Artifacts Excavated from the Hirao Daihara Ruins

Updated: October 29, 2018

Earthenware from the Yayoi period to the beginning of the Kofun period

Hiraodaihara Ruins ( ) Overview

On the lower plateau to the north of Hirao House Hiraodaihara Ruins ( ) There were three between 1977 and 1978. Excavations ( ) was carried out, Ruins ( ) The contents have been revealed. Ruins ( ) In the era of Jomon period ( ) from, Yayoi period ( ) , Kofun period ( ) , Nara period ( ) It was operated for a very long period of time. Complex ruins ( ) It was discovered Remains of a pit dwelling ( ) teeth, Jomon period ( ) 9 houses, Yayoi period ( ) from Kofun period ( ) First 22 houses, Kofun period ( ) From the latter period Nara period ( ) 7 houses, totaling 38 houses. Yayoi period ( ) From the end Kofun period ( ) In the early period Square moat tomb ( ) Five have been discovered. Ruins ( ) The features of Yayoi period ( ) from Kofun period ( ) In the early period Village ruins ( ) and Grave site ( ) The discovery of Yayoi period ruins ( ) These were the discoveries. Remains ( ) From each era, Earthenware ( ) or Stone tools ( ) etc. in large quantities Excavated ( ) However, there were some particularly important Excavated items ( ) 175 items have been designated as Inagi City tangible cultural properties.

Jomon Period ( ) Materials

Specified Jomon period ( ) The materials are Earthenware ( ) and Stone tools ( ) is. Earthenware ( ) So Jomon period ( ) Early, middle and late Deep bowl-shaped pottery ( ) 5 points, Shallow pottery ( ) 1 point, Spouted Pottery ( ) 1 piece, miniature Earthenware ( ) 2 points, Earthen products ( ) There are 6 items. Deep bowl-shaped pottery ( ) teeth Cooking ( ) Used for Earthenware ( ) And one of them is early Pointed-bottom pottery ( ) is. Spouted Pottery ( ) is a tool used to pour liquids such as sake. Earthen products ( ) There are decorative Clay plate ( ) and Clay weight ( ) There is. Stone tools ( ) So Chipped stone axe ( ) 48 points, Polished Stone Axe ( ) 5 points, Stone rod ( ) 3 points, Point ( ) 1 point, Stone plate ( ) 3 points, Grinding Stone ( ) 15 points, Concave ( ) 4 stones, Stone weight ( ) 11 points, pumice ( ) This is one float. Chipped stone axe ( ) is a digging tool with the same functions as a hoe or spade. Polished Stone Axe ( ) It has the same function as a hatchet and can cut trees. Logging ( ) It was used for processing etc. Point ( ) teeth For hunting ( ) of Stone spear ( ) At the tip of Stone weight ( ) is a river fisherman Fishing net ( ) Attached Weight ( ) is. Stone plate ( ) and Grinding Stone ( ) The acorns that were collected Polishing ( ) These are tools for crushing. Excavated items ( ) teeth Jomon period ( ) It will be a valuable resource for learning about the lives of

Yayoi Period ( ) from Kofun period ( ) Initial materials

Materials from this period are from the area around Inagi City. Excavated ( ) There are few examples, making this a particularly important resource. Yayoi Period ( ) from Kofun period ( ) Remains of dwellings from the early Square moat tomb ( ) from Excavated ( ) Did. Jar-shaped pottery ( ) There are eight pieces, two of which are burial specimens. Urn Coffin ( ) It was used as. Pedestal jar-shaped pottery ( ) There are 11 points, Cooking ( ) Some of them have a lot of soot on their bodies. Takahashi-shaped pottery ( ) There are five items, and they are used to serve food. Offer ( ) These are some of the tools I used. Wide-mouthed pottery ( ) , Small pot-shaped pottery ( ) , Jar-shaped pottery ( ) , Pottery bowl ( ) There are a total of eight pieces of pottery, including the following: Bronze ( ) One cylindrical ornament Excavated ( ) doing. Bronze ( ) The ornaments Excavated ( ) There are few examples of this material, making it a valuable resource. Grindstone ( ) There are three items:

Kofun period ( ) From the latter period Nara period ( ) Materials

Kofun period ( ) After Earthenware ( ) for Hajiki pottery ( ) and Sue ware ( ) there is. Hajiki pottery ( ) So Cooking ( ) For use Long-bodied jar ( ) 11 points, a device for steaming food Steamer ( ) 1 piece, used as tableware Pottery ( ) 11 points, and more Pottery bowl ( ) 5 points, Earthen support ( ) There is 1 item. Sue ware ( ) So Pottery ( ) There are 4 items. Nara period ( ) of Sue ware ( ) of Pottery ( ) From the bottom, " Yin and Yang ( ) " Ink writing ( ) The dwellings of this period are still Pit dwellings ( ) However, a stove was built in the corner of the house, and Hajiki pottery ( ) or Sue ware ( ) etc. Earthenware ( ) was used.

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Lifelong Learning Division, Education Department, Inagi City
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-377-2121 Fax: 042-379-0491

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