Regulations on the Display (Use) of Documents and Illustrations in Public Places
Candidates for public office or those intending to run for public office (including those currently in public office, hereinafter referred to as "candidates for public office, etc.") and political activities of supporting organizations are not allowed to display banners, placards, sashes, armbands, etc., or political activity posters that show the names of such candidates or matters that can be inferred to be their names, or the names of such supporting organizations in places such as roads or at train stations. Violating this may result in penalties under Article 243 of the Public Election Act.
Furthermore, the term "documents and drawings" as defined by the Public Election Act has a broader meaning than the general usage of the words in society. Generally, it is said that "a document is a representation of intent recorded on an object, displayed by letters or other phonetic symbols, and a drawing is something represented by pictograms." The materials can be of any type, such as paper, wood, or metal, and the methods of display do not differentiate between writing, printing, engraving, projection, etc.
About the Use of Banners
Banners used for street speeches, excluding those for political activities of political parties, cannot display the names of public office candidates or any information that can be inferred from their names. Banners displaying the names of supporting organizations are also not allowed.
However, during speeches, lectures, training sessions, or other similar gatherings held for political activities, documents or images displaying the names of candidates can be posted during the event at the venue.
Additionally, please be aware that attaching signs displaying the names of candidates to bicycles also violates regulations regarding the display of such signs.
About the use of "tasuki"
The use of "tasuki" is limited to candidates for public office during election campaigns.
Therefore, using "tasuki" during political activities may violate regulations regarding the posting of documents and images, as well as pre-election activities, so please be cautious.
Additionally, items such as "badges," "armbands," and "placards" cannot be used during political activities.
Documents and images that candidates for public office can use (display) in their personal political activities are limited to signboards and banners displayed at their offices, posters, and items used at speech venues.
Regarding the Posting of Personal Political Activity Posters on the Streets
Please note that the method of displaying information using portable, foldable signboards that are placed directly on the ground, as shown in the example, is subject to regulations during street speeches and similar events.
About Personal Political Activity Posters
When displaying personal political activity posters for candidates for public office, it is not permissible to display them on plywood, plastic boards, or similar materials in a backed state.
Furthermore, in the following cases, they cannot be considered political activity posters, and there is a risk of violating Article 129 of the Public Election Act (pre-campaigning), so please be cautious.
- Items without the name of the person responsible for the display, the printer's name (or the name of the corporation), and the address on the surface
- Documents stating that candidates for public office are prospective candidates for a specific election, or that they are officially recognized by a political party, etc. (considered to pertain to election campaigning)
Note: Extremely large items and posters that are continuously posted may be considered as election campaigning.
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Inagi City Election Administration Commission Secretariat
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Election Administration Commission Secretariat