Absentee Voting at Designated Hospitals

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Page ID 1009521 Update DateDecember 24, 2024

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Those who are hospitalized or residing in hospitals or nursing homes designated as absentee voting facilities by the prefectural Election Administration Commission and are expected to be unable to go to the polling place on election day are eligible.

Note: Please refer to the table below for designated facilities within the city. For designated facilities outside the city, please contact those facilities directly.

Voting Process

Voting Procedures

Request for Ballot

If you inform the facility staff, the head of the facility will request a complete set of ballots from the Election Administration Commission.
Note: Absentee voting can be done from the day after the election announcement date until the day before the election date, but it takes time for the procedures, so please inform the facility staff early.

Sending of Ballots

Upon receiving the request, we will send a complete set of ballots to the head of the facility after verifying against the voter registration list.

Voting inside the facility

Please follow the instructions of the facility staff and vote within the facility.

Submission of Completed Ballots

Submission to the Election Administration Commission

The head of the facility will send the completed ballot enclosed in the absentee ballot envelope to the Election Administration Commission.

Delivery to the polling place

On election day, by the time voting ends, we will send the completed ballot in the absentee ballot envelope to the designated polling place in the city.

Designated Facilities for Absentee Voting in the City

Type of Facility Facility Name Location
Hospital Inagi City Hospital 1171 Omaru
Hospital Inagi Dai Hospital 3-7-1 Wakabadai
Hospital Yomiuri Land Keiyu Hospital 3294 Yanokuchi
Hospital Minamiyama Rehabilitation Hospital 3124-12 Yanokuchi
Nursing Care Health Facility for the Elderly Denmark Inn Wakabadai 3-7-1 Wakabadai
Service-Provided Housing for Older Adults Sompoh no Ie S Inagi Nagunuma 1124-1 Higashi-Naganuma
Service-Provided Housing for Older Adults Sompoh no Ie S Inagi 2430 Higashi-Naganuma
Paid Nursing Home with Care SOMPO Care Sonpo no Ie Inagi Yanokuchi 1674-1 Yanokuchi

Special Nursing Home for the Elderly

Inagi Masayoshi Garden 4-16-1 Hirao
Special Nursing Home for the Elderly Inagi Garden 255 Momura
Special Nursing Home for the Elderly Hiraoen 2-49-20 Hirao

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Inagi City Election Administration Commission Secretariat
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Election Administration Commission Secretariat