Special Provisions for Moving-In Notification

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Page ID 1002605 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Since July 9, 2012, the resident registration system has changed due to the amendment of the Basic Resident Registration Act.

If there is at least one person among those moving out of the same household who has received the issuance of the the Basic Resident Registration Card or My Number Card, special provisions for the notification of moving in will apply. When submitting the notification of moving out, instead of issuing a "Certificate of Moving Out," the information for the Certificate of Moving Out will be sent to the municipality of the new residence through the Basic Resident Registration Network System, allowing for the omission of attaching the "Certificate of Moving Out" and proceeding with the notification of moving in.

Photo: the Basic Resident Registration Card

Photo: My Number Card

Requirements for Moving Out Notification under Special Provisions for Moving In

  1. Among the household members who are moving out at the same time, there are people who have received a Basic Resident Registration Card or My Number Card.
  2. When completing the procedure for moving out, it is required that the Basic Resident Registration Card or My Number Card is in a usable state (it must be valid and in a status of being operational).
  3. Submit the notification of moving out either before the day of moving out (approximately 2 weeks in advance) or within 14 days from the day of moving out (mail submission is acceptable).

Notes on the Transfer Notification under the Special Provisions for Moving In

  1. In the case of mailing, if the transfer notification is received by the Citizen Affairs Division more than 14 days after the date of transfer, special provisions will not apply. It may take several days for it to reach City Hall, so please mail your transfer notification with ample time.
  2. If there are any omissions or deficiencies in the items of the moving-out notification, you may not be able to receive special provisions.

Requirements for submitting a transfer notification under special provisions (the first transfer notification made after submitting a transfer notification under special provisions)

  1. After moving out, you can submit your change of address notification at the city or ward office of your new address within 14 days of starting to live there.
  2. One member of the household who has moved out can submit the notification of moving in by attaching a Basic Resident Registration Card or My Number Card. At that time, it is necessary to confirm the identity through PIN verification, or to confirm the granting of proxy rights.

Points to Note for Special Case Transfer Notifications

  1. If 30 days have passed since the planned move date reported in the Notification of Moving Out, the procedures for special transfer may not be accepted.
  2. Verification of PIN cannot be performed, so instead, we will accept the change of residence notification through identity verification using a driver's license or similar document.
  3. If confirmation cannot be made as above, you will need to obtain documents such as a certificate of transfer from the municipality of departure and submit a regular notification of transfer with those documents attached.
  4. If you have a My Number Card and wish to issue a signature-based electronic certificate along with continued use, you will need to verify the PIN for the signature-based electronic certificate.

Reception Location

  1. Citizen Affairs Division, 1st Floor, City Hall
  2. Hirao Branch Office
  3. Wakabadai Branch Office (i Plaza 1st Floor)

Note: Changes in resident registration for households including foreign residents cannot be processed at the Branch Office. Please come to the Citizen Affairs Division on the first floor of City Hall.

Reception Hours

From 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM (Weekdays only)

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2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Citizen Affairs Division