Certificate of Residence Code

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Page ID 1002602 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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On August 5, 2002, a resident registration code was assigned to the Certificate of Residence of all Japanese residents registered in the Basic Resident Register for the purpose of utilizing personal identification information through the Basic Resident Register Network System (Juki Net), and this was notified to each household by mail.
The resident registration code is an 11-digit number randomly assigned, and the system will be developed based on this number. Additionally, while the number can be changed, it is not possible to specify a number or assign a previous number.

From July 8, 2013, regulations regarding the Basic Resident Registration Network and the Basic Resident Registration Card have been applied to foreign residents, and a residence code has been assigned to the Certificate of Residence of all foreign residents registered in the Basic Resident Registration. The residence code has been notified to each household by mail through the "Certificate of Residence Code Notification."

If you do not know your Certificate of Residence code

Please request a copy of the Certificate of Residence with the residence code (for a fee).

Notice Only the individual or someone from the same household can request this. People from different households or third parties cannot make a request. For information on how to request a copy of the Certificate of Residence, please check the "Certificate of Residence" page.

If you wish to request a "Certificate of Residence with Residence Code" by mail, please check the "Mail Request" page. At that time, please clearly state on the mail request form "with Residence Code".

Request for Change of Certificate of Residence Code

Eligible Persons for Claims

  • Person (15 years old and above)
  • Legal representative (voluntary representative is not allowed)

Items Required for Counter Requests

In the case of a request by the individual

  • Identity verification documents of the applicant (see Note 1 below)
  • Certificate of Residence Code Before Change

In the case of a request by a legal representative

  • Identity verification documents of the applicant (see Note 1 below)
  • Certificate of Residence Code Before Change
  • Documents proving the qualifications of a legal representative (see Note 2 below)

Items Required for Mail Request

In the case of a request by the individual

  • Request for Change of Certificate of Residence Code (Download Application Form from the page regarding Certificate of Residence Code)
  • Copy of the applicant's identification documents (see Note 1 below)
  • An envelope with the recipient's address written on it and a stamp affixed.

In the case of a request by a legal representative

  • Request for Change of Certificate of Residence Code (Download Application Form from the page regarding Certificate of Residence Code)
  • Copy of the applicant's identification documents (see Note 1 below)
  • An envelope with the recipient's address written on it and a stamp affixed.
  • Copy of the document proving the qualification of the legal representative (see Note 2 below)

Note 1

The identity verification documents for the applicant are documents issued based on laws or orders, such as a driver's license or a Health Insurance Card, which the mayor deems appropriate. If these are not available, an inquiry letter will be sent, and the response will serve as identity verification. If a resident card is presented, identity verification will be conducted by matching the PIN.

Note 2

Documents that prove the qualifications of a legal representative include the family register of the minor's parents (not required if the minor's registered domicile is in Inagi City) or a birth certificate issued by a foreign government agency, and for the guardian of an adult under guardianship, it is a document issued by a public office that confirms the guardian status, such as a certificate of registered matters for the adult under guardianship.


  • If you do not know the Certificate of Residence code before the change, you cannot make a request for a change (however, if you present the Basic Resident Registration Card, the code can be read from that card, so it is acceptable to leave it blank).
  • If you request a change of the Certificate of Residence code while holding a Basic Resident Registration Card, the issued Basic Resident Registration Card will be invalidated.

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2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Citizen Affairs Division