Vaccination for Pneumococcal Infections in Older Adults

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Page ID 1003272 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Regular vaccinations for pneumococcal infections in Older Adults are being conducted.
Note: The out-of-pocket costs for vaccinations from April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025, will be reduced.

Eligible Individuals

Those who are registered as residents of Inagi City on the vaccination date and meet either 1 or 2 below, have not received the 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine in the past

  1. Persons aged 65 (from the day before their 65th birthday to the day before their 66th birthday)
  2. As of the vaccination date, individuals aged 60 to under 65 who have disabilities in heart, kidney, or respiratory functions (equivalent to Physical Disability Certificate Level 1) and those with disabilities to the extent that daily life is almost impossible due to the human immunodeficiency virus.

Note: Those who have already received the 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine (23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine) are excluded.

Individual Notifications from Fiscal Year 2024

Individuals turning 65 will receive a personal notification at the end of the month prior to their birth month.

  • Note 1: It will be sent in the month before your birth month, but please be aware that the vaccination date will be after you turn 65 years old.
  • Note 2: Those who turn 65 years old in Fiscal Year 2023 and did not receive the vaccination in Fiscal Year 2023 can continue to receive it until the day before their 66th birthday.

Vaccination Location

Individual vaccinations will be conducted at designated medical institutions within the city. Please check in advance as some medical institutions may require reservations.
Note: If you wish to receive vaccinations at medical institutions outside the city, prior application is required, so please contact the Inagi City Health Center.

List of Designated Medical Institutions for Pneumococcal Infection Vaccination for Older Adults
Medical Institution Name Address Phone Number
Tanihei Clinic 2-277 Yanokuchi 042-377-6433
Yanokuchi Clinic 101 Room, 2-380 Yanokuchi 042-379-0939
Koseki Internal Medicine Clinic 1st Floor, KK Intelligent Mansion, 730-1 Yanokuchi 042-377-0035
Hiromura Internal Medicine Clinic 5-955 Yanokuchi 042-401-7090
Kajiwara Internal Medicine Urology Clinic 1541 Yanokuchi, Urban Shuttle 1st Floor 042-370-8770
Canola Flower Clinic 30, 450 Higashi-Naganuma 042-313-9272
Genki Clinic Higashi-Naganuma 534-1 042-401-6333
Higashi-Naganuma Clinic 16, 1726 Higashi-Naganuma 042-379-4851
Inagi Kidney and Internal Medicine Clinic 3106-1 Higashi-Naganuma, Belleville Inagi 1st Floor 042-370-7611
Abe Internal Medicine Clinic 3107-1 Higashi-Naganuma, Pia Town 21, 2nd Floor 042-379-4870
Nakao Internal Medicine Clinic 3107-4 Higashi-Naganuma, Keio Litnado, 3rd Floor 042-401-5836
Inagi Clinic Omaru 118 042-377-6128
Inagi City Hospital [Health Checkup Center] Omaru 1171 042-377-1421
Ishigaki Clinic Omaru 3051-1 042-401-3733
Inagi Healing Forest Internal Medicine Clinic Omaru 936-1 042-379-8880
Inagi Wakaba Clinic 7, 1604 Momura 042-370-0530
Inagi Station Front Clinic 3-1607 Momura 042-378-1570
Sakae Ear, Nose, and Throat Clinic 1-1624 Momura, Inagi Park Homes 1st Floor 042-370-7363
Kan-no Clinic 20-50 Hirao 1-chome, O-Building 1st Floor 042-331-8570
Taka Clinic 20-54 Hirao 1-chome 042-331-8201
Hirao Internal Medicine Clinic 26, 7-cho, Hirao 042-331-8221
Moriya Neurology Clinic 34, 33 Hirao 1-chome 042-350-3885
Shin-Yurigaoka Eye Clinic 8-16 Hirao 2-chome 042-350-3526
Hirao Family Internal Medicine Clinic 1-24 Hirao 4-chome 042-350-3230
Sakurai Clinic 1254-1 Oshitate 042-378-3224
Takeda Ear, Nose, and Throat Clinic and Esophageal Department 4-2 Koyodai 5-chome 042-377-3087
Nagamine Clinic 2-2 Nagamine 2-chome 042-350-7171
Hirakata Gastroenterology Endoscopy Clinic 1-55 Wakabadai Across Plaza, Wakabadai East 042-331-1131
Wakabadai Clinic 4-4 Wakabadai 2-chome, Station Front KM Building 2nd Floor 042-350-6075

Number of vaccinations

It will be a single dose. The pneumococcal vaccine will be injected into the muscle or subcutaneously.


1,500 yen (This is the amount after the reduction of the out-of-pocket expenses.)
This applies only to vaccinations received from April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025.
Note: For those eligible above who are recipients of Public Assistance, bringing the "Public Assistance Recipient Certificate" to the medical institution will result in full public funding (free of charge). For those who are former Japanese residents in China, bringing the "Support Benefit Recipient Certificate" will also result in full public funding (free of charge).


Health Insurance Card, those who are eligible under the above 2 must have a Physical Disability Certificate or a doctor's diagnosis

Note: The health questionnaire will be enclosed with the individual notification. It is also distributed at the Inagi City Health Center or designated medical institutions.


Please consult with your primary physician if you are recognized to fall under any of the following categories, taking into account your health condition and constitution.

  1. Individuals with clear underlying conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, liver diseases, blood disorders, and developmental disorders.
  2. Those who have experienced fever within 2 days after vaccination and those who have had symptoms suggesting allergies such as systemic rash
  3. Those with a history of seizures
  4. Individuals who have been diagnosed with immunodeficiency in the past and those who have close relatives with congenital immunodeficiency
  5. Those who may have an allergy to the components of the pneumococcal vaccine

Explanatory Materials, etc.

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Welfare Department Health Division, Inagi City
112-1 Momura, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0804 (Inside Inagi City Health Center)
Phone number: 042-378-3421 Fax number: 042-377-4944
Contact the Welfare Department Health Division, Inagi City