Starting from October 1, 2020, rotavirus infection will be included as a target disease for regular Vaccination.

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Page ID 1003269 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Starting from October 1, 2020, rotavirus infection will be included as a target disease for regular Vaccination.
Those eligible should receive the vaccination to prevent rotavirus gastroenteritis.
There are two types of rotavirus vaccines. Consult with your healthcare provider to receive the necessary doses of one of the vaccines.

Eligible Individuals

Children born on or after August 1, 2020

Type of Vaccine

Vaccination Period

Number of vaccinations


From 6 weeks 0 days to 24 weeks 0 days

2nd course


From 6 weeks 0 days to 32 weeks 0 days

3rd course

Standard Initial Vaccination Period

From 8 weeks 0 days to 14 weeks 6 days
Note: It is not recommended after 15 weeks 0 days due to the increased natural occurrence rate of intussusception.


Free (Fully covered by public funds)

Vaccination Method

Please make a reservation at a designated medical institution and receive the vaccination.

Designated Medical Institution

Please see the page for "Regular (Statutory) Individual Vaccination for Children." (Notifications will be sent to eligible individuals before they turn 2 months old.)

Number of vaccinations and vaccination intervals

Illustration: Number of doses and interval chart for Rotarix and RotaTeq vaccinations


Children who cannot be vaccinated

  • In case of obvious fever
  • In cases where it is clear that one has an acute illness
  • If it is clear that anaphylaxis occurred due to the components included in the vaccination received on that day
  • In case of a history of intussusception
  • In the case of having a congenital gastrointestinal disorder and incomplete treatment
  • In the case of severe combined immunodeficiency
  • If the doctor determines that the condition is inappropriate based on the medical history, growth status, and physical condition at that time.

Before Getting Vaccinated

If the baby is full, they may not be able to drink the vaccine properly, so it is recommended to refrain from breastfeeding for about 30 minutes before vaccination. Please follow the doctor's instructions to ensure they can drink it well.
Also, even if the vaccine was not taken properly or if the baby vomits, as long as there is some confirmation of swallowing, there is no issue with the effectiveness of the vaccine, so there is no need for re-vaccination.

After receiving the vaccine

After vaccination, please stay at the medical institution for about 30 minutes before returning home. For about two weeks after vaccination, the vaccine virus may be present in the baby's stool. Please wash your hands thoroughly after changing diapers and at other times.
If there are any abnormal reactions after vaccination, please consult your regular doctor and contact the Inagi City Health Center.


Intussusception is a condition where a part of the intestine telescopes into an adjacent segment, leading to a blockage of the intestine.
It is known that there is a slight increase in the risk of developing intussusception about a week after vaccination. In the case of infants, this condition can occur even without receiving the rotavirus vaccine, so caution is necessary even if the vaccine is not administered.
If any of the following symptoms appear, please seek medical attention promptly.

  • Crying and being moody repeatedly
  • Repeated vomiting
  • Becoming lethargic and looking pale
  • Blood in stool

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Welfare Department Health Division, Inagi City
112-1 Momura, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0804 (Inside Inagi City Health Center)
Phone number: 042-378-3421 Fax number: 042-377-4944
Contact the Welfare Department Health Division, Inagi City