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About the Nursing Care Insurance Burden Limit Certificate

Updated: August 1, 2024


If you have been certified as requiring long-term care and all members of your household are exempt from resident tax, you will be issued a certificate that sets a maximum limit on the amount you will have to pay for accommodation and food when you enter a long-term care insurance facility or stay at a short-term care facility.

Note: The housing expense limit will be increased from August 2024 (the food expense limit will remain unchanged). For details, please refer to the table below, "Applicable Limits (per day) (from August 2024)."


This applies to those who meet all three of the following criteria:
(1) All members of the household are exempt from resident tax. (2) The spouse is exempt from resident tax (including cases where the households listed on the resident record are different).
(3) The amount of assets (savings, etc.) that meet the criteria based on income status. Please refer to the tables below: "Table of Burden Limit Application (per day) (until July 2024)" and "Table of Burden Limit Application (per day) (from August 2024)."

Table of maximum daily burden amounts (until July 2024)

User charge stage
(Note 1)
subject Maximum amount to pay for housing expenses, etc. Maximum amount of food expenses
(Note 4)
income status Assets (deposits, etc.) status (Note 2)
Unit type private room Unit-type private multi-floor room Conventional private room (Note 3) multi-bed room
1st stage welfare recipient 820 yen 490 yen 490 yen 0 Yen 300 yen
All members of the household are exempt from resident tax and are old-age welfare pension recipients. Less than 10 million yen for a single person, less than 20 million yen for a couple
(320 yen)
2nd stage All members of the household are exempt from resident tax, and the total amount of income and pension income (including tax-exempt pensions) minus "miscellaneous income related to public pensions, etc." is 800,000 yen or less. Less than 6.5 million yen for a single person, less than 16.5 million yen for a couple 820 yen 490 yen 490 yen 370 yen 390 yen
(420 yen) (600 yen)
Third Stage
All members of the household are exempt from resident tax, and the amount of total income and pension income (including tax-exempt pensions) excluding "miscellaneous income related to public pensions, etc." is more than 800,000 yen and less than 1.2 million yen. Less than 5.5 million yen for single person, less than 15.5 million yen for couple 1,310 yen 1,310 yen 1,310 yen 370 yen 650 yen
(820 yen) (1,000 yen)
Third Stage
All members of the household are exempt from resident tax, and the total amount of income and pension income (including tax-exempt pensions) excluding "miscellaneous income related to public pensions, etc." exceeds 1.2 million yen. Less than 5 million yen for a single person, less than 15 million yen for a couple 1,310 yen 1,310 yen 1,310 yen 370 yen 1,360 yen
(820 yen) (1,300 yen)

Table of maximum daily burden amounts (from August 2024)

User charge stage
(Note 1)
subject Maximum amount to pay for housing expenses, etc. Maximum amount of food expenses
(Note 4)
income status Assets (deposits, etc.) status (Note 2)
Unit type private room Unit-type private multi-floor room Conventional private room (Note 3) multi-bed room
1st stage welfare recipient 880 yen 550 yen 550 yen 0 Yen 300 yen
All members of the household are exempt from resident tax and are old-age welfare pension recipients. Less than 10 million yen for a single person, less than 20 million yen for a couple
(380 yen)
2nd stage All members of the household are exempt from resident tax, and the total amount of income and pension income (including tax-exempt pensions) minus "miscellaneous income related to public pensions, etc." is 800,000 yen or less. Less than 6.5 million yen for a single person, less than 16.5 million yen for a couple 880 yen 550 yen 550 yen 430 yen 390 yen
(480 yen) (600 yen)
Third Stage
All members of the household are exempt from resident tax, and the amount of total income and pension income (including tax-exempt pensions) excluding "miscellaneous income related to public pensions, etc." is more than 800,000 yen and less than 1.2 million yen. Less than 5.5 million yen for single person, less than 15.5 million yen for couple 1,370 yen 1,370 yen 1,370 yen 430 yen 650 yen
(880 yen) (1,000 yen)
Third Stage
All members of the household are exempt from resident tax, and the total amount of income and pension income (including tax-exempt pensions) excluding "miscellaneous income related to public pensions, etc." exceeds 1.2 million yen. Less than 5 million yen for a single person, less than 15 million yen for a couple 1,370 yen 1,370 yen 1,370 yen 430 yen 1,360 yen
(880 yen) (1,300 yen)

Note 1: For those other than those in stages 1 to 3 (2), the amount of the fee will be determined by contract with the facility.

Note 2: Regarding the status of assets (savings, etc.) from the second to third stages (2), for Category 2 insured persons, regardless of the user burden stage, the amount is 10 million yen or less for single insured persons and 20 million yen or less for married couples.

Note 3: The amount in parentheses for a traditional private room is the maximum amount of payment when using a nursing home for the elderly, short-term stay in daily care, or short-term stay in daily care for preventive care.

Note 4: The amount in parentheses for the maximum food expense burden is the maximum burden when using Short-term admission for daily care, Short-term admission for preventive daily care, Short-term admission for medical care, or Short-term admission for preventive medical care.

What you need to apply

(1) Application form for certification of nursing care insurance burden limit (2) Confirmation materials for deposits, savings, etc.
<Points to note when submitting a copy of your passbook>
●The following pages are required for all accounts of the applicant and his or her spouse.
・A page that shows the name of the financial institution, branch name, account number, and account holder ・A page that shows the final balance from the last 3 months of the application date (If you are receiving pension benefits, this includes a page that shows the details of your pension benefits)
●Please be sure to record any old information.

Confirmation materials such as deposits and savings
Scope of deposits etc.
Asset items subject How to declare
Deposits (ordinary/term) Copy of passbook
internet bank Copy of account balance page
Securities (stocks, government bonds, local bonds, corporate bonds, etc.) Copy of account balance at securities company or bank
Precious metals such as gold and silver (including accumulated purchases) whose market value can be easily determined based on the account balance of the purchaser A copy of the account balance of the bank, etc. of the place of purchase
Investment trusts Copies of account balances of banks, trust banks, securities companies, etc.
Chest deposit (cash) self-report
Liabilities (borrowings, mortgages, etc.) IOUs, etc.
Life insurance ×
car ×
Precious metals (items whose market value is difficult to determine, such as watches and jewelry) ×
Other valuable items (paintings, antiques, household goods, etc.) ×
Note: Please submit copies of all applicable verification materials (including those of your spouse).
If you have multiple accounts, you will need copies of the passbook for all accounts.
If you bring the original directly to City Hall, you can make a copy at the reception desk.
Copies cannot be made at each branch office.


・Recipients of public assistance are not required to submit verification documents for deposits, savings, etc.
- In the case of fraudulent receipt of benefits, in addition to the refund of the benefit amount, an additional fee may be imposed.

Download form

Applicable date

In principle, the application starts from the 1st of the application month. However, this does not apply due to transfers, etc.

How to submit

Submit by mail or at the counter

Where to submit/contact

2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi-shi, Tokyo 206-8601
Inagi City Welfare Department, Elderly Welfare Division, Nursing Care Insurance Section (Counter 4, 2nd floor, City Hall)

Regarding special reduction measures for food and housing expenses for households subject to municipal inhabitant tax

Among those who are not eligible for the above-mentioned reduction in the burden of food and housing expenses, if one of the elderly married couples enters a facility and the surviving spouse is unable to make a living at home, all of the following requirements apply: If so, by applying to the city, the maximum amount to be paid by the user in stage 3 (2) will be applied to the room and/or meal expenses. (Short stays are not eligible).


Those who meet all of the following requirements (1) The number of household members and spouses in the household to which the applicant belongs (including those from separate households; the same applies in (2) to (6)) must be two or more.
(2) Be admitted to a long-term care insurance facility or a community-based long-term care welfare facility, and be responsible for the food and housing expenses of the fourth stage of user fees.
(3) For all household members and spouses, the amount of income from public pensions, etc. in the previous year and the total amount of income other than pensions Note: From the total amount in 1, the estimated annual amount of user fees, food expenses, and housing expenses. The amount after deducting is 800,000 yen or less.
(4) For all household members and spouses, the total amount of cash, savings, etc. Note: 2 must be 4.5 million yen or less.
(5) All household members and spouses do not own any assets that can be used for purposes other than a house used for residence or other assets necessary for daily life.
(6) All household members and spouses are not in arrears with long-term care insurance premiums.

Notes: 1 If the special deduction for long-term capital gains or short-term capital gains applies, the amount to be deducted shall be deducted.
Note: 2 Includes jointly managed trusts, publicly offered bond investment trusts, and securities.

Reduction details

Until the above requirement (3) is no longer applicable, the maximum amount to be paid by the user in the third stage (2) will be applied to the room and/or meal expenses.

What you need to apply

(1) Application form for certification of nursing care insurance burden limit (2) Asset declaration form and consent form for special reduction measures for meal and housing expenses for households subject to municipal inhabitant tax (3) Attached documents ・Enrolled or planning to enroll Documents stating facility usage fees, food expenses, and housing expenses at the facility (copy of contract, etc.)
・Copies of income certificates, withholding tax slips, pension payment notices, final tax returns, and other documents that prove income ・Copies of bankbooks, etc. of deposits and savings, etc.

Download form

Applicable date

As a result of the investigation, for those who are determined to be eligible for reduction measures, the reduction will, in principle, begin from the first day of the month in which the application was made. However, this does not apply due to transfers, etc.

How to submit

Submit by mail or at the counter

Where to submit/contact

2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi-shi, Tokyo 206-8601
Inagi City Welfare Department, Elderly Welfare Division, Nursing Care Insurance Section (Counter 4, 2nd floor, City Hall)

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Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Welfare Department Elderly Welfare Division
2111 Higashinagumanuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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