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August 2024

Updated: September 4, 2024

1. Thing about municipal administration

0 cases

2.Things related to health, medical care, welfare, and child-rearing

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 5 days

Distribution of free parking tickets at parks

Free park parking vouchers are distributed to households with preschool children, but I would like to see this expanded to include elementary school children as well. The city has implemented a fee-based parking system at public facilities, including park parking lots.
In this situation, we are distributing "Free Park Parking Tickets for Families with Children" to households with preschool children who often use parks together with their children, in the hope of building stable relationships between parents and children and deepening the bond between them as much as possible.
We ask for your understanding as this is a project aimed at supporting the child-rearing of families with preschool children.
Child Care Support Division Nursery/Kindergarten Section

3.Town development and living environment

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 2 days Safety and security of children Why isn't the road in front of Nagamine Elementary School a school zone? Regarding safety measures for children at the requested location, Tama Chuo Police Station, which is the traffic administrator, has imposed a speed limit of 30 km/h on the road in question, and the city has installed red road surface and warning signs.
Tama Chuo Police Station decides on establishing traffic regulations in school zones, such as prohibiting vehicles from passing through when students are going to and from school.
As a city, we believe that existing traffic safety facilities provide a certain level of safety in the areas requested, and we will continue to work on improving traffic safety for children through traffic safety awareness activities and traffic safety classes.
Management Section Traffic Countermeasures Section
2 2 days I want signs to be installed to warn people about wild animals jumping out onto the road. When I was driving at night on the ridge main road, a wild raccoon jumped out and it was dangerous. I would like to see signs installed warning people about wild animals jumping out. The installation and management of animal warning signs on Minamitamaone Main Road is the responsibility of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which is the road administrator. As a city, we have requested that animal warning signs be installed in the requested locations. Management Section Traffic Countermeasures Section
3 5 days Regarding the neglect of graffiti at Hiraoirijozuka Children's Park I would like security measures to be taken to prevent graffiti from being left unattended at Hiraoirijozuka Children's Park. Regarding the graffiti at Hirao Iru Sadazuka Children's Park, we requested the Inagi Green Wellness Foundation, the designated manager of the city's parks, to remove the graffiti, which was carried out on July 30, 2024.
In order to ensure the safety of park users, we have introduced a smartphone app called "My City Report" that allows residents to post reports of damage or malfunctions in parks 24 hours a day. If you have any concerns, please use "My City Report."
Green and Environment Division Green and Park Section
4 14th About Inagi Station Although Inagi Station is the gateway to Inagi City, the area around the station is in very poor condition, so I would like to see the area redeveloped, including the surrounding area. The area around Inagi Station has been developed as a result of a land readjustment project. Taking into consideration the ongoing urban infrastructure development of the Minamiyama East Land Readjustment Project and the surrounding urban development situation, such as the "TOKYO GIANTS TOWN" initiative, improvement work will begin this year on the Inagi Station South Exit Square to increase bus and taxi boarding and waiting areas and to improve safety and convenience for station users and local residents in order to accommodate the expansion of route bus services.
For details of the improvement work, please see the city's website or the signboard in front of the station.
Person in charge of civil engineering section road and waterway construction
5 The 23rd Management of public facilities Wakabadai Park is always weeded and looks clean, but Misawagawa Waterfront Park is overgrown with grass. I would like to know how Inagi City manages its parks. Management of the city's parks is carried out by the Inagi Green Wellness Foundation, the designated manager, in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Urban Parks Act and the Inagi City Parks Ordinance, making the most of each park's characteristics and ensuring efficient and effective management.
In addition, plants generally tend to grow luxuriantly from August to early October due to the lingering heat and rain, but in recent years, with the continued high temperatures, this tendency has become even stronger. Furthermore, as the growth conditions differ depending on the type of weed, we mow the grass two to four times a year, carefully determining the timing to do so according to the characteristics of each park.
Green and Environment Division Green and Park Section
6 The 23rd Request for traffic safety measures near Minamiyama Elementary School Between the Minamiyama Elementary School route and the T-junction at the kitchen, weeds have grown into the roadway, and cars are driving off to the center to avoid them. In addition, cars that pick up children from the elementary school park on the road without pulling to the left. We ask that you cut down the weeds as soon as possible and paint white lines, including a center line. Regarding the mowing of the grass on the road in front of Minamiyama Elementary School, we have already taken action after checking the site.
Next, regarding parking in front of Nanzan Elementary School, we checked with the relevant department and were told that this is due to people taking children to and from after-school clubs and open gymnasiums, and that they have been warning parents in the past through "Newsletters."
Next, regarding the central line (white line), we will inform the union, which is the operator, and make it an issue for discussion with the Metropolitan Police Department.
Finally, as a safety measure at the T-junction in front of the school cafeteria kitchen, we have mowed the grass and installed a "stop" sign from the cemetery heading towards the school cafeteria kitchen.
In addition, the road in front of Minamiyama Elementary School is scheduled to be connected to the Yomiuri Land Line by the end of fiscal year 2025. After the connection, east-west routes will be given priority in advance in consultation with the Metropolitan Police Department, and cars and bicycles coming down from the cemetery will be required to stop temporarily.
The land development work by the Nanzan Eastern Land Readjustment Association is aimed to be completed around the first half of 2026.
Land Readjustment Section Business Management Section
7 26th Road Safety The one-way road facing Kameyamashita Park has a lot of pedestrian traffic, so I would like you to consider widening the road and providing a sidewalk. The road you have proposed is a road that was developed in a planned manner with the understanding and cooperation of landowners as part of the Inagi Central Land Readjustment Project. Since land use for residential purposes and other purposes has already been undertaken along the road, there are currently no plans to widen the road or install sidewalks.
In the future, we would like to continue to check the situation on site and take appropriate safety measures under the current road conditions in order to ensure traffic safety on roads within the city.
Civil Engineering Division Road and Waterway Construction Section, Management Division Traffic Measures Section
8 26th Restrictions on motorcycle traffic on Yomiuri V Street Yomiuri V Street is a motorcycle prohibited zone from 9pm to 6am. I often go to Hanakeinoyu by motorcycle, but I find it inconvenient that I have to leave before 9pm even though the opening hours are until 11pm. I would like the government to consider extending the prohibited time to 11pm or abolishing the prohibited zone. Regarding the nighttime motorcycle ban in the requested area, the decision to impose it is up to the Tama Chuo Police Station, which is the traffic manager. The city has conveyed your request to the Tama Chuo Police Station.
We also asked the hot spring facility about how motorcycle users could use the facility after 9 p.m., and they replied, "If you come by motorcycle and plan to use the facility after 9 p.m., please consider parking in the Keio Yomiuri Land Station bicycle parking lot and using the free shuttle bus."
Management Section Traffic Countermeasures Section

4.Education (school/lifelong learning)

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 The 7th Regarding the provision of sanitary products in girls' school toilets In a previous city council report, the city stated that the reason for not providing sanitary products was that "children should understand their own menstrual cycle and prepare their own sanitary products," but it is difficult even for adult women to fully understand their menstrual cycle. I would like the city to provide sanitary products in school girls' restrooms. First of all, the Board of Education believes it is important for students to understand their own menstrual cycles and to be instructed at home and school on how to deal with menstruation, such as keeping sanitary products on hand. However, it is not true that these things are used as a reason not to provide sanitary products in toilets.
Currently, Inagi city's public elementary and junior high schools keep sanitary products in the health room so that they can be provided to students upon request at any time, and so that aftercare can be provided if necessary.We also take measures to identify students who are suffering from poverty or neglect, such as being unable to purchase sanitary products at home.
We will continue to instruct students on how to handle sanitary products, hygiene management, and how to respond in emergencies, as well as make sure that sanitary products are always available in the health room. We will take appropriate measures to ensure that students can live their school life with peace of mind, so we ask for your understanding.
Academic Affairs Section, Academic Affairs Division

5.Other matters

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 2 days About the security of My Number Cards To issue a seal certificate, it was possible to present the My Number card instead of the seal certification card, but this was only a visual check, and from a security standpoint, I would like Inagi City to introduce a machine that can check the password used to verify the My Number. In principle, applications for a Seal Registration Certificate at the reception desk must be made by "presenting your Seal Registration Card." However, starting in April of this year, we have added the option of "presenting your Individual Number Card" to improve convenience for users.
We are aware that, as you have suggested, there is a method of identity verification using the My Number card that requires visual confirmation as well as the entry of a PIN. We are currently preparing to use a card reader in the future to strengthen security measures so that users can feel at ease.
Person in charge of citizen's window citizen's section
2 5 days Regarding system failure for the wide-area issuance of family register certificates In July, the wide-area network for issuing family register documents experienced a system failure, causing service to be suspended for several hours. What was the cause of this? On July 8, it was not possible to issue family register certificates across a wide area, but this was due to a malfunction in the Ministry of Justice's family register information sharing system. The cause of the malfunction is unknown as there has been no communication from the Ministry of Justice. Citizens Division Family Registration Section
3 5 days About Town Meeting I received an email from the city informing me about a town meeting, but there was no mention of no reservation required, so I don't know whether or not to make a reservation.
Also, would it be possible to participate via live streaming rather than in person at a community center or other venue?
Regarding the "Notice from Inagi City" email distribution service, which is characterized by its speed, we limit the number of characters in the email so that users can receive the information without any burden. If you require more detailed information, we will guide you to the relevant information content on the city's website by clicking the link attached in the text, so please make use of it.
The town meetings are an opportunity for the mayor to visit all 10 districts in the city, hear from participants about the current situation and challenges in each district, and exchange opinions directly with them.At this time, there are no plans to hold the meetings online, such as live streaming.
Secretarial Public Relations Section Public Relations Section
4 5 days About the Neighborhood Association's Homepage It may be a good idea to distribute information about the neighborhood association together with the city's public relations materials. I would like the neighborhood association's events to be made public in an easy-to-understand manner through a website, etc. The operation of each neighborhood association is directly managed by the neighborhood association that was established.
Therefore, as each neighborhood association has different circumstances and needs, the necessity and content of creating a neighborhood association website will be considered by each neighborhood association.
In addition, if you have any opinions or requests regarding website creation, etc., please submit them directly to your local neighborhood association.
In addition, the city is providing support to local neighborhood associations that are considering digitalizing their operations, such as introducing them to available subsidies.
General Affairs and Contract Section General Affairs Section

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Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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