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May 2020

Updated: June 10, 2024

1. Thing about municipal administration

0 cases

2.Things related to health, medical care, welfare, and child-rearing

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3.Town development and living environment

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 1 day Children's play on the road The children in my neighborhood play ball and chase each other on the road around my house. I have warned them directly, but they don't stop, so I would like the city to warn them not to play on the road. The city, together with Tama Central Police Station, holds traffic safety classes at each elementary school.
We are also planning to hold traffic safety classes soon for the elementary school in the school district where you requested the area, and will be conducting traffic safety awareness activities such as instructing children on playing in the streets and distributing warning pamphlets.
We will continue to strengthen patrols to improve road conditions and strive to create a safe and secure city.
Management Section Traffic Countermeasures Section
2 15th day Parking for the disabled at Wakabadai Park in Inagi City The sign for the handicapped parking lot has nails exposed and is very dangerous. Also, the entrance and exit to the parking lot is narrow. Would it be difficult to widen it? The city is carrying out planned repairs to roads throughout the city, prioritizing work based on patrols by city staff and information from local residents. We are also checking the current state of the road you inquired about, and will continue to consider repairs to the road while taking into account the deterioration of the pavement.
Until improvements are made, we will continue to carry out daily inspections and make partial repairs as necessary.
Management Section Maintenance Section
3 15th day Regarding roadside tree maintenance on Landzaka Street Regarding the maintenance of roadside trees along Landzaka Street from under the Yomiuri Land overpass to Giants Town, we would like you to consider using elegant maple trees. Street trees are planted with the aim of maintaining a good urban environment and creating comfortable, pleasant streets. The Inagi City Green Master Plan stipulates that tree species that allow people to feel the seasons, such as flowers and autumn leaves that can be enjoyed throughout the year, will be selected to create trees that will bring a sense of peace and tranquility to people's lives.
The city has been entrusted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to carry out road widening and construction work on the section of the Yomiuri Land Line from the Keio Sagamihara Line to just before the Yomiuri Land Saka Tunnel. In this section, there are restrictions on the width of the sidewalks, and since ensuring pedestrian safety is a priority, we plan to plant only low shrubs in areas where construction is possible. However, in the Minamiyama East area (around Giants Town), we have been considering maple trees as one of the options, and will continue to make adjustments in the future with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which will be the future manager of the road.
Going forward, we will continue to develop roads with wide, thick, and abundant street trees in order to create and cultivate greenery on the roads.
Civil Engineering Division, Road and Waterway Construction Section, Land Readjustment Division, Project Management Section
4 15th day Postponement of the first Keio Bus departure and the development of bicycle parking spaces at stations Keio bus schedules have been revised, and I understand that there are circumstances such as staff shortages at the bus company, but I think it would be reasonable to reduce the number of passengers during times when there are few passengers, such as during the day, and provide more passengers during rush hour. What do you think? Also, since the current bus departure time is not suitable for commuting, I am thinking of commuting to the station by motorcycle, but Wakabadai Station only has two temporary parking spaces. I would like the city to secure bicycle parking spaces. The city has informed the route bus operator of the contents of the request. In this regard, we understand that the background to the implementation of this timetable revision was due to a chronic driver shortage caused by the inability to secure the necessary number of drivers even when recruiting due to the working environment, such as driver wages, and the need to comply with the "Standards for improving the working hours of automobile drivers," also known as the "Improvement Standards Notification," which applies to bus drivers and others and came into effect in April 2024, and therefore it was necessary to adjust the number of buses to an appropriate level according to the driver availability in order to maintain the bus business, not just for this route.
The city will ask bus operators to improve schedules that have been reduced during early morning hours, etc., once drivers are secured through the operators' driver recruitment measures.
In addition, bicycle parking lots in front of stations, including the Wakabadai Station bicycle parking lot, are primarily operated as regular parking lots for bicycles used for commuting to work or school, and mopeds under 50cc in size. However, in the future we would like to conduct research and studies into partnerships with bicycle parking lots at nearby private facilities.
Management Section Traffic Countermeasures Section
5 16th About garbage separation I appreciate that they have made various pamphlets and apps about separating garbage, but I would like the apps and website to provide more details for each type of garbage. As you pointed out, in recent years, waste separation has become increasingly complicated due to changes in consumption patterns and the diversification of products. We understand that due to changes in modern society, such as the combined use of various new materials and ingredients and the advancement of product packaging, it has become difficult for citizens to properly separate their garbage.
Proper waste separation is important for recycling materials and reducing waste, but on the other hand, overly detailed separation requests not only increase the amount of work and difficulty for residents to understand, but also may complicate the information provided by the city. Taking these aspects into consideration and using the opinions we have received as a reference, we will consider ways to improve the provision of separation information to residents so that it is easier to understand.
Living Environment Division Garbage and Recycling Section
6 16th Parking Prohibition There is always a black car parked near Hirao Nyuurizuka Park, so I would like them to crack down on it. Regarding the parked vehicles near Hirao Iru Sadazuka Park, as you have requested, the city is requesting Tama Chuo Police Station, which is the traffic manager, to step up enforcement of parking violations around the requested location. Management Section Traffic Countermeasures Section
7 16th Regarding littering of cigarette butts There is a lot of cigarette butt littering in the green space on the south side of Hirao Yato Street, so I would like to see posters or other warning posters put up. When we checked the area you mentioned, we found cigarette butts being littered near the entrance (waterway) to the southern green space (Inagi City designated Green Space No. 10) from Hirao Yato Street.
We collected cigarette butts on April 16th and installed warning signs warning people not to smoke or litter, and we would like to continue to monitor the situation in the future.
Environmental Conservation Section, Living Environment Division

4.Education (school/lifelong learning)

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 21 days Regarding the absence of lunch boxes or school lunches for school children immediately after the start of school Please give a logical reason why there are no lunch boxes or school meals for after-school children immediately after school starts. At the start of school lunches for the new school year, the shared kitchen receives reports from each school on the number of classes and the number of students in each class based on the number of students on the day of the entrance ceremony, and then determines the number of meals to be provided. In addition, it is necessary to finalize the number of ingredients to be ordered a few days before the start of school lunches.
In municipal elementary and junior high schools, in order to develop desirable eating habits through school lunches, it is necessary to instruct students before lunch begins on how to serve and clean up after lunch, hygiene during lunch, group organization for class life, distribution of responsibilities and roles for lunch duty, etc.
Based on the above, we ask for your understanding that school lunches will begin a few days after the entrance ceremony.
Guidance Section, Guidance Division, School Lunch Section 1
2 1 day Distribution of GPS to elementary school students I would like to see GPS devices like those used in Shinagawa Ward distributed to elementary school students. In our city, school guard leaders watch over children as they go to and from school, welfare and child welfare committee members conduct greeting campaigns for children as they go to and from school, and city employees and registered crime prevention organizations regularly patrol school routes in crime prevention vehicles equipped with blue rotating lights.
Regarding the distribution of security alarms with GPS functions to elementary school students, the city is not considering introducing this at this stage.
If families decide to allow their children or students to bring personal mobile phones or other devices with GPS functionality, please consult with the school regarding how to handle this.
Guidance Division

5.Other matters

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 Four days Silver Human Resources Center cleaning start time Two men from the Silver Human Resources Center clean the Koyodai Ushisan Park, but they start early, at 6 o'clock in the summer, and started at 7 this morning, and they use machines, so it's noisy. I've called the Silver Human Resources Center about four times, but the situation hasn't improved, so I'd like them to do something about it. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the noise from early in the morning, and for the fact that no improvements have been made despite our repeated requests.
When we checked with the Silver Human Resources Center, we were told that (1) while it varies depending on the day and location of the work, a group of about seven people works together (the members are fixed), (2) work starts at 8:00, even during the hot summer months, (3) some members arrive and start work earlier than the scheduled start time, and (4) we have received phone calls each time, so we have advised them not to start too early, but it seems that the start time gradually became earlier over time.
As you also pointed out in your "Proposals to City Government," the city has now requested the Silver Human Resources Center to make serious improvements so as not to cause inconvenience to local residents.
We are very sorry.
Elderly Welfare Section Elderly Welfare Section
2 30 days About reception at the General Gymnasium There are two staff members at the reception desk of the gymnasium, and each staff member is busy dealing with visitors. When the phone rings, they don't answer it, saying, "Because the front desk has priority." Isn't it a problem to not answer the phone at all just because the front desk has priority? After several calls, the front desk is busy, so shouldn't they respond by playing a message saying that they can't answer the phone? We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to you due to our inadequate response. We also thank you for your valuable feedback regarding the service provided by the staff at the gymnasium.
Based on the opinions you have expressed, we have been informed that the designated manager will strengthen guidance and management regarding staff customer service and will change the 6-ring system to include a message to the effect that "The counter is currently busy, so please call back after a while."
In order to verify the effectiveness of the improvements, the city will receive reports from the designated manager at regular meetings and will continually monitor the designated manager's management status.
We take your feedback seriously and will continue to strive to improve our service to provide you with better service.
Sports Promotion Section Sports Promotion Section
3 16th Regarding the display of family names on the Bibokai Neighborhood Association map On the map of the Bibo-kai neighborhood association at Hirao Iru Sadazuka Children's Park, there is a map that shows the residents' surnames, which is probably not good for crime prevention. Any comments regarding the residential maps and other materials at Hirao Iru Sadazuka Children's Park will be passed on to the Hirao Housing Development Association, the developer.
Regarding your opinion on the residential map owned by Biboukai, we will convey your opinion to Hirao Neighborhood Association, as Biboukai, the creator of the map, has been dissolved and the former Biboukai and Hirao Neighborhood Association are currently in discussions regarding the future of the map.
General Affairs and Contract Section General Affairs Section
4 16th Regarding tourist map posters, etc. (1) I think it would be a good idea to put up a tourist map poster on the map at Hiraoirijozuka Children's Park.
(2) If no houses are built on the vacant lot near the green space on the south side of Hirao Yato Street, I think it would become popular if a tourist map was posted there.
(3) It seems that Inagi City publishes something like a tourist map, but since the map covers the entire city, it would be better to set up bulletin boards or signs near the popular Yomiuri Land.
(1) Regarding the bulletin board you proposed, it is not managed by the city. However, we will consider ways to disseminate information so that historical sites, restaurants, old houses, etc. can be utilized as part of the tourism business in the city.
(2) Regarding the tourist signs etc. you proposed, we have no plans to install them. However, we will use them as a reference for future tourism policies to enhance the appeal of the region.
(3) Currently, the city is issuing tourist maps such as "Inagi Stroll," cycling maps such as "Inagi Potari Weather," and walking maps such as "Inagi Aruku Map." We have also set up routes for each area and purpose to make it easier to get around the city, so please make use of them. Please note that there are no plans to erect new bulletin boards or signs on the roads.
In recent years, the majority of tourist information has shifted from paper to the internet, and we will continue to provide information to this audience.
Person in charge of sightseeing section sightseeing

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Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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