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January 2020

Update date: March 8, 2023

1. Matters related to city administration

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2. Matters related to health, medical care, welfare, and child-rearing

No. Answer date title Content Answer Answer section/section
1 16th About child medical expenses subsidy Inagi City has a large number of children, and the number of people moving to Inagi City is increasing. I was one of them, but due to income restrictions, medical expenses are only subsidized for preschoolers. We have three children, and in the winter we often visit the doctor for colds and other illnesses. Also, my family doesn't receive any child allowance, so we just pay taxes. Isn't that kind of family a poor place to work? Even if you work in Inagi City, there are not many benefits.
I would like Inagi City to be an environment where it is easy to raise children.
The child medical expenses subsidy system has been institutionalized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as part of its welfare measures to support child rearing, and the Tokyo metropolitan government has established a certain income limit. Under these circumstances, the city has abolished income restrictions for the infant medical expenses subsidy system.
If the income limit for the child medical expenses subsidy system is abolished, the city will have to bear the full amount of medical expenses for those who exceed the income limit set by the city, so it will be difficult for the city to deal with various issues. This needs to be considered, taking into account priorities, financial situation, etc. We recognize the abolition of income limits as a policy issue, so we ask for your understanding.
Childcare Support Division Allowance Subsidy Section
2 16th Regarding income restrictions for various child-rearing support Income restrictions for children's medical expenses subsidy system and child allowance, burden of childcare fees according to income (the higher the income, the greater the burden), etc., etc., etc. Even though we pay a large amount of tax due to progressive taxation, we are not able to provide equal welfare. I feel like I'm not being accepted. The deduction for child dependents has also been abolished. It is unreasonable that if you work hard to raise your children, there will be no support, and the more children you have, the more you will become poor.
Also, why is high school tuition free not only for public schools but also for private schools? Due to income restrictions, students are unable to receive interest-bearing scholarships, and their options for further education are limited.
The child medical expenses subsidy system has been institutionalized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as part of its welfare measures to support child rearing, and the Tokyo metropolitan government has established a certain income limit. Under these circumstances, the city has abolished income restrictions for the infant medical expenses subsidy system. Regarding the abolition of income limits for the medical expenses subsidy system for students up to high school age, the city will be responsible for the full amount of medical expenses for those who exceed the income limit set by the metropolitan government, which will address various issues faced by the city. We recognize this as a policy issue as it needs to be considered while taking into consideration the priority of response and financial situation.
The city, through the Tokyo Mayors' Association, is requesting the metropolitan government to abolish income restrictions throughout the metropolitan area, and through the National Association of Mayors, the city is requesting the national government to enhance financial support for unique local initiatives, as well as to encourage households with children. We request that the financial burden of children be reduced, that the child allowance qualification system be reviewed, that the income limit for child rearing allowances be eased, and that a nationwide subsidy system for children's medical expenses be established. I am.
Regarding the abolition of income restrictions for various child-rearing support measures, I believe that this should be done as a uniform system nationwide to avoid disparities due to regional financial situations.
Thank you for your understanding.
Childcare Support Division Allowance Subsidy Section
3 16th Income restrictions for Maruko (compulsory education child medical expenses subsidy system) My husband's income has increased, and Maruko (compulsory education child medical expenses subsidy system) subsidy is no longer available due to income restrictions. Even with rising prices, living conditions remain unchanged. Even though I pay my taxes properly, my child allowance has been reduced and my hospital expenses are a huge burden, which is confusing.
If things continue like this, I think you may even hesitate to go to the hospital. I would like to see medical expenses subsidized equally even during compulsory education.
The child medical expenses subsidy system has been institutionalized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as part of its welfare measures to support child rearing, and the Tokyo metropolitan government has established a certain income limit. Under these circumstances, the city has abolished income restrictions for the infant medical expenses subsidy system.
If the income limit for the medical expenses subsidy system for children enrolled in compulsory education is abolished, the city will have to bear the full amount of medical expenses for those who exceed the income limit set by the city, which will help the city address various issues. This needs to be considered, taking into consideration the priority of response and financial situation. We recognize the abolition of income limits as a policy issue, so we ask for your understanding.
Childcare Support Division Allowance Subsidy Section
4 17th Regarding income restrictions for medical expenses subsidies for high school students, etc. I learned from Public Relations Inagi that subsidies for medical expenses for high school students will begin. That's great, but there are income restrictions. Households subject to income restrictions pay more taxes due to progressive taxation, but are unable to receive multiple subsidies due to income restrictions, and have less disposable income. The child medical expenses subsidy system has been institutionalized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as part of its welfare measures to support child rearing, and the Tokyo metropolitan government has established a certain income limit. Under these circumstances, the city has abolished income restrictions for the infant medical expenses subsidy system.
If the income limit for the medical expenses subsidy system for high school students is abolished, the city will have to bear the full amount of medical expenses for those who exceed the income limit set by the city, so it will be difficult for the city to deal with various issues. This needs to be considered, taking into account priorities, financial situation, etc. We recognize the abolition of income limits as a policy issue, so we ask for your understanding.
Childcare Support Division Allowance Subsidy Section

3. Matters related to town development and living environment

No. Answer date title Content Answer Answer section/section
1 11th About street trees There are so many fallen leaves from the zelkova trees along the streets of the Hyakumura area that even if you clean them twice a day, you can't keep up with them. We understand that the city cleans the area about once a month. It would be better to have street trees for the landscape, but piles of dead leaves on roads and sidewalks are never good for the landscape. In terms of safety, I would like to see some measures taken as it is an environment where accidents such as slips caused by dead leaves, falls of bicycles on sidewalks or road edges, and falls of children occur. Regarding the street trees on the front road, since they have been a common property of the citizens for about 32 years since the management was taken over from the land readjustment association in 1990, the city has decided to remove the trees due to fallen leaves. We do not cut down trees. However, in light of the fact that the trees on the front road are closely spaced, and each tree has become larger in diameter, in some places it is obstructing the confirmation of vehicles when turning. We will also consider thinning areas.
Regarding cleaning, main roads in the city are cleaned about once a month from November to January when the leaves of roadside trees fall.
Regarding pruning, we aim to carry out pruning once every three years, but regarding the road in front of which you have expressed your opinion, we have decided to carry out pruning once every three years. Instead of pruning once every two years, we are now pruning once every two years.
We will continue to strive for appropriate maintenance and management, and thank you for your understanding.
Management Division Maintenance and Repair Section
2 11th About keeping pets in Hirao housing I'm a visiting nurse. We heard from an elderly person living in Hirao Housing that even if they wanted to keep a pet, they couldn't because of the rules. Pets have tremendous health benefits for the elderly, and you can experience these benefits through visiting nursing care. I think there are some issues and concerns, but I would like it to be possible to keep pets in Hirao housing. Hirao Housing consists of rental housing and condominium housing. Rental housing is managed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Housing Supply Corporation, and when the city informed the Tokyo Metropolitan Housing Supply Corporation about the opinions received, all of the rental housing was The answer was that keeping pets other than small birds and fish is prohibited in the residence.
In addition, I have heard that keeping pets in condominiums is treated the same way as in rental housing, according to the management association's rules.
Town Development and Revitalization Division Address Sorting and Housing Complex Revitalization Section
3 11th About fluorescent lights at bus stops The Wakabadai 1-chome bus stop has a roof with fluorescent lights, but there is no electricity even at night. Is it a malfunction or is it intentionally turned off? If the lights aren't on at night, you won't be able to see the timetable at all. Regarding the fluorescent lights on the roof of the Wakabadai 1-chome bus stop, the fluorescent lights were out, so we informed Odakyu Bus, which manages the bus, of the situation and are currently making improvements by replacing the fluorescent lights. Management Division Traffic Countermeasures Section
4 16th About traffic regulations There is a road between Keio Yomiuriland Station and the ropeway terminal for Yomiuriland, but most cars do not stop temporarily, even though there is a crosswalk that gives priority to pedestrians. I had many dangerous encounters while crossing with my children. Also, the crosswalk between the station and Lawson is the same.
Please let us know if we need to take any countermeasures or consult with the police.
The city will request the Tama Chuo Police Station to crack down on traffic violations at the requested locations, and will also install colored pavement, deceleration marks, highlighted stop signs, post cones, and warning signs to help pedestrians cross the crosswalks safely. have been installed to take traffic safety measures.
We will continue to strive for traffic safety measures.
In the event of an emergency, such as when you encounter a dangerous situation, please report to Tama Chuo Police Station.
Management Division Traffic Countermeasures Section
5 17th About the traffic rules of the Tama River cycling course As I was walking along the Tamagawa cycling course, a cyclist yelled at me and told me to "keep on the left." Is there a rule for pedestrians to drive on the left? Regarding the Tamagawa cycling course in the city, we received permission for exclusive use from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism based on the River Act, and developed it as a pedestrian and bicycle road on the embankment, and in 2018 it was connected to the Tamagawa cycling course in Kawasaki City. Masu.
As for the city, it cannot be easily widened due to restrictions in the River Act, so the width is only about 2.5 meters, and because it is connected to Kawasaki City's Tamagawa cycling course, it has been decided that, like Kawasaki City, pedestrian In order to ensure the safety of pedestrians who share the shared use of bicycles and bicycles, we ask that pedestrians and bicycles keep on the left side, in accordance with the proviso to the Road Traffic Act, rather than on the right side as stipulated in Article 10 of the Road Traffic Act.
This year, the city is installing center lines and arrows to make people aware of the need to drive on the left, and has added "Pedestrian priority" road markings to remind cyclists that pedestrians have priority. Although we have installed them, there are some points that are difficult to understand, so we are urgently working on installing signs to make it clear that both pedestrians and bicycles should ride on the left, and creating a website to disseminate rules and etiquette for bicycles. We will continue to work on it.
Management Division Traffic Countermeasures Section

4. Matters related to education (schools and lifelong learning)

No. Answer date title Content Answer Answer section/section
1 11th Regarding relief efforts by students and teachers of Inagi Daishi Junior High School (thank you) About a year ago in the winter, I fell in front of my house, and when I was unable to move, several female students from Inagi Daishi Junior High School were there and called out to me. After that, they quickly responded by arranging an AED and calling the school's teachers, and the male teacher who rushed to the scene responded appropriately. I was hospitalized for a long time after that, so I'm late in thanking you, but I'm proud that there are wonderful students at our local junior high school. If it is possible to give an award, I would like to do so. Thank you very much for contacting us. First of all, I am very happy to hear that you are doing well. Regarding this matter, the department in charge has conveyed our gratitude to the principal of Inagi Daishi Junior High School.
In addition, the department in charge will make a report at the principal's meeting, which is attended by principals of all elementary and junior high schools in the city. In addition, the Inagi Fire Department Chief will hand-deliver a letter of appreciation to the students for their good deeds, and will also introduce them in Inagi City public relations.
We will continue to strive to raise children who are kind and considerate to others. We appreciate your continued understanding and cooperation regarding school education in Inagi City.
Guidance Division Guidance Section, Inagi Fire Department Police and Defense Division

5.Other matters

No. Answer date title Content Answer Answer section/section
1 11th About crime prevention around Yanoguchi Station Around Yanoguchi Station, there are many drunk people late at night, and it feels like the public safety is deteriorating. I would like to see security measures taken such as patrolling the area around the station and installing security cameras. Based on the results of 2021, our city has the lowest number of recognized criminal law offenses and the lowest number of recognized criminal law criminal offenses per 1,000 people among Tokyo's 26 cities and 23 wards, and is ``the safest city in Tokyo excluding towns and villages.'' We have also received positive reviews. We believe that this is the result of the city's continued efforts over the years to carry out various initiatives such as crime prevention patrols in collaboration with citizens, crime prevention-related organizations, the Tama Central Police Station, and other organizations.
Among the crime prevention measures around Yanoguchi Station that you pointed out, late-night patrols have been carried out at the Yanoguchi police box from time to time. We have received a report from the Yanoguchi Police Box that they will be strengthening patrols during the time period you mentioned, as this coincides with the period when the number of traffic jams increases.
The installation of security cameras will be considered in the future based on the current installation status.
In addition, on December 21, 2020, we conducted a year-end crime prevention patrol in the city, and in front of Yanoguchi Station, we conducted a patrol from 7:00 pm at the rotary in front of the station with the cooperation of crime prevention groups and other local residents. did.
Even during the coronavirus pandemic, social and economic activities are steadily returning to pre-coronavirus levels, and it is predicted that the number of people eating out while drinking alcohol will further increase. Although we do not believe that this will have a direct impact on local safety, we believe that strengthening patrols is an effective means of preventing troubles caused by drinking.
We will continue to work together with the police, crime prevention organizations, and everyone in the community to ensure the safety and security of the community.
General Affairs Contract Division General Affairs Section
2 17th About Nashinosuke Inagi gift certificate digital version Regarding the digital version of Inagi Shinosuke gift certificate, the smartphone screen freezes almost every time I pay at the store, making it difficult to use, so I hope this will be improved next year. Regarding the phenomenon where the smartphone screen freezes when using the digital version of Inagi Shinosuke gift certificate, common causes are thought to be problems with the connection destination, the signal environment at the store, and speed restrictions due to the mobile phone contract. Masu.
Regarding problems with the connection destination, we have not received any reports of any malfunctions from the operating company, so we believe that factors such as the radio wave environment and speed limits have a large impact. Thank you for your understanding.
Economy Division Commerce and Industry Section

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Opening hours: 8:30am to 5:00pm Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
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