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July 2024

Updated: August 1, 2024

1. Thing about municipal administration

0 cases

2.Things related to health, medical care, welfare, and child-rearing

0 cases

3.Town development and living environment

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 3 days About shaded areas in parks There is no shade at the Hyakumura Shiramichi Children's Square behind the Health Center, so I would like a shaded area to be created. The city is aware of the need to prevent heatstroke and UV rays in parks, but with regard to installing park facilities other than playground equipment, such as sunshade spaces, at Hyakumura Shiramichi Children's Square, we will give comprehensive consideration to the park's usage, the surrounding environment, installation conditions, etc.
When the sun is strong, we ask that you please use nearby parks such as Hyakumura Shinka Park.
In the future, we will continue to strive to create attractive parks within the city where everyone can gather and enjoy using the parks comfortably.
Green and Environment Division Green and Park Section
2 Four days About the park The nearby Miharashi Park is spacious and open, but there is no fence, so balls fly out. I would like to see a fence put in. Also, what is the progress of the metropolitan parks? As for Odara Miharashi Park, it was developed by the Odara Land Readjustment Association as a park offering a panoramic view of the city, and was handed over to the city, so we will strive to maintain it in its current state.
For this reason, if you plan to play ball games, we ask that you use a nearby park where ball games are permitted.
Regarding Odara Yato Park, which will be a metropolitan park, we have been told by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government that it will take some time to complete the park construction. As a city, we are requesting that the park be completed as soon as possible.
Green and Environment Division Green and Park Section
3 25th About bicycle manners Currently under construction near the Landzaka Tunnel, bicycles are prohibited, but road bikes come down at incredible speeds. I hope the police and others will cooperate to crack down on bicycles and light vehicles. Regarding the Yomiuri Land Saka Tunnel, bicycles are prohibited from the roadway inside the tunnel, and measures such as signs have been put up to warn cyclists to ride on the open sidewalk. There are also signs directing cyclists to 5 Road, and signs near apartment buildings saying "Slow down" and "Watch out for the entrance to the parking lot ahead."
In order to maximize these benefits, we will consider measures such as making signs easier for cyclists to see.
The development work by the Nanzan Higashi Land Readjustment Association is aiming to be completed around the first half of 2026. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time, but please be careful when entering and exiting the apartment building.
Taking the current situation into consideration, we will be consulting with the Tama Chuo Police Station, which has jurisdiction over the matter.
Land Readjustment Section Business Management Section

4.Education (school/lifelong learning)

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 17th Request for mirror installation at Central Community Center I would like to enjoy dancing at the Central Community Center, but there is only a full-length mirror, which is difficult to use, so I would like a larger mirror to be installed. At the Central Community Center, there is an assembly room and an audiovisual room where dance practice is possible, but since the assembly room is primarily used for various lectures and meetings, and the audiovisual room is primarily used for choruses and other musical activities, there are no plans to install mirrors for dance practice. In addition to the Fourth Community Center, the Second and Third Conference Rooms of the Second Community Center, the First and Second Assembly Rooms of the Third Community Center, and the Audiovisual Room of Shiroyama Community Center all have permanent or portable mirrors installed and are suitable for dance practice, so we would appreciate your consideration. Person in charge of lifelong learning section social education, public hall


25th Establishment of emotional support classes Emotional support classes have been established in Hino City, so I would like to see them established in Inagi City as well. Regarding the establishment of special support classes for students with autism and emotional disorders, the Board of Education has been collecting information on the situation in other areas, and has heard that due to the standards set by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, there are issues such as only being able to assign teachers of certain subjects.
Taking this into consideration, our city creates individual teaching plans for children and students with autism and emotional disorders in our special needs classrooms called "Smile Rooms," and provides support tailored to each individual, such as one-on-one instruction and small group instruction.
We will continue to strive to respond to individual needs, so if you have any requests or inquiries, please contact the Guidance Division or the Inagi City Education Counseling Office or Special Needs Education Counseling Office directly.
In addition, the Board of Education will continue to study the form of appropriate support systems tailored to individual circumstances, including the establishment of special support classes for students with autism and emotional disorders.
Guidance Division


26th Regarding the lack of study space in the Wakabadai area There is a library in the iPlaza, but there is not much space to study. Also, the space where the gym is now located was vacant until quite some time ago, so I would like to see that space used for some kind of facility. Please understand that the children's center in i-Plaza operates on a time-based system if there are multiple requests for use at the same time due to space limitations. The area where the sports gym is located is a privately rented space by the management company, Inagi Cultural Center Co., Ltd. The space next to the hall, which can be seen from the station front, is rented out together with the hall as a passageway and rest area for participants in the hall project. As for spaces that can be used for study, galleries and meeting rooms that do not have reservations for use on the day will be opened up as study spaces from late March 2024, so please feel free to use them if you would like. Lifelong Learning Division, Lifelong Learning Support Section (iPlaza Division)
4 26th Regarding the lack of study space in the Wakabadai area The TV Asahi Media Center Life Park has a large amount of land, but it doesn't seem to be put to good use, so I think it would be a good idea to build a large library there. I would also like the library's study space to be expanded. The city has established six libraries in various areas of the city so that citizens can have access to a variety of books and materials in a familiar location, and as a result, we are not currently considering opening a new library. As for the land for the proposed TV Asahi Media Center, it is currently privately owned and used by a private company, so the city is not considering using it.
Regarding the study space you proposed, we believe it would be difficult to expand the city library branches, including the i Plaza Library, because they were established with the primary purpose of providing library services such as allowing citizens to browse more books in a limited space. However, when the Central Library was established, we reflected the voices of the citizens and provided 105 study seats in the Central Library and 34 seats in the adjacent Shiroyama Experience Learning Center. In addition, since fiscal year 2022, we have opened the group study room as individual study seats during the summer and winter holidays, so please consider using them. As for the number of books, the i Plaza Library has about 74,000 books, and the six libraries in the city have a total of about 680,000 books. If you would like to have a book that is not in our collection, you can make a reservation and have it delivered to the i Plaza Library, so please take advantage of this service.
Library Division Service Section

5.Other matters

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 The 9th Regarding inappropriate posters for the Tokyo gubernatorial election There are 24 posters with the same QR code for the Tokyo gubernatorial election. I think this is extremely unfair, but how will Inagi City deal with this? Regarding your report of 24 identical posters being displayed at a poster display area in the city for the Tokyo gubernatorial election, these posters represent 24 candidates for the Tokyo gubernatorial election.
The Public Offices Election Act prohibits the posting of posters with the name of the same candidate in multiple sections in order to ensure the fairness of elections. However, the poster in question is not subject to regulation because it does not include the name of the candidate and does not violate the Public Offices Election Act. Therefore, the Inagi City Election Administration Committee cannot impose any restrictions on itself, so we ask for your understanding.
In addition, the Metropolitan Police Department is the agency with the authority to crack down on violations of the Public Offices Election Act and other laws. In the recent Tokyo gubernatorial election, the Metropolitan Police Department issued a warning to a candidate who posted a poster with obscene content, even though it did not violate the Public Offices Election Act, on suspicion of violating the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's nuisance prevention ordinance. If you see any posters with such content posted, please contact us and we will report them to the Metropolitan Police Department.
Person in charge of election administration committee secretariat election
2 18th I would like to see a bicycle rental service set up in front of Inagi Station. I would like a bicycle rental and return station to be set up in front of Inagi Station. Regarding the shared bicycle station at Inagi Station on the Keio Sagamihara Line, it has been difficult to cooperate in setting it up due to the inability to secure sufficient space to meet safety and legal requirements. However, we are in discussions to be able to set it up after the completion of the "Inagi Station South Exit Station Plaza Improvement Project" scheduled for fiscal years 2024 to 2025.
The locations of the shared bicycle stations are being determined on a daily basis together with Open Street Co., Ltd., the provider of "HELLO CYCLING," while understanding needs based on usage records, etc., and new stations are being established and additional stations are being added where possible.
Person in charge of sightseeing section sightseeing
3 25th About the Public Pool The old sign in front of the pool shutters says the opening period is from July 14th, but the website says July 20th. There are many children who cannot search online, and some children come to the pool prepared, only to be disappointed and go home. I would like the sign to be removed or the correct information to be posted. We deeply apologize for the disappointment caused to children who visited the facility due to an incorrect information on the sign listing the opening hours.
We immediately checked the site and have now corrected the information on the sign to show the correct opening period. We will continue to provide guidance to facility managers and strive to ensure that residents can continue to use the facility with peace of mind.
Sports Promotion Section Sports Promotion Section
4 26th About the ALSOK Inagi Building and TV Asahi Wakabadai Media Center I would like to know whether the ALSOK Inagi Building and TV Asahi Wakabadai Media Center are on land that the city can manage. The land on which the ALSOK Inagi Building and TV Asahi Wakabadai Media Center are located is not owned by the city. Economy Section Commerce and Industry Section
5 26th About the form for submitting proposals to the city government I think the city government suggestion form should be advertised more. We have created a banner on the top page of the city's website to publicize the city policy proposal form.
With the aim of creating an attractive city, we would like to hear your specific and constructive opinions and suggestions regarding city administration that you have been thinking about for some time.
Secretarial Public Relations Section Public Relations Section

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Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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