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September 2024

Updated: October 8, 2024

1. Thing about municipal administration

0 cases

2.Things related to health, medical care, welfare, and child-rearing

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 27th

About the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Babysitter Support Program

After reading the response to our proposal in February 2024, we strongly hope that Inagi City will become a target municipality for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Babysitter Use Support Program. However, we have two questions about why Inagi City has not adopted the program.
Regarding the first point, you said, "More than half of the certified businesses in Tokyo have great difficulty in sending babysitters to Inagi City due to the shortage of babysitters, and are unable to meet the needs of Inagi residents." However, among the certified businesses, there is Kidsline, the largest babysitter matching platform in Japan, and there are babysitters who live in the city, so I think it would not be difficult to send babysitters to the city at all. Regarding the second point, you said, "There are few examples of this being introduced in other cities," but currently 11 cities are eligible for the support program, and while it is true that this is less than half of the city's area, I think it is possible to introduce it.
(1) When we checked with Kidsline Co., Ltd., which made a proposal to our city, we were told that "The babysitters we can dispatch are left to the discretion of each babysitter, and since the company does not grasp the needs of users, we do not know whether we are able to meet the needs of users." Therefore, we were unable to confirm whether dispatches to the Inagi City area would be possible.
Regarding the babysitter support program (temporary care support), we asked all 28 registered businesses in Tokyo's babysitter support program whether they could dispatch children to the Inagi area, and many of them replied, "It's an extremely difficult situation."
(2) The babysitter support program (in collaboration with babysitter businesses) is a program that responds to the diverse needs of parents and is being implemented as a measure to address the issue of children on waiting lists. We recognize that the implementation of the program will be considered depending on the situation of children on waiting lists in our city. As for the babysitter support program (temporary childcare support), as a temporary childcare service, the situation is as described in (1).
Given these circumstances, we are proceeding cautiously with our childcare program as a city, as it is desirable to have a system in place that ensures that residents can receive support, and we are closely monitoring the trends of new childcare support policies at the national level. For this reason, we will continue to study the introduction of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's babysitter support program (temporary childcare support).
Children's Comprehensive Support Center Division Play Plaza Business Section

3.Town development and living environment

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 The 6th Regarding parking for mopeds Due to the tightening of automobile exhaust gas regulations scheduled for November 2025, the relevant government agencies are considering making Class 1 mopeds into lower-power 125cc models. In this case, it is expected that the dimensions of Class 1 mopeds will also increase, so are there plans to improve bicycle parking areas?
If the vehicle dimensions are roughly the same as those of the current Class 2 mopeds, we would like to be able to allow parking of Class 2 mopeds at this time.
As part of strengthening emission regulations for gasoline direct injection vehicles and motorcycles, the "Notification Prescribing Details of Safety Standards for Road Transport Vehicles" was revised and enforced in December 2020, and these will come into effect in November 2025 for Class 1 motor-driven bicycles with an engine displacement of 50cc or less.
The city has heard that, due to the difficulty of manufacturers currently producing Class 1 mopeds with an engine displacement of 50cc or less at the same price as vehicles that comply with the new exhaust gas regulations, they plan to stop selling existing Class 1 mopeds from November 2025 onwards and instead sell new models that comply with power output restrictions for Class 2 mopeds with an engine displacement of 125cc or less.
Additionally, we have heard that the National Police Agency is planning to amend the Road Traffic Act Enforcement Regulations in conjunction with a review of related systems, so that new vehicle categories that impose power restrictions on Class 2 mopeds will be able to be driven with a moped license under the current system.
In light of the above, the city will consider changing the Wakabadai Station bicycle parking lot, which currently operates as a regular parking lot for Class 1 mopeds with an engine displacement of 50cc or less, to also include current standard vehicles and new standard-compliant vehicles of 125cc or less, in line with the revision of the related systems for these Class 1 mopeds.
Management Section Traffic Countermeasures Section
2 11th About land readjustment project The area around Inagi-Naganuma Station is deserted, especially with Gourmet City at the north exit closing and being demolished, but what kind of buildings will be built next? In the area around Inagi-Naganuma Station, we are promoting the development of a safe and secure town by developing public facilities such as roads and parks through a land readjustment project and returning land in a convenient, well-formed shape. Currently, there is a noticeable amount of vacant land (business land) in front of the station due to the relocation of buildings as a result of the land readjustment project and the voluntary withdrawal of stores. In the future, once the development of roads and housing sites is completed, the housing sites will be returned to the respective landowners.
The use of the returned land is left to the landowner, so we cannot say what type of building will be constructed. However, the city has positioned the area connecting Inagi-Nagumanuma Station and Inagi Station as the central district in its urban planning master plan, and is encouraging landowners to create a variety of functions around the stations, such as creating a lively atmosphere, improving convenience, and providing lifestyle service facilities and restaurants, by designating appropriate zoning for the area.
Additionally, on the south side of the station, we are holding urban development discussion meetings with landowners and shopping district members in the blocks adjacent to the station to study and exchange opinions on issues such as joint use for intensive use, and we aim to create a lively atmosphere around the station through the construction of commercial and residential complexes.
We are currently focusing on developing the area around Inagi-Naganuma Station. As the project progresses, some commercial facilities will be temporarily closed, but we will continue to work towards creating a lively atmosphere around the station and a safe, secure town.
Green and Environment Division, Environmental Land Readjustment Division, Public Implementation Division, Environmental Policy Division
3 19th Regarding the laying of sewer and water pipes near Sakahama 1447 I have been requesting for many years that sewer and water pipes be laid near Sakahama 1447. When I visited in 2021, I was told that the work was planned to be completed by 2024 using subsidies from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, but I was told that the work could no longer be carried out. I was not given a clear reason. I would like to know the current situation. Construction work to install a new sewer pipe on Municipal Road 1042 was scheduled to begin in fiscal 2011, but due to reasons such as being unable to obtain consent from the privately owned land on which the work is located, we have not been able to begin construction until now, and we apologize for the delay it has taken.
Currently, the landownership of the privately owned land has changed, and we have heard from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Bureau of Waterworks that waterworks construction is planned for this fiscal year, so we are also considering resuming consideration of the construction of a sewerage system.
In addition, as the association is currently considering a land readjustment project in the adjacent area, including City Road 1042, we would like to ask for your cooperation in determining the road alignment of City Road 1042 and your understanding regarding the land readjustment project.
Sewerage Division, Planning and Construction Section
4 19th Bus stop heat countermeasures This summer has been very hot, and we need to take measures against the heat more than usual. When using the Hirao 4-chome bus stop, I feel it is harder to avoid the heat compared to other bus stops because there is no roof, so I would like to ask if you could install a roof. Regarding the installation of roofs on bus stops, route bus operators are responsible for installing them if it does not interfere with the passage of pedestrians or wheelchairs.
Regarding the sidewalk where the bus stop you are asking about is located, the city has checked and found that it meets the regulations for sidewalk width and other requirements for a roof to be installed, so the city will convey the request for the installation to Odakyu Bus, the bus operator.
Management Section Traffic Countermeasures Section

4.Education (school/lifelong learning)

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 2 days Regarding school districts The way they treat families who are changing school districts is terrible. Parents enroll their children in kindergartens and nursery schools with the future in mind, but they have to go to a different elementary or junior high school. It's unavoidable from a school management perspective, but I hope that the review committee in five years' time will allow more flexibility in the choices. Regarding the change in school districts, we have established the "Inagi City School Appropriate School District Review Committee," which is composed of elementary and junior high school principals, PTA officials, neighborhood associations, and other representatives of various organizations, as well as citizens, and have been considering the need to review the school districts for the entire city from the perspectives of optimizing school size, ensuring safety on the way to school, and involvement with the local community, while placing emphasis on adhering to the school districts based on the designated school system. We will use your opinions as a reference for the next "Inagi City School Appropriate School District Review Committee." Although changes to school districts will impose a burden on the people in the affected areas, we will continue to review the ideal school districts from various perspectives. Academic Affairs Section, Academic Affairs Division

5.Other matters

No. Response date title content Answer Response Section/Section
1 5 days Sirens for the moment of silence on Victory over Japan Day I was surprised that in Inagi City, there is no silent siren at noon on the anniversary of the end of the war. I wondered why, because in my hometown, the siren goes off every year and it is a special day for me to hear about my grandparents' war experiences and reminisce about them. I confirmed that neighboring cities also use disaster prevention radio to call for a moment of silence, but is there any reason why Inagi City does not sound the siren? Calling for a moment of silence on Victory over Japan Day with the siren of the disaster prevention radio is one way of pledging peace, but the original purpose of the disaster prevention radio is to convey disaster information and information necessary to protect the lives and property of citizens. The citizens also recognize that the information disseminated by the disaster prevention radio is of a high level of urgency, and there are various opinions and complaints about the broadcasts, so the operation has to be restricted. For this reason, in Inagi City, the moment of silence on Victory over Japan Day is not called for by the siren of the disaster prevention radio, but by designated management facilities such as the city hall, depending on the situation. Inagi City also holds peace projects such as a peace haiku contest, a peace concert, and a peace panel exhibition, and will continue to strive to share awareness of peace and pass it on to the next generation, so we ask for your understanding. In addition, when we surveyed 26 cities in the Tama area, we found that only six cities sound the siren of the disaster prevention radio on August 15th. Person in charge of citizen cooperation section cooperation promotion

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2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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