Temporary Storage and Handling of Hazardous Materials during Disasters

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Page ID 1002440 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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In the event that hazardous material facilities are affected by disasters such as earthquakes, it may be necessary to store and handle hazardous materials differently than usual. Temporary storage and handling of hazardous materials during such disasters (as per Article 10, Paragraph 1 of the Fire Service Act) can be applied for and approved in advance through consultation and procedures, by making a request via phone or other means.

Expected Examples

  • Storage and Handling of Fuel in Drums and Other Containers
  • Extraction of hazardous materials from storage facilities
  • Fueling and Oil Supply by Mobile Tank Storage Facilities
  • Refueling vehicles using portable refueling equipment and mobile tank storage
  • Storage of disinfectant alcohol in outdoor or indoor evacuation shelters, etc.

About the Procedure

Illustration: Procedures during Disasters
Note: Applications by phone or other means are only possible in the event of a disaster, such as an earthquake, and only if the Inagi City Fire Department deems it necessary.
  1. Businesses planning temporary storage or handling of hazardous materials during disasters should consult with the fire department in advance regarding the details.
  2. Businesses will create an implementation plan based on prior consultations and submit it to the fire department.
  3. The fire department will accept the submitted implementation plan after reviewing its contents.
  4. After the occurrence of a disaster such as an earthquake, businesses must apply to the fire station to implement their action plans by phone or in person.
    Please note that applications by phone are only possible in the event of a disaster such as an earthquake, and only if the Inagi City Fire Department deems it necessary.
  5. The fire department will review the contents of the implementation plan and promptly approve it.

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Inagi City Fire Department Prevention Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0802 (Inagi Fire Station)
Phone number: 042-377-7119 Fax number: 042-377-0119
Contact Inagi City Fire Department Prevention Division