Proper labeling of disinfectant alcohol containers

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Page ID 1002442 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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There are examples where the labeling as hazardous material containers is not done properly for some disinfectant alcohol products.

Please check the following display regarding the containers for disinfectant alcohol.

1 Display of containers with a maximum volume exceeding 500 milliliters

Please check for labels on the outside of the container indicating the "name of hazardous material", "hazard class 2", "chemical name", "water-soluble", "quantity", and "no open flames".

2 Display of containers with a maximum volume of 500 milliliters or less

Please check the labels on the outside of the container for the "common name of hazardous materials," "quantity," and "no open flames" or other labels with the same meaning.
As examples of common names for hazardous materials, there are "ethanol" and "disinfectant ethanol," and examples of other labels with the same meaning as "no open flames" include "do not use near open flames" and "do not bring near open flames."

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