Inagi City Living Fund Loan Facilitation System

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Page ID 1002842 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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This system provides assistance to those who temporarily have difficulty obtaining living funds (housing funds, education funds, childbirth funds) by having the city arrange loans through financial institutions and subsidizing a portion of the interest on the approved loans.

Use of Funds

  • Housing Funds Funds for construction work such as home extensions, renovations, repairs, new construction, and purchases (including used houses and apartments).
  • Educational Funds Entrance fees, admission fees, facility equipment costs, school fees, tuition lump-sum payments, textbook costs, uniform and cap costs, and other necessary funds for advancing education.
  • Maternity Fund Expenses for childbirth paid to medical facilities (hospitalization fees, delivery fees)

Usage Conditions

Housing Funds

  • Loan limit within 3 million yen
  • Repayment period within 5 years
  • Loan interest rate 2.8%
  • Personal burden interest rate 0.988%

Educational Funds

  • Loan limit within 1 million yen
  • Repayment period within 5 years
  • Loan interest rate 2.8%
  • Personal burden interest rate 0.988%

Childbirth Funds

  • Loan limit within 500,000 yen
  • Repayment period within 3 years
  • Loan interest rate 2.8%
  • Personal burden interest rate 0.988%
  • Note 1 If the loan amount is within 200,000 yen, the repayment period will be within 2 years.
  • Note 2 The loan interest rate may change depending on the fiscal year.
  • Note 3 If a debt guarantee cannot be obtained due to the examination by credit guarantee organizations, etc., it may result in unsuccessful mediation, or the loan amount may be reduced from the amount applied for.


Those who meet all of the following conditions

  • Must have resided in the city for more than one year continuously
  • Persons aged 20 and over (applicants)
  • No outstanding Municipal Tax
  • The household income from the previous year is within 6 million yen.
  • The length of service or business operation is 1 year or more and is currently ongoing.
  • Having stable and continuous income
  • Currently, not having received this living expense loan arrangement

Required Documents

Housing Funds

New Construction and Renovation

  • Application Form for Inagi City Living Fund Loan Assistance (City's designated form)
  • Documents that prove the income (earnings) of all household members belonging to the applicant, such as the previous year's withholding tax statement and a copy of the latest tax return.
  • Certificate of Residence (All household members, including relationship)
  • Seal Certificate
  • Construction contract or construction estimate or construction design drawings (depending on the purpose)
  • Copy of the Building Confirmation Notification (if building confirmation is required)
  • Consent form from the landowner (in case of lease) or the land registry certificate (in case of personal ownership)
  • Notification of Grant Decision for Seismic Diagnosis Subsidy for Wooden Houses in Inagi City (Only applicable when utilizing the Inagi City Wooden House Seismic Diagnosis Subsidy System to conduct seismic diagnosis and carry out seismic reinforcement work)

Purchase of land and buildings (including apartments)

  • Application Form for Inagi City Living Fund Loan Assistance (City's designated form)
  • Documents that prove the income (earnings) of all household members belonging to the applicant, such as the previous year's withholding tax statement and a copy of the latest tax return.
  • Certificate of Residence (All household members, including relationship)
  • Seal Certificate
  • Documents that can prove new construction or purchase [copies of land or building sales contracts (with revenue stamps), site plans, actual land measurement drawings, or public maps]

Purchase of Land

  • Application Form for Inagi City Living Fund Loan Assistance (City's designated form)
  • Documents that prove the income (earnings) of all household members belonging to the applicant, such as the previous year's withholding tax statement and a copy of the latest tax return.
  • Certificate of Residence (All household members, including relationship)
  • Seal Certificate
  • Documents that can prove the purchase [a copy of the land or building sales contract (with revenue stamps), site map, and if the land use is agricultural, a land conversion permit or documents proving acceptance or processing by the Agricultural Committee]

Educational Funds

  • Application Form for Inagi City Living Fund Loan Assistance (City's designated form)
  • Documents that prove the income (earnings) of all household members belonging to the applicant, such as the previous year's withholding tax statement and a copy of the latest tax return.
  • Certificate of Residence (All household members, including relationship)
  • Seal Certificate
  • Documents such as enrollment and admission guides, payment slips, and invoices that detail the breakdown of amounts.

Childbirth Funds

  • Application Form for Inagi City Living Fund Loan Assistance (City's designated form)
  • Documents that prove the income (earnings) of all household members belonging to the applicant, such as the previous year's withholding tax statement and a copy of the latest tax return.
  • Certificate of Residence (All household members, including relationship)
  • Seal Certificate
  • Maternal and Child Health Handbook (It will be confirmed and returned at the time of reception)
  • Note 1 It takes about one month from the application to the execution of the loan, so please apply early with some leeway. Please note that you cannot apply for loans that have already been paid.
  • Note 2 You cannot combine this housing finance loan with a housing loan.
  • Note 3 If you move out of Inagi City after receiving the loan, interest subsidies will not be provided from the month following your move out.
  • Note 4 If there is a change in the repayment plan (excluding early repayment) after receiving the loan, interest subsidies will not be provided based on the date of the change. Additionally, there may be changes to the loan interest rate.

Financial Institutions

  • Sawayaka Shinkin Bank Inagi Branch
  • Sawayaka Shinkin Bank Yanokuchi Branch
  • Jonan Shinkin Bank Inagi Branch
  • Kiraboshi Bank, Inagi Branch
  • Kiraboshi Bank, Inagi Koyodai Branch
  • Kiraboshi Bank, Shin-Yurigaoka Branch
  • Kiraboshi Bank Wakabadai Branch
  • Kiraboshi Bank, Inadazutsumi Branch

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Inagi City Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Citizen Collaboration Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-5677
Contact Inagi City Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Citizen Collaboration Division