Loan System for Living Expenses, etc. (Inagi City Social Welfare Council)
Social Welfare Fund
The Social Welfare Loan Program is designed to financially support low-income households, households with disabilities, and households with Older Adults requiring care, while promoting home welfare and social participation. The program is implemented by the Tokyo Social Welfare Council, with the Inagi City Social Welfare Council serving as the contact point.
Additionally, single-parent households are prioritized for loans from Tokyo Mother and Child and Father Welfare Fund, Tokyo Women's Welfare Fund. If you are receiving Public Assistance, please consult your local welfare office.
Type of Funds
- Welfare Funds
- Educational Support Fund
Please see the following link for details
Comprehensive Support Fund
The Comprehensive Support Fund is a system that provides ongoing consultation support, living expenses, and temporary loans to households facing difficulties in their daily lives to help them rebuild their lives.
Please see the following link for details
Real Estate Secured Living Funds
This is a loan system that supports the independence of older adult households that own certain residential real estate and wish to continue living in that residence in the future by providing loans for living expenses using the property as collateral.
Emergency Small Loan Fund
The Emergency Small Loan System is a program aimed at providing financial loans and necessary consultation support to households with low income, in order to promote their stability and economic independence.
Please see the following link for details
Mutual Aid Fund
This is a system that provides loans to low-income households that have become difficult to manage due to temporary expenses and cannot borrow funds from elsewhere, aiming to stabilize their living conditions and promote household independence.
Please see the following link for details
Application / Inquiry
Inagi City Social Welfare Council
Phone: 042-401-5294 (Inagi City Social Welfare Council Loan Department)
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Inquiries about this page
Inagi City Welfare Department Livelihood Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Welfare Department Livelihood Welfare Division