Introduction to Inagi City's Comprehensive Project for Preventive Care and Daily Living Support

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Page ID 1003381 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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In Inagi City, the comprehensive project for prevention of nursing care and daily life support has been started since April 2015.
Those who show a decline in their living functions should answer the basic checklist (see below) and decide on the services to use in consultation with the Community General Support Center.

If you are using either or both of the Long-Term Care Insurance preventive services, such as day services and home help services, you can utilize preventive and living support services if it is determined necessary based on the results of the basic checklist, even without receiving long-term care certification. (Individuals aged 40 to 64 are required to receive long-term care certification.)

Elderly Care Prevention and Living Support Service Project

This service is for those who have been certified as requiring support level 1 or 2, and for those who show a decline in their daily living functions (those who meet the criteria after answering the basic checklist).
To continue activities that are hobbies or sources of fulfillment, we will engage in strength training and strive to maintain independence in daily living as much as possible. You can receive advice on exercise and daily living from professionals.
If you wish to use the service, please consult your local Community General Support Center.

Day Service A (Weekly use, relaxed standards day service)

You can engage in simple exercise and recreation through interaction about once a week.

Day Service Type C (Effective in a Short Period! Muscle Strengthening)

Intensive training will be conducted over a period of about 6 months, aiming to improve physical and daily living functions.
Individual goals will be set, and professionals from the facilities and the Community General Support Center will support achieving goals such as participation in community activities and enhancing hobbies.
Additionally, professionals will provide suggestions to help individuals continue exercising on their own after the program ends.
Services offered by each facility are introduced in videos (official Inagi City videos).

Visiting Service A (Home Help Service)

We provide assistance with daily living activities such as cleaning and laundry about once a week, support for taking out the trash, and help with shopping for heavy items.

Visiting Service C

A registered dietitian will visit and provide nutritional guidance, etc.
It is effective to address functional recovery from both exercise and nutrition perspectives.
We will inform you about how to intake energy and protein while considering your preferences.

Inagi City Comprehensive Project for Preventive Care and Daily Life Support Designated Business Operators List

This is the list of designated business operators as of June 2018.

Inagi City Long-term Care Prevention and Daily Life Support Comprehensive Business Operators Guide

General Nursing Care Prevention Project

This is a service available to all individuals aged 65 and over. (Some conditions apply.)
In particular, we support those who are currently living independently to continue living independently and vibrantly in the future.
We encourage you to actively participate.
Participants are being recruited through the Inagi Newsletter.

You can build muscle at any age! "Preventive Care Exercise Class"

From flexibility exercises that can be done while sitting in a chair to mouth exercises, even those who are not confident in their physical strength can participate with peace of mind.
Brain training is also being conducted.
This is a class held once a week for three months.

Fall and Fracture Prevention Class Focused on Lower Limbs

A health exercise instructor will visit groups of approximately 10 or more to teach exercises. (Total of 10 sessions)
The goal is to continue exercising as a group even after the sessions.

Diet Improvement Class for Healthy Aging

A registered dietitian will teach easy recipes and ways to maintain a balanced diet for the senior generation.
Those who are not good at cooking or have little experience are welcome to join.
Men are also very welcome to participate.

The key to health is the power of chewing! "Oral Function Improvement Class"

Are you concerned about "dry mouth or coughing"?
To continue enjoying delicious meals, a dental hygienist will teach you the key points of oral care.

Multifunctional Classroom

This is a valuable course where you can comprehensively learn the necessary exercise, nutrition, and oral care for building a healthy body in old age.
Health exercise instructors, registered dietitians, and dental hygienists will provide specialized instruction.
It consists of 8 classes, held once a week.

Care Support Volunteer System

In Inagi City, when Older Adults engage in volunteer activities at Long-Term Care Insurance facilities, points are awarded based on their activity achievements, and by applying, they can receive up to 5,000 yen in grants annually. (This is a substantial reduction in Long-Term Care Insurance premiums for efforts in preventive care through volunteer activities.)
Applications for caregiving support volunteers are accepted at the Inagi City Social Welfare Council Volunteer Center. (Phone number: 042-378-3800, Fax number: 042-378-4999)
For more details, please see the page below.

Places to Attend and Exercise Groups

Elderly Care Prevention Guidebook

We distribute a "Preventive Care Guidebook" that gathers necessary information such as community exchange venues and support/services for those who want to start activities in the community.

Support for employment, volunteer activities, community exchange venues, exercise groups, household assistance services (such as meal delivery services), introduction to consultation services
【Distribution Locations】
Senior Welfare Division, Community General Support Center, and public facilities within the city

Care Service Information Disclosure System

You can search for local places for visiting and interaction from the "Living Support Services Search" of the Care Service Information Disclosure System.

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Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division