Proper Management of Chemical Substances

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Page ID 1005386 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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There are a wide variety of chemical substances on Earth, with over 100,000 types that are commercialized. While they allow us to lead convenient lives, they can also have an impact on human health and other factors.
For substances that are clearly harmful, regulations are enforced by law.

Chemical Substance Proper Management System under the Ordinance on Ensuring the Health and Safety of Tokyo Residents

Business operators handling chemical substances are required to report to the city once a year if they use 100 kilograms or more of properly managed chemical substances (59 substances in total) in accordance with Article 108, Paragraph 2 of the "Ordinance on the Environment to Ensure the Health and Safety of Citizens." They are also mandated to strive for the proper management of chemical substances.

Properly Managed Chemical Substances

Chemicals that require proper management are referred to as "chemicals requiring proper management," and these are the substances defined in Article 51 of the ordinance regulations.

Note: Please refer to the list of properly managed chemical substances for the target chemical substances.

Report on the Usage of Controlled Chemical Substances (Article 110 of the Ordinance)

Businesses that handle properly managed chemical substances are required, based on the provisions of Article 110, Paragraph 1 of the ordinance, to understand the usage amount of properly managed chemical substances for each business location every year, for the previous fiscal year (from April 1 to March 31 of the following year), and to report to the mayor if the usage amount of any properly managed chemical substance is 100 kilograms or more.

For details about the system, please see the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Environmental Bureau website below.

PRTR System

Chemical substances are also regulated by the national law regarding the understanding and improvement of the management of emissions of specific chemical substances into the environment.

The PRTR system is a system that understands, aggregates, and publishes the amount of chemical substances emitted into the environment and the amount transferred off-site in waste based on reports from businesses and national estimates.

For details about the PRTR system, please visit the website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry below.

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Inagi City Urban Environment Management Department Living Environment Division
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