Groundwater Pumping Regulations

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Page ID 1005381 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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To prevent land subsidence, when installing groundwater pumping facilities (wells), the Tokyo Metropolitan Environmental Protection Ordinance (abbreviated: Tokyo Environmental Protection Ordinance) regulates structural standards and limits on pumping volume to ensure the health and safety of residents.
Additionally, including already installed groundwater pumping facilities, reporting of pumping volume is required once a year.

Installation of Groundwater Pumping Facilities (Wells)

Target Facility

All pumping facilities
Note: Only pumping facilities with a pump output exceeding 300 watts that are used solely for household purposes in single-family homes are subject to this.

Structural Standards and Pumping Regulations

Exit opening cross-sectional area Location of the Strainer Pump Output Upper limit of pumping volume
6 square centimeters or less No restrictions 2.2 kilowatts or less Average 10 cubic meters per day
maximum 20 cubic meters per day
More than 6 square centimeters
Less than or equal to 21 square centimeters
400 meters or deeper No restrictions No restrictions
Over 21 square centimeters Installation not possible    

Time of Notification

Please submit the installation notification at least 30 days before the start of construction.

  • Note: Please contact the Living Environment Division, Environmental Conservation Section in advance when you come to submit your notification.
  • Note: A copy of the notification form will generally be returned at a later date. If it is difficult for you to come to the office for the return, it will be sent by mail, so if you wish to have it mailed back, please attach a self-addressed envelope with the necessary postage when submitting the notification.
  • Note: Regarding various notification documents, due to the abolition of seals, please make corrections with double lines, etc., in case of any errors in the content.

Documents Required for Notification

  • Form No. 36 Notification of Installation (Change) of Groundwater Pumping Facility
  • Local Guide Map
  • Layout Map
  • Well Structure Diagram
  • Water Supply System Diagram
  • Catalog of Pumping Machines, Flow Meters, and Water Level Gauges
  • Geological Column Diagram (Post-Drilling Submission)
  • Pumping Test Report (Submitted After Well Drilling)

Number of Copies Submitted

One original and one copy (including attached documents)

Change or Abolition of Groundwater Pumping Facilities (Wells)

Please notify us when changing or abolishing the pumping facility, or when there are changes to the owner's name, address, etc.

  • Change of Pumping Facility: Please submit the application for the installation or modification of groundwater pumping facilities (Form No. 36) in accordance with the installation of pumping facilities.
  • Abolition of Pumping Facilities: Well Abandonment Report
  • Change of Well Owner's Name, etc.: Name Change Report

Groundwater Pumping Volume Report

Pump facility operators should understand the groundwater pumping volume from the previous year and report it once a year.

Target Facility

All pumping facilities
Note: Pumping facilities installed after July 2016, which are used solely for household purposes in single-family homes, are only applicable if the output of the pump exceeds 300 watts.

Reporting Period

From January 1 to December 31 of the previous year

Report Details

Monthly groundwater extraction volume, breakdown by usage, etc.

Submitted Documents

Groundwater Pumping Volume Report (Form No. 18)

Submission Period

By the end of January every year

Number of Copies Submitted

Part 2



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Inagi City Urban Environment Management Department Living Environment Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Urban Environment Management Department Living Environment Division