System and Procedures for Light Vehicle Tax Classification

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Page ID 1002699 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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1. Structure of the Light Vehicle Tax Classification

The light vehicle tax classification is a tax imposed on the owners of light vehicles (such as motorized bicycles and light four-wheeled vehicles, as listed in the table below) as of April 1 each year.
Unlike the automobile tax classification, the light vehicle tax classification does not have a monthly prorating system.
If you dispose of or transfer the vehicle after April 2, you will still be required to pay taxes for that fiscal year.
A "Light Vehicle Tax Classification Payment Notification" will be sent in early May, so please make your payment.
The payment deadline is the end of May (the next business day if it falls on a weekend).

2. Regarding the locations for registration and vehicle disposal procedures

Please note that the location of the procedures varies depending on the type of vehicle.

Lightweight four-wheeled vehicle

Light Vehicle Inspection Association Tokyo Headquarters Tama Branch
Phone: 050-3816-3104
Location: 183-0003 Fuchu City Asahicho 3-16-22
For details on procedures, please contact the above.

Motorcycles (over 125cc displacement)

Tokyo Transport Bureau Tama Vehicle Inspection and Registration Office
Phone: 050-5540-2033 Address: 186-0001 Kunitachi City, Kita 3-30-3
For details on procedures, please contact the above.

Motorized bicycles (engine displacement of 125cc or less) and small special vehicles, etc.

Inagi City Hall Taxation Division (1st floor, window 6)
Phone: 042-378-2111 Extension 154
Address: 206-8601 Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111

Items Required for Registration Procedures at City Hall

When purchased from a retailer
  • A. Sales Certificate
  • I. Item 3 below "Things Needed at the Counter"
When received as a transfer from an individual
(1) Previous owner has disposed of the vehicle
  • A. TheCertificate of Vehicle Disposal issued by the registered City Hall, etc.
    (The vehicle identification number and engine displacement are printed.)
  • I. Transfer Certificate
    If there is a section in the above "Vehicle Disposal Document", please use that.
    If you have not created it yet, please refer to the following linked page.
    (As long as there is no lack of information, it does not have to be in this format.)
  • 3. Items Required at the Counter
(2) The previous owner has not scrapped the vehicle (still has the license plate attached)
  • A. Old License Plate
  • I. Old Signboard Issuance Certificate
    If the previous owner has lost it and does not have it, please present documents such as the compulsory automobile liability insurance certificate that contain information about the vehicle.
  • Transfer Certificate
    If you have not created it yet, please refer to the link page below.
    (As long as there are no deficiencies in the content, it does not have to be in this format.)
  • E. Item 3 below: "What is needed at the counter"
When moving in from another city (the owner remains the same and the person moving in is the user)
(1) Previously registered at City Hall, etc. for scrapping
  • A. The deregistration document issued by the City Hall, etc.
    (The chassis number and engine displacement are printed.)
  • I. Item 3 below "Things Needed at the Counter"
(2) Moving in while remaining registered (with the license plate attached)
  • A. Old License Plate
  • I. Old Sign Issuance Certificate
    If lost, please present documents containing vehicle information, such as the postcard sent from the old City Hall regarding the number change request or the compulsory automobile liability insurance certificate.
  • 3. Items Required at the Counter

Items Required for Vehicle Disposal Procedures at City Hall

When disposing of or transferring a vehicle to another person
  • A. License Plate
  • I. Certificate of Issuance of Signboard
    (This is the document when the number is lent out)
  • 3. Items Required at the Counter
When your vehicle or license plate is stolen

Please promptly notify the police.
After that, please submit the "name of the police station notified, date of notification, acceptance number" to Inagi City Hall after confirming the acceptance number with the police station where the notification was made.

  • Note: If you are unable to return the license plate, a compensation fee will apply.
  • Note: Procedures for scrapping a vehicle cannot be completed for reasons such as "not in use for the time being" or "under repair."

3 Items Required at the Counter (Procedures at Inagi City Hall for Motorcycles, etc.)

(1) A form of identification that can confirm the identity of the person coming to the counter

Please present one of the following: driver's license, Health Insurance Card, or My Number Card.

(2) When someone other than the owner is handling the procedure

Even if they are relatives living together, please create and submit a power of attorney in addition to the one mentioned in point 1.
Please refer to the page linked below for the power of attorney (as long as there are no deficiencies in the content, it does not have to be in this format).

(3) When a seller or similar party acts on behalf of someone else to carry out procedures

Please present something that identifies you as a seller, such as an employee ID or business card.


If you fall under the following categories, there are additional documents required, so please contact the Taxation Division, Municipal Resident Tax Section, Light Vehicle Tax Officer for details.

  • Individuals or corporations without resident registration in Inagi City who own motorized bicycles, etc.
  • If the vehicle has been modified and the engine displacement has changed

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Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Taxation Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-370-7055
Contact Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Taxation Division