About the Condominium Management Plan Certification System

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Page ID 1002956 Update Date Reiwa 7, February 27

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What is the Condominium Management Plan Certification System?

In Inagi City, we have established the Inagi City Condominium Management Improvement Promotion Plan, and starting from April 2023, we are implementing a condominium management plan certification system that allows for certification from the city if the management plan meets certain standards.

Benefits of Obtaining Certification

By receiving certification for the condominium management plan, there are benefits such as the following.

  • The interest rate reduction for the Housing Finance Agency's "Flat 35" and "Condominium Common Area Renovation Loan" will be applied.
  • When purchasing the "Mansion Sumairu Bonds" from the Japan Housing Finance Agency, an additional interest rate will be applied.
  • The awareness of condominium owners towards management is increasing, and efforts can be made to maintain and improve management standards.
  • It is evaluated in the market as a properly managed condominium.

In addition, when receiving certification for the condominium management plan, if you meet certain conditions such as increasing the amount of the repair reserve fund and implementing longevity improvement work to comply with the certification standards, you will be eligible for a reduction in Property Tax (Condominium Longevity Promotion Tax System).
For more details, please see the page below.

Eligible Persons and Applicants

The target of certification is condominium apartments within Inagi City.
Additionally, the applicant will be the administrator of the condominium management association, etc.
Note: A resolution at the management association general meeting is required for the application.

Certification Standards

The certification criteria for the management plan are as follows.

1 Management Association Operations

  1. It is established by the administrator, etc.
  2. The auditor has been appointed.
  3. Meetings are held at least once a year.

2 Management Regulations

  1. The management regulations have been established.
  2. For the proper management of the condominium, it is stipulated in the management regulations regarding entry into the exclusive areas during emergencies such as disasters, and the management of repair history information when necessary for management.
  3. In order to facilitate the acquisition of information regarding the management status of the condominium, it is stipulated in the management regulations that the delivery of documents related to the financial and management information of the management association shall be provided in writing (or by electronic means).

3 Management Association Accounting

  1. Management fees and repair reserve funds are clearly separated and accounted for.
  2. There has been no allocation from the repair reserve fund accounting to other accounts.
  3. The amount of overdue repair reserve funds for more than 3 months at the end of the previous fiscal year is within 10% of the total.

4 Preparation and Review of Long-term Repair Plans

  1. The long-term repair plan is created in accordance with the 'Standard Format for Long-Term Repair Plans', and the contents of the long-term repair plan and the calculated repair reserve amount based on it have been resolved at the meeting.
  2. The long-term repair plan has been created or reviewed within the last 7 years.
  3. To ensure the effectiveness of the long-term repair plan, the planning period is set to be over 30 years, and it must include at least two major repair works within the remaining period.
  4. It is not planned to collect temporary repair reserve funds in the long-term repair plan.
  5. The average amount of the repair reserve fund calculated from the total amount of the repair reserve fund over the entire planning period of the long-term repair plan is not significantly low.
  6. In the final year of the long-term repair plan's planning period, there should be no outstanding loan balance in the long-term repair plan.

5 Others

  1. In addition to regular communication with condominium owners and others, the management association maintains a list of members and residents to ensure a prompt response during emergencies such as disasters, and confirms the contents at least once a year.
  2. It is appropriate in light of the guidelines for proper management of condominiums by prefectures and other entities.

For details on the management plan certification standards, please refer to the following guidelines.

Certification and Renewal Application Fee

When applying for the certification or renewal of the condominium management plan, the following fees will apply.

Basic Fee
4,100 yen
Additional Fee
1,800 yen

Note: If there are multiple long-term repair plans, an additional fee will be added to the basic fee for each subsequent long-term repair plan.

Flow of Certification Procedures

Application Flowchart

Illustration: Application Patterns and Procedures for Management Plan Certification
Application Patterns and Procedures for Management Plan Certification

1 Apply for a preliminary confirmation at the Apartment Management Center

Before applying for certification to the city, it is necessary to utilize the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Mansion Management Center for the "Management Plan Certification Procedure Support Service (Pre-Confirmation)", and to receive the issuance of the "Pre-Confirmation Compliance Certificate" which certifies that a condominium management consultant has confirmed the compliance status with the management plan certification standards in advance.

  • Note: There are four patterns for the prior confirmation by the condominium management specialist, as shown in (1) to (4) in the above diagram.
  • Note: In any case, there will be a preliminary review fee and a fee for using the "Management Plan Certification Procedure Support System".
  • Note: If you apply for the "Condominium Management Proper Evaluation System" along with the management plan certification (Pattern (2)), additional registration fees and evaluation/application fees will apply.

For more details, please visit the Condominium Management Center's website.

2 Issuance of Pre-Confirmation Compliance Certificate

A "Pre-Confirmation Compliance Certificate" will be issued by the Condominium Management Center to the managers of condominiums that meet the certification standards for management plans. The Management Plan Certification Procedure Support System (an online electronic system) will be used.

3 Application for Certification to the City

Please use the Management Plan Certification Procedure Support System (an electronic system on the internet) to apply for the certification of the management plan to the city.

4 Payment of Certification Application Fee

The city will confirm the application and send the payment notice, so please pay the certification application fee.

5 Issuance of Notifications

As soon as the payment of the certification application fee is confirmed, the city will review the application content, and if it is deemed to meet the criteria, a certification notification will be issued and mailed.

6 Publication

The "Certified Management Plan Apartment Viewing Site" of the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Apartment Management Center publishes information on apartments that have received certification for their management plans.
Additionally, you can choose not to publish this information at the time of application.

List of Certified Managed Condominiums in the City
Certification Code Certification Date Apartment Name Location
132250240000101 February 21, 2024 Tama New Town
Bistarie Koyodai Housing Complex
6-1 Koyodai, Inagi City, Tokyo
132250240000201 September 5, 2024 Proud City Minamiyama 2416 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
132250250000101 January 14, 2025 Astios Inagi 1-774 Yanokuchi, Inagi City, Tokyo
132250250000201 February 26, 2025 Inagi Park Homes 1624-1 Momura, Inagi City, Tokyo

Validity Period of Certification

The validity period of the certification is 5 years from the date of certification.
If the renewal application for the certification is not submitted by the expiration date, the certification will become invalid.
The process for the renewal application is the same as that for the initial certification application.

Changes to the Approved Management Plan

Change Certification Application

After receiving approval for the management plan, any changes related to the management plan approval criteria, except for minor changes, will require a change approval application.

Change Application Fee

Change Items Basic Fee Additional Fee
1 Management Association Operations 4,800 yen 2,600 yen
2 Management Regulations 4,000 yen 2,600 yen
3 Management Association Accounting 4,600 yen 2,800 yen
4 Long-term Repair Plan 9,800 yen 5,200 yen
5 Others
(Member List, Resident List, etc.)
2,900 yen 1,700 yen
6 Others 2,000 yen 900 yen
  • Note: If there are multiple long-term repair plans, an additional fee will be added to the basic fee for each subsequent long-term repair plan.
  • Note: If there are multiple items to be changed, the total amount will be the sum of the fees for the relevant items.

How to Apply for Change Certification

In the change certification application, the management plan certification procedure support service (pre-confirmation) is not available.
Please attach the required documents to both the original and copy of the change certification application form and submit them directly to the city.

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Inagi City Department of Urban Development Community Development Rebirth Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-9719
Contact Inagi City Department of Urban Development Community Development Rebirth Division