For those who have dogs or cats
When keeping dogs and cats, if the owner does not know the correct way to care for them, it can not only harm the health of the animals but also cause inconvenience or harm to people. Owners have the responsibility to understand the habits and physiology of living animals and to care for them with love throughout their lives.
Additionally, we have received complaints from citizens regarding dogs being left off-leash and not cleaning up after their dogs during walks. Let's keep good manners and take care of our dogs.
Abandoning dogs and cats is punishable by law.
Let's keep them for life with love and responsibility. Owners who do not wish to breed should have their pets spayed or neutered. Spaying and neutering can also prevent issues such as urine spraying, vocalizations during heat, and fights between animals. Additionally, it has benefits such as making their temperament calmer and easier to handle.
Let's train our dogs
If you keep a dog, be sure to train it properly. Training is essential for humans and dogs to live well together in the same society. Please ensure that your dog learns at least the following: "obey the owner's commands," "do not bark unnecessarily," and "do not attack people or other animals."
Let's stop letting dogs run loose
Letting dogs run loose is prohibited by Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance. To prevent trouble during walks, please make sure to keep your dog on a leash (lead, chain, etc.).
Please be sure to take your waste home with you.
Abandoned feces can be very unpleasant. Please carry a waste bag when walking and be sure to take the feces home. Also, in residential areas, please make sure to walk only after your pet has relieved itself.
By training your pet to relieve itself in specific areas inside the house, you will no longer need to manage feces or urine during walks, and you won't have to go for walks on rainy days. Please make sure to instill the habit of relieving itself indoors. Additionally, if your pet urinates on gateposts or utility poles, please be considerate and wash it away with water.
Keep cats indoors
If there is an environment where cats can move up and down, they can be kept safely indoors without the risk of accidents. To enable vertical movement, it is important to create ways for them to climb on furniture, as well as to provide specialized litter boxes and scratching posts. Additionally, spaying or neutering is a key to successfully keeping them indoors.
Let's attach identification tags and name tags.
There are not a few animals that get lost and cannot return to their owners. To clarify the responsibility of the owner and to make it easier to find animals that cannot return to their owners, let's attach identification tags to dogs and name tags to cats and other animals. This will also be helpful in the event of large-scale disasters that are expected in the future.
Let's display the dog sign
If you own a dog, you are required to display a sign indicating that you have a dog in a visible location near the entrance of the land or building where the facility is located. (Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on the Protection and Management of Animals, Article 9)
There is no specific shape for the dog sign. Please display something that indicates you have a dog in a visible place such as your entrance. If you create it yourself, please use waterproof paper (laminated) or print it on regular paper and cover it with a waterproof sticker. Additionally, dog ownership stickers are also distributed as mentioned below.
Distribution Locations for Dog Owner Stickers
- Health Center (1-112 Momura, Inagi City) Phone 042-378-3421
- Wakabadai Branch Office Phone 042-350-6321
- Hirao Branch Office Phone 042-331-6346
About the Animal Accompaniment Evacuation Health Handbook
During a disaster, not only people but also pets are affected. Inagi City and the Minami-Tama Branch of the Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association have established a "Agreement on Measures for Animal Rescue during Disasters" to provide rescue activities for pets (small animals) such as dogs and cats in the event of a disaster. Since confusion is expected during a disaster, it is important to prepare in advance.
Things We Definitely Want You to Do
- Dog Registration
- Wearing a Dog Tag
- Rabies Vaccination (once a year)
- Wearing of rabies vaccination tags (annual)
Things to do for your pets on a daily basis
- Control of fleas and ticks
- Various Vaccinations
We are distributing the "Animal Accompaniment Evacuation Health Handbook" to record these details.
Distribution Locations for Animal Evacuation Health Certificates
- Health Center (1-112 Momura, Inagi City) Phone 042-378-3421
- Inagi City Hall (General Information) Phone 042-378-2111
- Wakabadai Branch Office Phone 042-350-6321
- Hirao Branch Office Phone 042-331-6346
- Shindo Animal Hospital (1968-3 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City) Phone: 042-378-1431
- Shin-Yurigaoka Animal Hospital (2-9-6 Hirao, Inagi City) Phone 042-331-5731
- Sunshine Animal Hospital (9-958 Oshitate, Inagi City) Phone 042-377-3885
- Nosaka Veterinary Clinic (1251-1 Yanokuchi, Inagi City) Phone 042-377-7790
Preparation for Emergencies
I suddenly had to be hospitalized, I can't return home for a while due to an accident while out, my owner has passed away...
In such times, is there anyone who can take care of the pets left at home? Pets cannot seek help on their own. It is essential for you, as the owner, to be prepared for emergencies.
Find someone to entrust your pet to
Find someone who can temporarily take care of your pet or someone who can provide lifelong care on your behalf, and get their consent in advance while you are still healthy.
Emergency Contact Card
In Tokyo, we have created an emergency contact card. By having an emergency contact card, even if you find yourself in a situation where you cannot communicate, you can inform those around you about the presence of your pet. It allows you to fill in basic information about the owner and pet, the contact information of your regular veterinary clinic, and the contact details of someone who can take care of your pet in case of an emergency.
Emergency Contact Card for Pets (Source: Tokyo Animal Protection Consultation Center, Wan Nyan Tokyo) (PDF 1.3MB)
A4 double-sided printing -
Tokyo Animal Protection Consultation Center Wan-Nyan Tokyo(External Link)
To view the PDF file, you need "Adobe(R) Reader(R)". If you do not have it, please download it for free from Adobe website (new window).
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Inquiries about this page
Welfare Department Health Division, Inagi City
112-1 Momura, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0804 (Inside Inagi City Health Center)
Phone number: 042-378-3421 Fax number: 042-377-4944
Contact the Welfare Department Health Division, Inagi City