If Your Pet Dog Gets Lost
If your pet dog gets lost, please contact the following.
- Health Center (Momura, Inagi City) Phone 042-378-3421
- Tokyo Animal Protection Consultation Center Tama Branch (Hino City) Phone 042-581-7435
In the event that the Tokyo Animal Protection Consultation Center rescues dogs or cats within Inagi City, a notice will be issued. The notice is posted on the bulletin board located at the main entrance of Inagi City Hall.
The Tokyo Animal Protection Consultation Center also accepts inquiries regarding pets.
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Inquiries about this page
Welfare Department Health Division, Inagi City
112-1 Momura, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0804 (Inside Inagi City Health Center)
Phone number: 042-378-3421 Fax number: 042-377-4944
Contact the Welfare Department Health Division, Inagi City